Are NEET's modern day Kings? Does anyone else treat wagies like their own personal slaves?

Are NEET's modern day Kings? Does anyone else treat wagies like their own personal slaves?

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NEETs are basically niggers. Prove me wrong

Kings are powerful leaders
You're a beta faggot who jerks off to cartoons

Kings live a life of extreme leisure who have a endless legion of slaves(you) to care for their every need.

based NEET poster

Abraham was a NEET

Honestly people that wage slave their whole life away, are either completely unaware of how fucked they get and how unfair the system is towards them. Or they talked themselves into the "moral obligation" thing.

First case is just pathetic and second case is just wrong and dangerous for society.

if you can afford to not work or not work full time and pursue hobbies/interests/travel/artistic pursuits then you're definitely a step above your average wagecuck who's indifferent towards their job but has to stay cause of the money, you definitely ain't a kang tho, real modern day kangz who do whatever the fuck they like are international players like george soros

NEETs are ascended Nietzschean übermenschen who understand that the path to personal freedom lies in financially subduing lower people eager for earnings brownie points from the society for tiresome mindless labor, also known as wagecucks. We, as great architects, must reconstruct the social order to seal the current role of a wagecuck into permanent obedience to his NEET overlords.

Its an interesting thought. What level of service difference is there between neets and kings of the past?
>chefs everywhere you go
>friendly smiling 'yes sir' service everywhere you go
>lyft/uber drivers on call
>dont have to do any work

It's better than being a tumor on your parents backs.

the only tumor is in your head making you think that working in todays day and age is any different than slavery in former times

You must be one of those unaware peoplel. Tell me how was the football match of your son on the weekend? Did you talk to your other normie wage slave parent friends about how stupid and unimportant you are?

"The NEET shall inherit the earth."

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I would just love to see a picture of OP. I honestly dont give a fuck if you sit around all day and collect wellfare or leach of your parents. In the end it is not about money but it
is about if you are happy. You are a chad and have social skills and can pick up girls and like to travel right ? Not some basement dwelling autist ? R-right ? Yeah I thought so. Just kys, dont do it at home your parents will be upset lol

I'm a bank teller. I get paid 14 an hour just by counting people's money. Dosen't feel like slavery. Nice cope though.

>NEET's modern day Kings

If being poor and basically worthless and expendable is your thing, then be a neet

>counting peoples money
Are you counting rupees or why cant your bank afford one of these?

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I own multiple properties paid cash in three western European countries. I have a large art collection, a good gold and silver stack, three two antique collections (arms and armour, furniture). I have children who are just turning 17/18 and heading to university to science courses. I have 4x4s a blondy an ex wife, a merc, an on call driver and a private security firm who gives me 48 hours of close protection bodyguards on call, a cook on call for 4 days a week, a cleaning firm and property maintenance contracted who keep my places spotless and maintained. I spend most of my day with my horse and dogs and enjoying my forestry land..

I got this by being a 'wageslave' from 16 to 40. I shit on you OP, in an ideal world people like you would be killed for sport and entertainment.

>I spend most of my day with my horse and dogs and enjoying my forestry land..

And then you wake up and post on Jow Forums

>And then you wake up and post on Jow Forums

I'm hungover. Yeah why not?

ragie wagie

So you're a NEET who hires wagies as personal slaves? And you have something against the OP?

>So you're a NEET who hires wagies as personal slaves? And you have something against the OP?

Because he wants gibs money. What I live off I earned.

No they are mostly people without any ambitions. Im a wagie but i dont plan on beeing it for long its just something i need to do to lay the foundation for my freedom. I have several side projects to archieve this. As soon as its possible ill leave the wagie live behind. Most NEETs however never actually improve their situation. They are living at the whim of their government who can basically do as they please with them. If the government one day decides NEETs should be chemically castrated to continue to receive benefits there is not much that can stop them. You are almost as bad off as the wagies just marginally better.

You're living off gibs too.

I saw a NEET thread on /lit/ earlier.
Is this actually becoming some new type of cultural phenomena, or is it just a meme?

Young men are dropping out of society at an exponential rate because shit's fucked if you're not at least an 8/10 Chad and they have literally nothing to strive for anymore.

