/dixie/ - Southern US & Friends

snow nigger edition

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I hope this bitch is teaching his kids French and not just meme vikangs languages

he already gave them meme names iirc

Doesn't his wife speak only French? They must know enough to at least talk with their mom.

She is French yeah but no idea if she can speak any Norwegian dialect or not
I suppose she'll do it, it's just I never heard his kids speaking French in the few videos I watched

>I hope this bitch is teaching his kids French and not just meme vikangs languages
He’s teaching them Occitan

>my wife descend from nobles and nobles were frankish so my kids are still 100% germanic
it's like when lindy said the french are germans

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/cum/ is nothing but mentally ill gay people now

please help

Well I'll take Baldr over a 41368239th Ethan any day I guess
Fucking appalling everytime I look at my mother's list of name (she's a maternelle teacher) and see all the americanized names or Italian-gypsy sounding ones

stay there

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Aren't the French still considered Germanic tho?

Abandon ship before it sinks completely. There is no fixing that place.

I guess southern hospitality was just a meme

tfw i have an americanized name

we're pure GAULS

do you see any southrons here

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I legit have no idea what we should be considered besides mutts
There's no way this country fits a single category anyway

I have the Occitan version of a Germanic name
Visigothic named are the most kino though
My son's definitely gonna be named Alaric

>I have the Occitan version of a Germanic name
those are dope

when i said americanized it's just the english version of a biblical name
i'm not named kevin or other shit

im northern, so expect the opposite

uusimaa is in the south of finland though

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we're not talking about finland

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That's quite alright, by americanized I was mostly thinking about names that are pleb tier even for Anglos
I know a real Stacy for instance and more Cindy than I can count

Dixieland confirmed northern


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They're usually our local white trash or straight up gypsies though

never heard those names irl but i met several wendy

>below you
what did you mean by this

more like confirmed african

>the thread rite nao

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Why do Gauls get butthurt at Americanized names when Parisianized names are also common worldwide?

>Why do Gauls get butthurt
their assholes are sore from sodomy

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I meant the northern hemisphere by this

Yeah a Wendy as well but for once she was a regular girl

Because they only pick shitty names and our way of life is under attack by the Pax Americaca

when you think about it the thing with the english names is the same that happened with germanic names long ago
the reason why we don't have gaulish names anymore is because we thought frankish and hebraic names were cooler
quite sad tbqh they were pretty cool too

>when Parisianized names are also common worldwide?
what are you talking about

en.wiktionary.org/wiki/Reconstruction:Gaulish/Orgetorīx damn edgy

Well it's up to us to revive them
As long as it sounds cool enough I'm more than willing to give my hypothetical children Gaulish names
As long as you avoid the ones prone to bad puns or the long ass ones


Absolute Chad is what you meant
I also have a hard-on for some old Greek names but if I'm going to give a kid a larper's name might as well take one from the place he was born in

what greek names?

Tune related youtube.com/watch?v=ChpFLv7HcFk

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Hello please thank you y'all

can /gaul/ please become a new general

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if it could replace the cringefest that is /fr/ i'd love it

Athos, Nérée, Énée for instance
Some good ones like Alexandre, Agathe or Octave are still used today

Solid tune. You ever listen to Faun?

t h i s s s

had no idea this was a name
the others do sound pretty cool

Octave isn't a Greek name actually my bad
Didn't check but it's prolly Latin

>literally means "eighth"
yeah now it sounds stupid

It's indeed Latin so I was wrong but it's relatively famous, the founder of the Roman Empire proper was called Octavus before he took the name Augustus

I don't know what's your name but once you dig a bit into the ethymology it's rarely very clever

i think i have ligma lads....

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What's updog

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>You ever listen to Faun?

I have but never regularly and not in a while
Feel free to post one

ligma nuts lmaop!!!!!

do you listen to Suzemais

With them it's like you listen to one song and you've basically heard them all. Still good stuff tho.

Haha wow rip me

Vateufèr is my favorite

well i guess it was too bad timing

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Ah yeah I rremember now, I used to listen to Andro and Andro II and that's pretty much it
Have some Breton stuff youtube.com/watch?v=wMQbcGNs9kg

No it's just that I googled it before replying to see if this band was something I could have listened too
When I saw no results it became clear I was being bamboozled HARD


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Boats = goat

italian pizza>>>american pizza fight me nerds

Hard agree
But I still really want to try a Chicago style pizza
Except that with the huge amount of cheese it involves I'd make sure it's real Italian bvll mozzarella di bufala instead of sissy American """""mozzarella"""""

of course only another frenchman could be this patrician

>ny doesn't have the same flag as the city
fucking retarded

why would the state have the same flag as the city

i dont know but it would satisfy my autism

Y'all ever just
Get 'er done, lads

but it doesn't make any sense, it's like the opposite of autism

have to work again fuggg....

well then it would satisfy my very healthy mind

>Get 'er done

I need a vocaroo of this

here have a fatass who pretends to be Southern for a living saying it

Close enough to what I was thinking thanks

What exactly do you do for work?


Mee töihin


Uh okay?

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Nice voice f.am

Thanks lad

congay said i sound like a fag

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you do. i want to hear what herault sounds like before he fucks off to the mountains

Well you have about 1 month and half to hear me
But am I supposed to speak English or French


So some madman flipped his car over the creek on our farm's borders while I was working cattle today. I'm honestly surprised they made it to the hospital.

I'll go to rabbit once or something, or read a text
I have no illusions on my accent though, I make myself perfectly understood whenever I talk to a foreigner but it's still distinctively French

Them Duke boys.

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>it's still distinctively french
so is var's but i only give him shit because he's an ass

what happened?

Do i sound like a fag

It's been less than 2 minutes since I found out my ex gf is now lesbian

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I didn't see the whole thing, just heard tires screeching and saw the cloud of dust come out of the creek where he fell into (which is like 12 feet deep, albeit dry right now).

From what I heard, the person over corrected on the turn, hit the guard rail, flipped a few feet into the air to the other side of the creek, then feel into the creek.


how am i an ass

Found out my ex gf does cocaine and lost way too much weight

do you have a marion folder lmao

>now lesbian
I would bet money she starts dating dudes again in like 5 years or less.

Sounds pretty impressive tbqh. Do you know how the driver's holding up?

No just a couple memes
Nevermind the tielle

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No I don't, sadly.

Doesn't sound like bad news depending on how you left things

>I would bet money she starts dating dudes again in like 5 years or less.

We'll see, from what I gather she's pretty in love but hey, why not both