Japanese boomers support immigration for more worker$

Japanese boomers support immigration for more worker$


Japanese boomers will open the borders within your lifetime. What does Jow Forums think about this?

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It's the same in France. The only people who want immigrants are the boomer generation. Not even our leftards want immigrants.

Old fucks don't care anything other than how to grab more tax money from government so that they can enjoy their life
And they're opinion matters because Abe wants to get their shit done so he can still be PM/ the one that controls the one and only party that rules Japan
Japan needs concentration camp for those boomers desu

France is full of immigrants from the french revolution, Mustafà

the eternal boomer knows no bounds

based, japand need to be POO'd

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the thing is SE Asians are way better than barbaric savages a.k.a wogs and niggers. chinks can fuck off

they are honestly harmless to society tho. they must autistically do some shit in their community but never bring it in public/society

Indians in Japan are harmless because very few of them staying to Japan.

Japan lacks of niggers. Please, import our congoids, they are all unemployed and need a better life than what France offers them.

Poos, like any other group, will only hire their kind. They took over our entire tech industry

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My grand parents's way of thinking
workers are ok.
My granpa love chinese workers.

But marriage is not ok.

My granmpa did chimpout when my aunt married to foreign men.*sigh*

>Poos, like any other group, will only hire their kind
Actually wish they did, but that's not what happens at all.

Robot is the best solution

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Finally anime will die

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Vietnamese trainee made to do decontamination work in Fukushima


Southeast Asian people working in Japan are really pathetic. They are treated as terrible as Chinese workers in the salterns of South Korea. Big companies are completely indifferent to their lives and safety. I can say that they are the modern slaves.

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>accept immigrants
>anime will die


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although it seems "indian patriotism/ethno centrism" isnt so present on your internet compared to other sjws screeching on twitter. they did it with apu and triggered alt-rights but it wasnt really stemmed from their patriotism. while chinks are always screeching

They only hire people who are closely related to them and blacklist the rest in favor of anything else

>He doesn't know the master plan

>way better
definitely not unless they stay illegally here with expired visa. fuck off already

>implying terrorists and bombers whose fundamental values are totally different are better than them
you can fuck off (゚´L._`゚)

i didn't mean to address you please nvmd

(1)韓国 13,265人 (構成比 20.3%) (- 1.1%)
(2)中国 8,846人 (構成比 13.6%) (+ 1.2%)
(3)タイ 6,507人 (構成比 10.0%) (+ 9.2%)
(4)ベトナム 5,137人 (構成比 7.9%) (+34.9%)
(5)フィリピン 5,082人 (構成比 7.8%) (- 3.0%)

>most Ilegal immigrants to the japan are not chinese but Korean.
ya. Most of slaves are korean

I work with a filipino guy who lived in japan for a couple of years and he's still seething over the fact japs were racist since he couldn't get a gf there

They are no different than jap tho kamkazi bs being due worshiping the emperor, only white people are good. Also stop that crap your doing

Lol what's worse a chink or an irishman marrying a Jap?

in your logic Germans would be still irredeemable nazis please learn how to argue (;´д`)

immigration/globalization destroys culture. just look at literally any Western country at the moment.

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>Germans irredeemable nazis

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anime will never die.

like kimono.

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But anime is part of that globalisation. It's not like a traditional thing. It's a big economic and international beast. Not culture.

just wait until you start getting basketball americans and femdyke bulls with septum piercings in your favorite anime

wait until they redo DragonBall Z and make Goku black. you'll change your perspective on anime being part of globalisation.

idpol is a minor part of globalisation and mainly just american autism. anime is absolutely part of globalisation.


No they are not lol

Filipinos have the highest crime rates in all of Asia

That's not at all what I would expect of a characteristically Japanese attitude.


letting in mass immigration is not a popular sentiment with anyone in Japan.
Some Japanese people are OK with letting in some other Asians and whites but that’s pretty much it.

Expect to see immigration continue rising in Japan in the future, but it will be still quite small compared to European countries, and those immigrants will be more culturally and ethnically similar to Japanese than in other countries’ situation

No it won't, you're going to open up the flood gates just like everyone else because big dick America told you so

If that was going to happen it would have started 50 years ago. Japanese and Abe don’t care what some people in other countries think

trump is anti immigration you know

Are you retards serious? Anime isn’t traditional anything

no he's not, he hasn't done anything but deport a handful of Mexicans. we still have 150 million non whites here and H1B like crazy. don't believe the memes.

Japan has been taking more the past few years, you'll see.

Did you even read my post? I said immigration will increase modestly from other Asian countries, which it has. There’s no evidence Japan will open the floodgates to Poos and Muslims and Blacks

This won't happen because Japanese otakus are ultra autistic and can't handle change. They rage over swapping seiyuus, do you think they'll let major design changes happen?
The thing Jow Forumstards won't accept is that the reason we have all these reboots of western IPs with blacks and women isn't because Jews are trying to brainwash you, it's because that's what westerners want and pay money for.

