This is the person that will singlehandedly save crypto. The first project that will separate from shitty BTC and actually provide some real life value. Thank you Sunny.
Other urls found in this thread:
Ugh. I was in Cambodia and I had eaten a bunch of xanax and went to get a massage. I passed out halfway through and I woke up to the lady fingering my asshole and asking me if i wanted a happy ending. I said I'd give her 60 bucks if she licked my balls and let me jack off into her mouth and she agreed. I came buckets in her face and she even swallowed. Afterwards I had to go get a feed and I knew there were these dollar noodle carts down the road a bit so I started walking off. It was like midnight now and the streets were dark and these two woman approached me really fast and started manhandling me and asking how big of a boy I was. One of them grabbed my dick and started pulling on it while the other one came up from behind and started grinding on my ass. I thought it was truly my lucky day when I noticed they were actually both trannies and instead of feeling me up I was actually being assaulted and robbed in the most sexy way possible. One of them whispered to me "this will be over soon" and I swore I had heard that voice before and when I looked over it was actually Sunny Lu! He took $15 from my pocket. I dunno man, I was fine and all but it was all just so shady. If he's such a bigshot ceo of a huge company why would he need to steal that kind of money? Then I remembered VEN doesn't even have a whitepaper and it all made sense.
Already all in on Vechain bruh.
Veee Coneeeecctttttt
Whitepaper is 100+ pages, was released some days ago. maybe you wanna read up cuz this is happening
Buying vechain is like buying a lottery ticket, but you have a 100% chance of winning
stfu chink shills
Sunny so desperate, he has started to post about himself on Jow Forums
ready to sell the mainnet news and 2x my coins
it wont pump so sell now
Soon even Bogdanoffs will bow to this man.
This man is literally giving us free money, just accept his gift user.
what you anons think:
The hardest working man in crypto
dont worry im gonna dump my bag and let know
scummy pooloo
Those stinky linky bags must be getting reeeeal heavy, bizcucks. I'll be retired by this time next year, you'll still here posting memes.
Sunny “Skip to My” Lu will be looked at how satoshi and vitalik are to this industry within a year
>sunny "skip to my" lu
now this is memetic
>already has huge market cap
>releases white paper
Wrong way round retard. Scam coin
Anyone who doesn’t think this is retarded or a blind shill
>already has working product
>releases whitepaper to rub it in brainlet faces that they were wrong
>wow they have no whitepaper chink scam muh china hustle!
>wow they have a whitepaper chink scam muh china hustle!
The absolute state brainlets
I have high hopes for Sunnys rebranding event.
He is changing his name from Sunny Lu to Shady Hu and start a new career as a hip hop artist.
if you arent being paid for this pls off yourself
vechain is the best play on earth and here is why
dumb biztards dont know how supply chain really works so you can trick them into thinking that the 3rd world hellhole of china can be automated to track the fish that some dirtbag pissed on all the way to the brainlet who eats it
even better, theyre so fucking retarded that they think that a company would let them into this master scheme out of the goodness of their own hearts
Nobody is going to acknowledge this trips post?
I work in supply chain, it's no meme. but this chink scam is a hype coin. I do the logistics rather than finance side mostly, but Vechian is so fucking vague about everything it leaves me scratching my head. how is it even a supply chain coin anymore? I've never found any technical details of noteworthy caliber.
Proof of Authority. gtfo.
You could say im paid, im getting money from sunny indirectly by owning vechain
Larp your ass back to Burger King.
>No technicals
>Platform isn't even in alpha
>Purposley vague about everything
Chiner gonna chink some round eyes