Tell me about a meme food from your cunt
Pic related. It's a beef paste, we drink it in hot water like beefy gravy coffee.
Tell me about a meme food from your cunt
Pic related. It's a beef paste, we drink it in hot water like beefy gravy coffee.
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don't fucking diss bovril, cunt
Pretty much everything we eat is a meme
I didn't diss it
mämmi. uma delicia
Everyone eats it wrong and generally uses too much.
Goes well with ham and cheese or really anything sandwich related.
its basically spreadable salt with a bit of a beer after taste.
Polenta. It's a smelly slop that northerners eat all the time.
Looks like literal curry farts in a cup.
It's exactly the same as Marmite but extremely expensive; Swiss Francs 3.80 for 70 g; i.e. some $3.80 for 70 g.
Aromat. Not a meme food but essential general-purpose seasoning produced in Switzerland. I use about 90 g per week.Basically, I got Aromat in my blood.
Would Weetabix be a meme food? I think they have something similar in Australia and NZ, but I'm not sure about anywhere else.
Deep fried things in general. This here is butter wrapped in bacon that’s been battered and deep fried.
Grits. It's popular in the south, became really popular after the yankees came through and raped Georgia. During the reconstruction years most poor people survived off of a steady diet of yankee cum and grits (that also came from the yanks)
I wonder if euros and shit would like ozemite.
its basically vegemite mixed with caramel
sounds bad but we all know sweet and salty just works together.
vegemite and jam is also great.
Wouldn’t be a thread like this without Easy Cheese.
Knorr kommt aus Deutschland?
Hapå, a spread made of condensed milk and sugar. The idea originated during the war when families would caramelize condsensed milk. Kids don't eat it, and the only reason its still available is because nostalgic boomers whined about it on facebook when the producer suggested they would stop making it
this shits fucking epic.
You drink an entire glass of it?
absolute fucking madman
Dulce de leche?
>Knorr kommt aus Deutschland?
Yes, Knorr was founded in 1838 by Carl Heinrich Theodor Knorr. The company moved to Switzerland in 1907. A man named Walter Obrist, who worked for Knorr, first developed Aromat in 1952. Swiss Aromat is produced at the Knorr factory in Thayngen, in the canton of Schaffhausen. Today, the Knorr brand is owned by Unilever, a Dutch-British company. Aromat is marketed predominantly in Europe and in South Africa, although is also known to be marketed in Australia, Hong Kong and parts of the Middle East.
I have been told that you also get it at Tesco's in the U.K.
I've literally never seen anyone with a can of condensed milk in their pantry. I was actually someone surprised to see that its still available in stores. Only 70+ year olds and people going on extended hiking trips buy it
Yes, but hapå is thicker and less sweet
I always have like 10 cans of the shit in my pantry, surprised Americans aren't into it.
would think it would be right up their alley.
It’s not really something for Jow Forums demographic, but it’s popular here. Any middle aged housewife worth her salt keeps a few cans on tap for baking.
That's it, it is nannas secret ingredient for all things dessert related.
what did he mean by this?
Any time i have seen americans come across it they eat it and are blown the fuck away.
maybe i just don't know enough burgers.
might try this now
I was more confused by that fact that you expressed your shock that burgers don't eat it when there haven't even been any burgers ITT talking about how they don't eat it
We tend to like sweet sugary shit.
Kind of a meme food, it's our very own brand of soda.
Do any of you use pic and how do you pronounce it?
now say it fast.
you are welcome.
goat on cheese on toast