This is the bitcoin chart over the last couple years.
You do realize that this correction is nearly over right?
It is very likely that we will never see Bitcoin go below $6k again.
This is the bitcoin chart over the last couple years.
You do realize that this correction is nearly over right?
It is very likely that we will never see Bitcoin go below $6k again.
just in case you didn't see it.
helping you out some more.
Ahahahahaha the delusions are real
I believe the oft-quoted phrase belongs here:
Zoom out.
Why are you ignoring 2014 year with a 1000 days dip? People can't be that stupid
nasdaq chart for reference
>it has to go only up
where do you retards come from?
>inb4 muh limited supply
Gold has a limited supply and it's not just constantly going up.
2008 was a bear trap
No where near the amount of support and market cap that it does now.
So, now's the best time to buy for max gains?
you were saying?
I agree with this chart. I frequent many bitcoin trading forums and one trend is visible above all others: That this is another 2014 crash followed by a 2 year bear market. In the history of bitcoin the only certainty is that bubbles will form and pop but the length of the bear market was never the same as the previous one.
when mtgox went down it killed 80% of trade volume
took a long time for people to recover and trust exchanges again
>That this is another 2014 crash
listen retard, 2014 was caused by literally the only notable exchange exit scamming the whole market at once.
What exactly is the comparable event here?
Exactly, nothing.
I still believe in you.
So you think btc will go below 6k? I think there so much more support now when compared to 2014 to prevent it from crashing the way it did then.
something bad happening with bitfinex tether
That's valued in USD without accounting for inflation moron.
Pic for reference.
Exit the market then. You won't.
If you're worried about entry price you could scale into a position using weekly buys if the price goes down you don't lose out too much and if it goes up at least you are in a position.
Mate of mine got fucked by indecision in 2017, he could have got in at 1200 area but couldn't pull the trigger untill 7k and lost out on a lot of gainz (he sold at 18k and bought back in on the second bounce from ~6k)
Me being a lazy bastard have just been hodling because when we reach 25k I'm going to cash out and retire.
something bad has to happen for a crash, the possibility alone isn't exactly enough
the value of dollar got through two fucking wars and a financial depression that lasted several years, no surprise the chart looks like this
I think I made my point poorly, apologies. What I meant was that everyone and their dog think that this is a repeat of 2014 but I do not think so because bitcoin has never repeated a movement 1:1 after a pop.
My prediction is a summer rally with a peak somewhere in august - September area to near 100k.
being this delusional
Another chart for you all.
nasdaq scaled over bitcoin
Daily reminder that btc was under $1k early 2017
Interesting chart
i swear to god all of these wanna be doomsday economists and bitcoin-fanatics posting charts like these have no clue about finance and economics and need to seriously rethink their life's choices before they hurt temselves too much in their delusion.
the problem is that BTC is speculative; imagined value. there is a limit to that. crypto wasnt mass adapted in a decade and there is no need to ever be
2 year bear market. Mtgox is and will wlways be a part of bircoins history. Forever affecting future pricing. Every major sell off of bitcoin this bubble was from a mtgox holder of bitcoin.
The universe is infinite, thus infinite gold u brainlet.
>speculative; imagined value
not only that but as stated bu Buffet; its a ponzi and I suspect it collapsed and slowly bleeding out. Having said that I believe you can become rich in Ponzis IF YOU GET IN EARLY. even back in summer 2017 it was too late
The universe is not infinite tho you absolute idiot.
>as stated bu Buffet; its a ponzi
>not speculative
>implying there are different kinds of value instead of it being simply a function of supply and demand
4k is still possible
Disclimar: I am invested didnt sold anything and I am not short.
as a brainlet surely u can see how this is not sustainable right?
So wait for the dip around August then go /allin/ then, gotcha
>it unsushtanabele
when you line up 2014's parabolic run to 2017's, they line up but only if you condense time for 2017. 2017's pattern follows MUCH faster. Food for thought.
Bear trap? It was the fucking recession. Jesus Christ, how old are you kids? If you were born in the 2000s, you need to drop the Coinbase account and walk away.
bitcoin is the ultimate shitcoin. its ultra slow and transaction fees are ridiculously high. bitcoin needs to die for crypto to live
I'm sorry but if bitcoin dies before the ETH flippening, then we're fucked. The whole market will crash and burn. ETH needs to take the top spot first and then BTC could go to hell.
>bitcoin is the ultimate shitcoin. its ultra slow and transaction fees are ridiculously high. bitcoin needs to die for crypto to live
Here's the Facebook to Bitcoin's Myspace friendos