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It's just NEET losers circlejerking each other. Regardless of what they say or think, they'll be in for a rude awakening in the future once their parents pass away.

>be wagecuck
>LARP this hard to hide the fact that you have a dead end minimum wage job and student debt

>parents pass away
>inherit the house and their savings
I don’t see a problem here.

It's only just beginning.
Things are going to get crazy within the next decade.

Unless it's the same people posting some larp over and over on different boards.
It could actually be some new trend like user here said

>new type of cultural phenomena

yes at some point in time people realized that they get fucked so they started rebelling

lmao @ all the seething wagies itt

every thread man

i made one the other day and it was still going the day after lmao. it hit over 200 replies. the wagies just lose it, literally frothing at the mount, they dont know how to restrain themselves lmao

>nofriend loser
>kissless virgin
>lives at mommies house
>physically pathetic, cant even vanquish foes
>thinks he's a king
user I.....

We achieve all that and more while not wage cucking in our 20s and can actually enjoy our youth that you can never buy back.

>be a fat tub of lard
>12 at night
>haven't showered in 3 weeks
>just cum and pee all over myself all the time and never clean up, nor do I care
>covered in horrible ass smells
>go to mcdonalds knowing only the drive thru is open
>cut in between one of the cars at the window
>make up some bullshit story about how I have no car
>women really doesn't want to serve me
>make her get her manager who tells her to serve me
>this takes like 10 minutes meanwhile I can see everyone in their cars behind me getting super mad
>order like 10 things totaling over 40 dollars
>takes like 10 minutes to complete my order
>give the women an evil look when she hands me my bags
>she's about to shut the window and I tell her to give me extra ketchup while giving her a dirty look
>come home and eat all of it and throw the garbage on the floor

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Projecting cope the post

the government and central banks destroyed the economy so all thats left is shit jobs nobody wants to work

>This much coping from neets ITT
>Neets who think they're hot shit living with their parents and their little shitcoin stacks

My sides. OP's post was trolling, but there are actual delusional leeches here who think they are better than people who work and have careers. Is the system fair? No, but it never was throughout human history. Stop making excuses and get a job you useless sack of shit.

People are arguing apples/oranges in this thread. NEETs who can pay their way vs. NEETs who can't.


obvious bait to get wagies mad but i laugh every time
>just get back from cucking where i was able to trade crypto the whole time
>feel great and happy when done with 'work'
>come home and enjoy crypto , games, and porn more than i would if i would have stayed home all day like a degenerate NEET

Listen close NEETs, all of you hate your selves. Every day is misery, you wake up feeling like a sack of shit. Sure it was fun when you first started, but now every day is mundane. Nothing is fun or exciting anymore

How do i know? I use to be a NEET, normie, druggie, autist and a mix of them all
Being a NEET was horrible and soul crushing, now go jack off again for the 10th time today.

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Come on NEETs, score your good boy points. Bring those pee bottles down and insult some wagies on a mongolian rice farming board. That will teach em. Good thing i'm living in europe so I can hardly get shot by a frustrated NEET incel neckbeard with a A-15. You want to be a chad, but you will never be. Just neck yourself.

Usually FPBP is a refutation of the OP. Here, two non-mutually exclusive claims are presented and juxtaposed. I believe them both to be correct. NEETs are the new African Kings.

i know your busy with that report the big man wants done by 5pm, but keep the larps coming bucko

My goal in crypto is to get rich enough that I can create a company just so I can hire a bunch of wageslaves to torture.

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what are some good activities to do with all this free time? i think about taking up kayaking. i live right next to a comfy river

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You can be a productive NEET. You can make your own video games, or music. You can write books. Or if that doesn't interest you, you can develop your body and learn martial arts. I see no problem with being a NEET if you do it right.

what if you have all those things (minus liking to travel) but you don't pursue any of it because all you care about is financial freedom. not a neet but essentially act like one when off work and stay at parent's even though it's not pleasant. i cannot ever envision letting all that money burn on rent when it can help me be free through investments faster

The only wagecucks you interact with are McDonald's employees, which is where you will inevitably end up