You could eat this everyday prepared by a professional loli chef for the rest of your life if you went all in on...

You could eat this everyday prepared by a professional loli chef for the rest of your life if you went all in on Blocksquare today.

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Is that steak tartare?

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is that eggussy?

>professional loli chef for

kys paedo because someone will eventually

Is that yuk-hwei?

dumb bitch we got that big boy brains cause we discovered fire to actually cook this shit to get more nutrients from food

Cuz baby I like it rawwwwwwww

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Looks appetizing but fear the brain worms

marinated so no brain worms (hopefully)

>there are people on this board who literally don't know what this dish is

Holy white trash batman, get the hamburgers!

Looks like what my cat threw up

Let me get a side of raw fish and unwashed salad to go with that. Just fuck my guts up

Pity the white trash peasants who never had sweet ol tartare

Is this what anime characters eat?

looks like cat food

Yes it's hamburger steak

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Thx buying 100k unironically desu senpai

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Is this only on ForkDelta right now?

I would consider eating that once in awhile if I liked it, and actually do plan on trying it, but consuming raw steak and eggs every day is just pushing your luck.

Idex too
Gotta let ur body adapt to eating raw and build immune system.

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i'd rather eat out the loli chef

Dear Feds,

Please raid OP house, I'm betting he is a child molester.

Thank you

looks like canned dog food fucking vile

I would actually go on a Shoalin diet, nuts and vegetables.

all you have to do is compress that and sear it and its a burger

Reported to the F.B.I. for extreme acts of faggotry.

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