Flag bearers edition

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First for Kos Um Al Turduni

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kos im el t*rdun



hello iceland, what brings you to this cursed general?

>be the only engineer /mena/
>everyone hates you and says youre a retard


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no lol

boredom and curiosity

I feel that disgusting moroccan smell through this image

Future of MENA

P.S - (((You))) can't stop it.

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pretty sure youre not the only engineer here

Me too

nothin much hbu?

cringe. Engineers are usually superiority complex autists that repel others away from them. And I am an engineer my self. What do you study?

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absolutely based, can't wait for 2030.

Never mind I just saw the pic.

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what does mena think of turks?

what does mena think of mediterranean euros?

what does mena think of scandinavians?


I just came back from a wedding and I am going to sleep in minutes :/

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all good and better people than arabs, that's for sure

>what does mena think of turks?
the ones who aren't islamists or retarded "TURCIYE SUPERPOWER SOON"-tier nationalists are pretty cool

>what does mena think of mediterranean euros?
>what does mena think of scandinavians?
theyre cool

>what does mena think of turks?
In egypt, it's either one of the following:
1- "OMG le based Caliph Erdogan, Ottoman Caliphate 2 when??"
2- "Eh."

>what does mena think of mediterranean euros?
Just like any other europeans really.

>what does mena think of scandinavians?
Vikings n sheeit, first world, etc. . .

thanks for the input

are you Flemish?

who hyped for khabib vs conor here?

>what does mena think of turks?

Cool history and a great country to visit. I think half of the population hate arabs though. I also think Ottoman domination of Arab lands led to the decline of arab culture. I don't like Turkey's policies in Syria though. But I like Turkey's policies else where.

>what does mena think of mediterranean euros?

Cool history too and great countries to visit.

>what does mena think of scandinavians?

Don't know much about them but Scandinavia is very developed, right..? I guess they're cool.

No he's a /mena/ migrant.

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ME! I cringed so hard listing to Conor during the press conference. I hope Khabib beat the living shit out of him.

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Khabib's fists are blessed by Allah, most graceful, himself desu.

Inshallah, he will make quick work of the infidel Connor.

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no I'm not, what do you know about flemish people?

So how's life where you guys live? Do you like your country?

I'm a new fag but kek I like Netanyahu

I finished studying, i'm a generalist engineer i just know how to do maths and coding lmao.

Gonna begin my first job on monday HYPED.

yeah I like my country except in foreign policy desu. Wish we were like Oman in that regard instead.

I wish you an ill shitty future. What are you going to work as?

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desu when i was there they did tell me they dislike arabs a lot

well, yeah we are developed but our model is hard to replicate anywhere else

just general stuff i learned in school

they used Belgium as a model to teach us about successful integration of different ethnicities

it's great, how about you?

Good night Jow Forums

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no, its a shithole tribal society where a few worthless tribes which are a minority of the population hold inordinate power and are basically above the law because they suck up to the king

Good night.

goodnight uaenon

>they used Belgium as a model to teach us about successful integration of different ethnicities
Oh boy...
Did they tell you that flemish people hate walloons with a passion? They also want independance etc
is Iceland considered to be scandi? I just now you guys are filthy rich and have V-O-L-C-A-N-O-S

Cool flag bearers.

I will work in a bank as an asset management, pretty boring job if you ask i'll probably just be sitting 10 hours a day doing excel lol but im very well paid so i dont care

yes that is exactly what they told us actually

nordic yes, but not scandi

Scandinavia means danger island (Skaðin-awjō). It only refers to Denmark, Norway and Sweden. Some anglos lump us together tho

Kurds are Iranians and should STFU with the CIA-engineered independent movement.

I'm fucking pissed off. Why is there no decent place for a Muslim to live? Fucking cruel rulers of UAE and Saudi make it so hard for Pakistanis to obtain nationality and not be treated like shit. I would learn Arabic and wear Arab clothes. But noooooooo you motherfuckers make it so hard to obtain citizenship and you kick us out of the country on short notice. It's easier to get a fucking kafir country citizenship than a good Muslim country one! Fuck man I just want to live a decent comfy life but you nationalist bastards prevent it. Die in your rage motherfuckers!

What tribes?

what's wrong with Pakistan? If you're so desperate, move to America.

Just Khaleeji Subhumanry desu. It's literally easier for someone from MENA to get citizenship in ANY european country than any gulf country.

FYI to be eligible for kuwaiti citizenship, you need to have lived at least 15 continuous years and know Arabic.

Have you ever tried moving? It's really hard. Especially to yuro countries and moving to the States is even much more difficult if you come from a 3rd world country.

it's a fucking shit country
shit low salaries, senior doctor makes only $2000 per month
there are still power cuts due to insufficient supply
prices on decent quality goods that don't blow up are high due to tax
bid'ah in islamic practice
the country is overpopulated and quite dirty, roads are dangerous
i just fucking want a decent Muslim state like the UAE that also gives citizenship

and i'm not going to America I would get shot by a patriot or jailed by FBI for being anti-America and pro-Islam

I would love to visit yours one day, I like the simplicity of the landscapes
can't you understand someone who speaks norwegian for example?
Why do you want to get out of Pakistan?

