get ready marines

Attached: 1507657202184.png (467x226, 39K)

Other urls found in this thread:



Saged larp

what happens in an hour fren?

Ready for what?

1000 EOY

Attached: papa.png (375x472, 241K)

1 hour for another red candle?

I feel like it's the same 2 guys in every link thread at this point

>he thinkgs its the same two guys in every thread

it's pasta you chimpanzee

Relief candle coming up.

My anus.. my anus is ready.
Bring it !

Ok. I'll bite. What happens in 1 hour Mr LINK larper #892323498

Attached: 1526732240440.jpg (800x782, 55K)

Oh...we're back to these threads again...


The every thread is astro and his russian bots.

Actually pretty clever fud if deliberate. Demoralizing people constantly.

>what happens in an hour fren?
announcement. Rumor is Niggercoin partnership. I hope to fucking god. We really need some good news about now.

Yes and no. It doesn't make me want to sell my LINK, but it makes me want to take a break from Jow Forums. The FUD and larps these last couple weeks have been unoriginal, uncreative, and non-stop.

I wonder if this is a bot stuck on repeat and the owner long offed himself because of his bags.



give us a hint you filthy animal. Say something.

I was supposed to go to the dmv today...I'll stick around

tell me nigger. now


Attached: 1522519715731.png (1248x780, 2.29M)

nothing new for almost a month?

Exactly, he's going for the world record

Attached: 1523014343676.jpg (500x522, 114K)

delphaggots need to catch cancer


nothing's going down. this is a fud tactic to demoralize you. nothing will be announced and you'll feel disappointed.

Linkies dont know that another coin is on the way to implementing Oracles. kek

Stay poor u fags.


Akroma will be $1000 EOY.

Screencap this.

Is he gonna pull a POTUS?!

Attached: birthcertif.png (627x329, 43K)

>this is a fud tactic to demoralize you
kek as if anyone gives enough of a shit about you to do that

^ i can't see this post


fuck off

if dubs then this thread is real

ok thread isn't real, nothing to see here folks, everyone move on

Attached: AA9396EE-2814-4607-8F40-9C1731359489.jpg (196x250, 7K)

maybe astro is batman, biz has been cancer to link in everyway. From buying in when it wasn't meant for us, to baldy mcjew asking for a timestamped pic, to the ceo of a major tech company getting spammed sergey Nazi memes, maybe astro is just an enlightened linky who knew he needed to ruin the whole board in order to demoralize you all and get you off of biz for the run up to main net. Food for thought, it would be a brilliant and selfless thing to do for the sake of link. Maybe WE are the bad guys here and he is just trying to save us from ourselves. I don't know, look into it.

Attached: eddie no like.jpg (626x602, 58K)

definitely not. More like an agitator that makes the nazis worst.

Betcha still shit on the street though.

Anybody watching wallets?

Attached: 2face.jpg (245x206, 54K)

You subhuman linkies disgust me.

3 minute countdown until OP is a fag

I'm definitely not batman. Some faggot has just been larping as me. I'm just a broke college kid looking to make it with my LINK stack.

flush it

Attached: 1511185756564.jpg (540x378, 34K)


Swear to me.


What? I said some things to a bunch of old retarded losers in a discord and now I'm a meme. Whatever I guess.

Well look at that. OP is a fag. Who would have guessed.

also this. some autist here should write a script that queries chainlink token holders and charts movements. monitoring wallets is the best way to see partnerships getting officially on board behind the scenes.

wow would you look at that? manipulating the market via biz actually works. 4 red candles on the 5 minute (about how much time it takes to post, read, and post again after the timer ends) coinciding with the change of the hour. bravo op

I did this

These posts are phys ops by Delphi or faggots trying to get in cheaper meant to demoralize you. Instead of fudding they flood biz with larp posts. Don't fall for this obvious tactic happening the past month or so. Imma keep posting this on every larp thread im tired of seeing this, at least be more discreet FAGGOT

i can’t wait until you die a horrible death

There's a big opportunity to drop link below top 200 by fucking with biz, otherwise we wouldn't be losing our time.

You'll be waiting a long time. Ironically for me to die and for link to become $1.

^ i literally can't even see this post

not delphi
pic related

Attached: 1.png (1900x441, 279K)

Agreed. I’ll post something similiar.


There are 3 of us.

sure, some idiots who could only copy paste a concept after the true genius has been developing it for years are going to make it, and implement it sooner.
How fucking dull are you?

>reads 3 hours later
>nothing happened

Attached: 1526087009920.jpg (600x600, 194K)

>3hours ago
>nothing happens again
>people still respond to these threads