I've been shilling you LBA for a few days now I hope some of you pajeets listened and got in! if not it's not too...

I've been shilling you LBA for a few days now I hope some of you pajeets listened and got in! if not it's not too fucking late bizztards!

Libra Credit just got mentioned on Forbes! YEAH THAT'S FUCKING FORBES!

It's been trading for 24 hours and so far has:
Huobi listing and competition
Bibox listing and competition
Okex listing
Gate listing
Most volume on IDEX for the past 24 hours
Huge team behind it
MVP is out and you can lend/borrow

Get in before it it pumps these next few days!

if you keep complaining of being poor after al these threads then you deserve to stay poor.

Attached: Libra-Credit-logo-150x150.jpg (150x150, 2K)

Other urls found in this thread:


binance is coming.. buy now or cry forever

This is going to be huge in China

Super comfy long term hold

Wen binance bru?????????

Pajeetcoin lel

Whoever missed out on this is a fucking retard and deserves to be shit on

How low is this dump going to go right now?

Look like binance will join very soon

Promising. All I can say, Forbes listing and this many exchanges in such a short period of time. Feels comfy.

they have several partnerships with bank and big institutions in China, Korea and Japan, waiting for card issuing bla bla. Sell it and regret later

Not long! you've got less than 20 hours to go all in before it starts trading on huobi

Do you realise 10.000$, which is nothing for a scammy ICO, gets you featured on forbes?

How many LBA for a girl like this?

Attached: FB_IMG_1524740711729.jpg (1500x2000, 165K)

okex and huobi list scam coin? think before open your mouth

do you have a point pajeet? Are you calling libra credit a scam?

What's the name of the model that keeps doing shoots like this?

also you must be new here, she's been a biz roastie for ages, and there's a little something called google image search. it's a right-click away.

Libra = jewcoin illu confirmed pumppppppp

Yeah and it doesnt work. I know she keeps getting posted but nobody ever says her name.

no one care about binance anymore! Huobi is the place to get listed on these days

Belle Daphne

Aka tinkersmell

if don't trust me to buy this, trust ex CEO of Yahoo and Paypal: he's advisor -> en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scott_Thompson_(businessman)

The thing is, it's market cap is currently 150m, which is way too high for a token only tradeable on IDEX, people will realize this shortly after it's tradeable on Bibox and it will dump hard.

>buy this coin that already mooned
Yeah because it worked well the previous 20 times that it was posted.
People who still fall for this shit is stupid as all fuck and deserve losing money honestly.

stop buying this shit coin, you wil be dumped on pretty hard . It was also shilled by one of the TG groups. stay the fack away

Too many crybabies on biz lately. Must be btc dump syndrom. You know the drill. No one is forcing you to buy. Buy if you want to risk it for a potential pump or don’t cause rektning is real lol. Shills gonna shill. Get with the program. This is biz xD

You faggots don't know how to make money even if we shove the correct coin down your throats!
Who cares man don't fucking buy LBA! it will pull a 2x at least from here once it's on huobi!

No moon pajeet...... wen moon???????

in about 20 hours when its listed on huobi and bibox

put 1.3 eth into it. Im not doing that mistake of putting more than 10k usd into /biz shill. (colx, verge, link) FU guys.

Duhhhhh don’t be dumb and get rekt. Pink wojaks not hot


Don't be an idiot buying shit on hype, you sell hype, not buy it.

I've reconsidered though. Just bought some. I figured since there is literally no hype leading up to this, it can only go up. Also the team is way too qualified to mess this up.

You're welcome pajeet! You're already in profit

And it mooned xD good timing biz cuck

Thank you sirs much money yes please!

Seriously though I timed it perfectly, average buy in price of 0.000439ETH, thank you Jow Forumsbro.

Up 10% and counting, fkin ez

you pajeets are a nuisance

Where is listed and ico price?

Btfo pajeet this is pumpppppppppppppppp af

only on IDEX rn
On huobi, bibox, OKex and gate.io in less than 20 hours.

ICO price was 0.00015

You think we are a nuisance and yet you took the time to reply to this thread, and most likely also to this post, so what are you but a subhuman projecting kid with too much time on your hands?

he'll be posting pinkwojaks tomorrow complaining why he didn't get in