I didn’t believe the “insiders”

But now I do. I’m not under an NDA, so I can be open.

I was at an event; a celebration. Each person was your typical well-connected American. There are only so many people at the top, you know? They speak ideas to each other.

Well anyways everyone was drinking and having a good time catching up. One person was explaining how they were getting involved in crypto. Many of the others leaned in to hear about it.

Let’s just say... some of the oldest and least innovative areas of finance are aching to get into programmatic contractual agreements and payments. They’re literally setting up the infrastructure right now. LINK is their way into the new world being set up by open and permission-less blockchains.

Now previously I was skeptical about other “insiders”. I’ll admit I’m not really an insider, I just happened to be at the right place at the right time. But I now understand why insiders are risking their reputation by telling you people about what they’ve heard.

It’s actually true. Crazy. But true.

Attached: EED7CBF6-8B75-496D-BB8F-106EA294D755.jpg (600x600, 147K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Thanks OP just bought another 420k

Good larp

Attached: 1520830612679.jpg (1280x852, 851K)



Has anyone claiming to be an insider ever come good with their dubious info? I doubt it

Insider here,
OP is a larping faggot and we wouldn’t let him listen to our conversation about real world stuff. ChainLink is still fantastical bullshit pushed by autists.

Remember the true digimarines? They will be vindicated soon. Screen cap this.

A singularity-like event is likely.

its breathtaking, crazy but true and tears are streaming down my face as i write this. I was there too and listened intently but silently to the chit chat. Turtlecoin omg i couldnt believe it the infrastructures nearly in place it going to be the new ether. I was skeptical also but it was unbelievable.

Linky cope

I've held 150k LINK since ED and I fucking hate this retarded shit.

I’m sexually aroused by all these larps. Tell me I’m gonna make with 20k Link you filthy whore

>I’d be VERY surprised if Link isn’t $3 by May

Consider for a moment what it’s like knowing it’s true, then seeing shit like this. I’d say some LARPs are legit. The ones that point out industry use cases. AB was probably not true. I think that AB was a larping fag because what he “leaked” wasn’t about building a community of rationally acting node operators competing to provide good data. That’s where chainlink, bitcoin, and ethereum shine.

I hope all you delphi fucks catch cancer

who the fuck is delphi

for sure a LARP, but it could be true desu. I first heard of Ethereum from a friend who works at a bank when it was still just a whitepaper so I know they've been looking into how to use this tech for years. Chainlink really is the missing piece of the puzzle for them. its the project that makes their years of planning possible.

Did you know?

Rory and Thomas are panicking and refusing to answer questions on the TM Refusal and are now threatening to ban people? Don't believe me ? Go check Slack and Telegram for yourselves.

LARPs by the very name are not legit

If you're not an insider and don't have an NDA why can't you give specific details? Sick of these fucking larps

Yeah you know what I mean

Big deal faggot. Go cry about it with your mommy. You're in every damn LINK thread. You are mentally unstable and sick in the head. Get help.

>Each person was your typical well-connected American
haha yes very good Americans sir

Because that would ruin his fun.

The Astro team works hard.

Also, if you know we are in every thread....that means you are in every thread xD GERT HALP


^ i can't see this post

You notice how the link threads come in waves? There will be periods where there are none, then BAM five shilling, five fudding, assfag in every one saying all sorts of different shit? Delphi, a discord group, is behind them. They’ve been conducting a coordinated fud campaign in an attempt to manipulate the price to swing trade and its working - rather ironic, given that the pivotal tracker is looking joosy and the project is progressing fine..oh wait


Prove you know something substantial or fuck off. All you posted was vague shit. I hate LARPs. You’re ALMOST as bad as Kurt Astro, the bowling pin faggot.

Ask me a question

are you saying that link ins a worthless shitcoin

Jesus dude read the whitepaper and grasp the concepts and their implications, go on Github, go on the pivota tracker and you decide. It is of course entirely possible biz kills it with retarded memeing though.

here's a (you). wear it with dignity.

Holy shit link shills are pathetic

Here, have a (FAT)

Nah you can have it back, here you go.

You guys have ADHD


you spelt AIDS wrong.

Reminder to buy after the successive red candles that usually follow sendiment-building threads like this one

It's true though, the reason they are dumping their bags at such low prices isn't to get out of LINK but to buy as much as possible as low as possible.

I believe you OP and I'll keep believing after swing trading the dip that's about to happen

>But I now understand why insiders are risking their reputation by telling you people about what they’ve heard.
then you didn't understand a single bit of it, kek

Don't reply to Astro. Just filter, report, and move on.

Make sure to report every one of his posts. Let the mods know to get rid of him

Someone made an entire thread with links to each of my posts asking to ban me? Guess how that turned out for me? Guess how that turned out for him? xD

who was present and what is your name?

daily reminder


Do you play Quidditch with Santa Claus and the Easter Bunny?

