Brett Kavanaugh raped THIS?

Brett Kavanaugh raped THIS?

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Ids a benis

not even accused of that


(((They))) are accussing him , because they dont want a based conservative in the supreme court. They manufactured a fake story based on the recent trends, and sjw and liberals are buying it up.

Some days ago in the news they said a romanian raped a 70 years old grandma

They are probably right

*sits on it for forty years*

They are probably right

They are probably right

Just the designated local town rapist doing his job

They are probably right.

Someone has to do it. That guy took one for the team.

why don't they just settle the matter with some fush und chups

(((they))) you mean jews? Why would jews wouldn't want trump he is uber zionist and shit

Conservatives are vile scum and so I don't blame Americans for not wanting one in the Supreme Court, or any position of power for that matter.

They are probably right

Kavanagh is anti sexual revolution
Therefore Jews hate him

Imagine being married to Kavanaugh's high school cum rag, is there anymore cucked than her husband?

is there a difference between sexual assault? and rape in america or is it the same thing.

guys, I need help
raped me in 1956
somebody please dox them :(

Look user I'm sorry your conservative voting dad hit you, but that's something you've got to deal with.

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I mean, it's certainly starting to look like that.

Chiang Kai Shek will PAY for what he did to you!

Black men can't rape though
Ita just reperations


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is there no statute of limitations for someone just throwing that out there? anyone from your past can just make up an allegation if you become really sucess or something

I for one am glad that we have selfless heroes out in the world that do the work that must be done.

thank you, town rapist.

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In his defense I must admit he had to be REALLY drunk.
