Fuck Germany

Fuck Germany
Dresden firebombing best day of my life
God bless the RAF

Attached: dresden bombing.webm (640x360, 2.68M)

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that's cruel


Imagine being shoot down and captured by the Germans after that

Looks horrific

>it was just banter, m8

Dresden was a legit target

fuck you, dresden was so pretty

i like'em med rare desu

Attached: onehotgermboi.jpg (1000x706, 189K)


They asked for it.

why you defend Germany when they tried to genocide you?

Love thy neighbour

why do you live in Germany when you don't like it?

why not?

that is very noble of you

i find it interesting that Brits and Poles are much more hostile towards Germans than Russians, even though Germans didn't even try to genocide Brits

poles are autistic as fuck and brits just like to banter

If you kill a Russian you're doing him a favor by rescuing him from a life in Russia.


Revenge for Coventry

I hope you are right but I have the feelings that the Brits really dislike Germans

>UK blockade was just for bants

Attached: BOMBERHARISDOITAGAIN.png (441x439, 62K)

They deserved it for all the cities the Germans razed including Warsaw, Amsterdam and London and I'd even say Americans were so kind.

who cares what those anglo niggers may think or not? They are replaced by pakis and niggers, good thing they left EU honestly

Brits are just angry people with the largest inferiority complex.

hmmm but Great Britain used to be a great Empire that spread culture and industrialization across the world
We shouldn't forget that

times have changed sadly

sadly this is true
at least Brits still have a glorious past they can remember

dog bless

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