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No, I don't want to move lol. I visit America regularly and it is fun but I wouldn't want to live there.

I meant he could get a good job and then apply as a software engineer for a work visa. USA wants well educated and skilled workers.

>tfw when i obtained french citizenship within 5 years and without marrying a french whale

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>and i'm not going to America I would get shot by a patriot or jailed by FBI for being anti-America and pro-Islam

>muslim on Jow Forums
the fuck. Are you just larping like Turduni?

>Pro Islam

that's your problem, sandnigger
fuck off

Khabib will kill him.

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How can we bring back al andalus moroccan occupation of spain, sicilian emirate and everything below po as muslim? Aswell as ottoman rule in all balkans? Bros?

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hmmm, I see

Aren't there millions of Pakis in UAE?

Yes, we can. They need to speak slowly though. I cannot understand shit if they talk fast.

what's the deal with their ears??

Thanks for flag newfag.
Also fuck Jews.

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Add this flag to OP

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nope, not larping, I'm a real practising Muslim
Read Seerah, Quran, many hadiths, I spend a lot of time on Islamic websites like IslamQA and Ummah Forums

Go fuck your monkey mother you shit eating chimpanzilian

nice viking bro

what you don't seem to understand is that you are the reason your country is such a shithole, you deserve to live in pakistan.

How many infidels did you convert today ya a5wani

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cauliflower ears are the result of repeated blows to the ear
pretty much every fighter who gets hit a lot there will develop it, some more severe than others but it's mostly harmless

>cauliflower ears
Now that's funny

Most Pakis are shitty Muslims who partake in countless degenerate shit but constantly LARP as the most devout Muslim there is when talking to other people

UAE is 60% south asian but the 2 biggest non-south asian groups are Iranians(~4% of the UAE's population) and Egyptians(slightly lower than Iranians).

Yes there are many Pakis in the UAE but they are only temporary workers that can lose their job and be told to fuck off at any time. No rights.
Why the fuck are you even here if you hate Islam? Dont call yourself Moroccan just go post in /fr/ and pretend to be ethnic French in real life
Educated people like me are in the minority, people here are ignorant about Islam
Pakistan has a fucking "third gender" of shemales and people go to "awliya" and ask for blessings as if they are magic

Al Andalus is muslim land.

You shoukd add an al andalusian flag bearer.

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Based Gothic basque

JIDF? Go home

Oh wait, I completely forgot about Philippines desu.

>Why the fuck are you even here if you hate Islam? Dont call yourself Moroccan
>You have to be a muslim to be a moroccan
That isn't how it works.

What is up, my dudes?

It's common to see jiu-jitsu fighters with fucked up ears like these.

hating islam is based and redpilled

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MOROCCAN has more of a place here than some Paki who thinks this is the /Islam/ general

I'm an actual Muslim that knows what God commands of us, in fact I'm not even going to have music played at my wedding (maybe daff only) and I'm not going to have an unsegregated wedding
I use Muslim chat servers where people discuss Islam and I know about the great Muslims like Sayyid Qutb

How come they don't have ear protections yet?
>I'm an actual Muslim that knows what God commands of us,
Cool down the arrogance

You also post on Jow Forums
Opinion and LARPing dismissed

I do not hate islam, i just dont care lmao
I'm still culturaly arab/muslim tho since i was raised this way, i dont see why i should deny my identity and act like a frenchie XD

The pakistani is literally just looking for (you)s

where are all the other tunsis? were they all flooded? :/

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i still miss my tunisian qt from interpals

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Does the "Islamic" State even exist anymore.


We should discourage non-Muslims of our nationality who are 99% going to be murtards who left deen for dunya. I don't even think of non-Muslim Pakis as Pakis
Why don't you fuck off to Jow Forums everyone loves Israelis there for killing Muslims. Likud-supporting nigger

take a look from your window
baqqiyah all the way

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There are no synagogues outside by window, only mosques as it should.

Good, go search for less pious pakis and murder them.

>not posting the updated version

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Andalusia is muslim land, great mosque of QUTUBA and AL-ANDALUSI

you're not "educated" nor are you unique, salafists like you are a dime a dozen and they never ever contribute anything useful to society.


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>be muslim bcs parents and grandparents were muslim
>grow up
>what the hell is this bullshit
>cant leave or get beheaded

is that a religion or a mafia? I did not chose to be a muslim and neither did you it just happened that once back in the time arabs slaughered your ancestors, if you were born in brazil you'd 99% die as a christian

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Aren't Syrians the same as Lebanese though?

i don't know what any of those mean

>where are all the other tunsis? were they all flooded? :/
studying, also 90% of non /mena/ posts are me and i'm trying to stop coming here

the ones living in the western parts of syria pretty much are but lebs deny it because they like to larp as phoenicians

good on them if they leave this shithole then

have you seen our current administration? a Muslim getting citizenship here in a timely manner is nigh impossible

plus violence against Muslims is higher now then it was right after 9/11 lol

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>if you were born in brazil you'd 99% die as a christian

Morocco-san, I...

But your point is still valid. Not being able to leave this meme religion without being expelled from your family/community is just bullshit.