Jsut because you're 1/4096 irish doesn't mean you can be considered and irishman

they have nothing to do with the modern mass immigration, zhang


Jokes aside, it might be a meme for Europe but Japan will literally die without immigration.

The most retarded post I’ve seen all day

Facts don't care about your feelings, Takeshi. Modern Japanese culture is averse to reproduction.

>population decreases on an already over populated island

where do you retards come up with this shit

>basketball americans and femdyke bulls with septum piercings

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what the hell is a septum?

shut up weebshit
Japan needs to be enriched

That's right stupid goyim, if Japan lets its labor market correct itself natural, and restore the balance of jobs and wages to something that benefits the Japanese goim and allows them to maintain their homogeneous society: it will be the end of Japan itself, you filthy goyim!!!

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maybe when they are not so crammed and strapped for resources they will start reproducing again when their population shrinks a bit

>basketball americans
that was slamdunk
you wont ever have a superstar like mj again

can you enrich me with your lait blanc

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Culture has little to do with it, it has much more to do with economic and social factors

but keep taking in those immigrants, soon all of France, not just Paris, will be third world

I remember back in the 90s early 2000s, only the dykiest of the dykes had these disgusting piercings

now every teenage girl has one, fucking horrific

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>we need more workers!
>skilled workers? nah, let's import third worlders under the premise of "gaining skills" and then abuse them and treat them like slaves and prisoners

j*ps are scum

I have never seen that.

quite literally are not

You literally need at least a college degree to get a visa here in Japan, unless you’re one of those Chinese construction workers. In that case, it’s not like those people have to come here, they chose to do it. Specialized training once you start the job is also completely normal here in Japan

youre fucking lying

japs are scummy to japs too although

>it’s not like those people have to come here, they chose to do it

They're told they'll gain skills they can take back to china

Then they arrive and find out they're working 12 hours a day, 6 days a week in a sweatshop with a boss who beats them and takes away their passports knowing they can't go to the police, and then are forced to sleep 12 people to a room etc etc

It's well documented that you're savages, j*p, everyone just ignores it and pretends it doesn't happen

No, I am not. I must live in bizzaro USA.

prove it faggot

ch*Nks deserve what’s coming to them anyway

where do you live? literally every other girl had one in Florida a couple years ago. fad seems to be slowly tapering off. still very common though

those japs are savage to japs too. hope you report it to un. nobody wants those damn japs

modest hamlet in the northeast, crossroads to several large cities

Jow Forums showing their economic brilliance once again

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Import Indians and use them as slave labor, like in Dubai.


many such cases!

I hope that's true, j*p

cut pensions
raise retirement age
create incentives to work past retirement
raise native fertility rate
increase wages

many solutions to this besides mass immigration

> cut pensions
> raise retirement age
> create incentives to work past retirement
No political party would dare to do this, they'd never win an election
> raise native fertility rate
> increase wages
much easier said than done

I was looking at the ASEAn threads and I saw a chart that says Indonesians was at nigger-tier.

Because they have Spaniard genes.

Abe has been doing that slowly for years, a lot of Japanese work past retirement anyway simply due to being bored. You can also cut spending in other areas.
>much easier said than done
True, it also beats importing 5 million Somalians and calling it a day

I’m okay with some immigration from culturally and ethnically similar countries, it’s really just putting back the problem though. The fact that people started relying on Government for their old age security instead of their own kids is how we all got in this mess in the first place

> implying you're actually japanese

you forgot the most effective and needed solution: kill all boomers

>I’m okay with some immigration from culturally and ethnically similar countries
i thought you guys hated koreans?

>implying that all those nankai boombers would be up for that

>boomers support immigration
Don't they always?

>Be boomer
>breed kids like rabbits
>new generations dont breed kids like rabbits
>population gets older
>"hory shet how wirr I correct pension, we need gaijin migrants but onry working ones, come to great nihon and work for us gaijin san, we need our pension, but reave this prace once you're done working we dont want you here otherwise, prease come be our srave so I can have my pension"

They want migrant slaves whom they can exploit and send back. They know they can exploit weebs for this

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>I’m okay with some immigration from culturally and ethnically similar countries
sexpat dead giveaway

Filipinos has low crime rate in Japan.
because most of Filipinos are female immigrants.(at least in Japan)

Past the age of 65, people shouldn't be allowed to vote anymore.

Citation needed Jose

There aren't that many Pinoys in Japan either, most of them are hostesses roped in by human traffickers

Vietnamese people are far more numerous and commit most crimes there

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