Fabric Token

Fabric Token.

Total supply: 43,593,614 FT
Circulating supply: ~24,593,000 FT
Current circ mcap: ~2213 ETH (1,571,492$)

Highlights: Working product, Centralized Exchange confirmed for end of May 2018

Attached: photo_2018-05-03_18-45-28.jpg (640x640, 38K)

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Delete this. Been quietly accumulating

You've had plenty of time..release the beast. Ground floor, micro cap, exchange and product launch eom = no more wage cucking

Nah it's over, it'll go below ICO soon.

no one wants ur bags user

cmc listing today probably
ori went x3 after listing
strap in boys

Stay poor cuck
This user gets it although 3x is pretty weak

Comfy here with 70k FT

Stay poor pajeets

Comfy AF if this hits bibox we ballin bros

buy or cry

Plebs here will literally never listen. 2mil cap, not even on CMC, exchange coming next week.

All depends on what BTC does, to be honest with you goys, but assuming we don't dump to 3k then FT is hitting 10mil cap and the wojacks will be very green indeed.

Looks like all the weak hands have been shaken out. We going to the moon tonight bros

Theyll never learn pajeets gonna pajeet

Just filled my bags on the dip, buy up goys!

FT good token cmc soon

no you didn't

is this actually a legitimate suggestion? I'm tired off being fucked around. stangers, doctors, bosses, my brain. is this FT a good idea

yes dyor

Its worth 8cents at the moment, ask yourself user do you really think something so pointless should be worth that much?

Oh & also they're releasing the bounty tokens today (1,000,000) so expect a big old dump over the next few days.

Released in stages homie. Fabric boys aren't dumb faggots like you

Yeah they're real smart, so smart in fact the admin of the telegram posts links to Biz asking people to shill.

Got 70k worth of this, how fucking hard am I going to get JUST'd? Be straight with me.

why would you get just'd? Isn't this undervalued?

everything I buy on idex goes south. literally. and I'm in on this one so...

then we'll go down together my friend !

Depends on your buy price. I'd cut my losses if I were you.

People think IDEX is some kind of magical money printing machine all beacse of HOT but in reality it's not. Notice how everything gets shilled for like 2 days then experiences a slight pump then dies resulting in a group of bag holders posting 'did I get pajeeted' threads in the following days.