I'm the one who paid for this.

tfw you realize Astro is a mod

I’m seriously a lone actor. Not part of a pump and dump group.
I wish I could help more of you. I trust most of you have at least suicide insurance?


I'm definitely not a mod. dont ever suggest that again. Do you understand?



kek, i've never seen this one.

bonus points for the dab

Is 10k enough daddy

Not true. In telegram, Rory wrote something alone the lines of “this kind of baseless FUD needs to stop” after someone wrote “R.I.P. link” and then SOMEONE ELSE said “you should ban them”. The team is nowhere close to shutting down critical conversation, I think he’s just getting a bit annoyed by outright lying.



Mobius $1000 EOY - CHECKEM

Go check the amount of people in Slack and Telegram that are asking about the TM refusal.... they are active in responding but they are intentionally ignoring these TM questions. The only comms they are now providing is that they are prepared to ban people. They have never stopped answering genuine questions like this before.

In all honestly though what is Sergey's real name? supposedly its Sergey D Nazarov. There was a larp a while back hinting that his middle name had some sort of meaning or was some sort of clue. Yet, in a presentation video that's been posted here numerous times the guy in the video refereed to him as Aleksey. Who the fuck is Sergey and if that's not his real name then what is?

sergey is kojima and chainlink is actually metal gear solid 5

Its not about accumulation at this point. Something is triggered in their brain that makes them want to FUD. Its a fetish. While they type out the most ridiculous, low-tier FUD with one hand, the other hand is slowly pulling at their small penis. They will spend hours doing this, continually bringing themselves to the edge numerous times. They are the textbook definition of basement dwelling NEETs, so they could do this for days on end, fueled only by Monster, and nobody will question where they are or what they are doing, because nobody loves them or cares about them.

They have gotten to the point that the FUD isn't even as good as it once was. They don't take the time to think hard about it anymore, because they just want to hurry up and post anything to make their little dicks hard.

Weak obvious pasta

You had another one of those dreams OP? Go back to sleep.

How did you get access to this celebration where the big wigs were talking about link?

Fuck off Astro/Delphi

serious q. are you a schizophrenic or suffer some other mental illness? I sure hope children don't play out near your front yard.

Serious q. do you know what schizophrenia is? Can you tell me which symptom I posses? Quite frankly... most deluded linkies fit the description of schizo types 100%

that's exactly how a schizophrenic would reply

>can you tell me which symptom I posses?

Gee thanks dr. fucking stupid. How cheap was your medical degree in india?

Get out Delphi. OUT!

These posts are phys ops by Delphi or faggots trying to get in cheaper meant to demoralize you. Instead of fudding they flood biz with larp posts. Don't fall for this obvious tactic happening the past month or so. Imma keep posting this on every larp thread im tired of seeing this, at least be more discreet

What you've provided us is everything we already know, which is a good start for a LARP. Confirmation bias is good right? Anyways.. tells us more about what you overheard.

>schizophrenic OR suffer some OTHER mental illness?
that's a wide fucking spectrum I was referring to, just to cover all possibilities.

Attached: sssssss.jpg (614x955, 167K)

You specifically mentioned schizo so my question was still valid you fucking mutt.
What symptom of ANY mental illness do i posses then DR.?

nope, that's just what astrofag wants everyone to think. dyor.

Attached: 1.png (1900x441, 279K)

First Sergeant Link is believes in crystal healing and is a stupid spiritual faggot that thinks he can move the price of chain link with his mind. Go see for yourself how miserable that discord has become. The admin z8 is also a farmer who pisses on his crops because he cant afford the fertilizer because he is broke from spending all his money on link

We have no way of knowing, as of yet.
But any brainlet who decides to look past this echo chamber that becomes convoluted with delphi faggots and other fudders, and actually reads what people in industry say should be able to connect the dots and make a rough estimation of the validity of larpers.

you come across as if you'd be like this irl.
character related.

Attached: cmmm.gif (500x240, 998K)

I heard about ETH here, first. But was unsure. Then i moved to a house, met a genius phd computer scientist who was building stuff on the Ethereum network, back when it was 12$.

Thats when i knew it to be true. I keep seeing the same shit with CL. Its very possible boys.

Learn to research and think for yourselves, the only way to break open the world and receive all her wonderful spoils.

You know it’s a LARP thread when they start talking about specific tokens that these ‘elites’ are planning on using

Can anyone redpill me on the guy with the Astro name? Seems like a violently insecure troll, but why is everyone engaging with him continuously when his faggotry just gets stronger? Is this like a new meta meme where you all love him ironically?

We all love him. He is funny

The real estate and construction insiders are telling the truth. That’s all I know.

It’s not about the tokens it’s about the mechanism for distributing relatively secure data for agreements that people will be more willing to enter. More people == more money.