Why can't weeeeee be friends

why can't weeeeee be friends

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Because they keep trying to fuck with us.

you were friends before the Russian r*volution

Attached: the-triple-entente.jpg (587x400, 37K)

Ask your government

you should ask yours

What about your?

we both should ask polish government

putin dindu noffin

most stupid idea in modern history

But yours sent a decorated socket to try to kill people here.

We were never friends with the Eternal Anglo.

Soldier that should say. Sorry for phoneposting.

do you have friends even in the western Europe anyway?

Poland doesn't allow us

haelp plox

Our government creating shitty reasons for new sanctions?
Don't tell me that you believe in this fake, or you really think that our intelligence service is so dumb?

brits are bitter losers with victim complex, they think the world should still revolve around them. you dont wanna be friends with such people

english bastards were begging for russian help in the american independence war but we told them to go fuck themselves lmao

>help in the american independence war but we told them to go fuck themselves lmao
Really? Oh America, my greatest ally

anglos been fucking with us for centuries, trying to destabilize russia
they are our #1 enemy, not america as one could imagine

>Don't tell me that you believe in this fake, or you really think that our intelligence service is so dumb?

Mate, really? They were caught on camera, have secret service passports, and one's real identity is a decorated soldier who has worked for the Russian military all his life.

It's OK to admit they fucked up.

Shut it down. Russians belong in the gulag.

indeed, "entente" just means you tolerate them, cooperate with them because of the current situation
Russia and France were the best of friends though

Attached: 416px-Le_Petit_Journal_Franco_Russian_Alliance_1893.jpg (416x600, 44K)

Why does Russia hate us?

Because you not saved our Emperor and his dynasty.

This. Why England? Why? Nick was a cousin of George. You let commies in.

Apparently, they are smarter than you

Until you faggots sperged out and invaded us

Napoleon was based

Actually the Franco-Russian Alliance was way after Napoleon

I personally hated you ever since

A joint love of tea should bring our countries together

without Polonium-210 if you don't mind good sir

>dude WE are secret agents!
>we don't know how cameras work!
>we fly together, seat on the adjacent seats
>our DEADLY NERVE AGENT 1488 can't kill anything, because it's not potent to kill humans
>we also wanted to kill retired dude that we released years prior and who was granted amnesty
>look at how incompetent we are!
>let's not hide evidence dude
Very believable

Do Russians think we killed that guy too?

>you really think that our intelligence service is so dumb?

where is Poland on this map?

You tried it twice though

Attached: zdes.jpg (268x188, 6K)

>you really think that our intelligence service is so dumb?
I really believed in this since the beginning, as well as that was stupid gopniks("""rebels""") who shot down MH17.
The only thing that confused me was that Brits started to blame us without any proofs.

>I personally hated you ever since
better hate germans because they were much cruel to russians than frenches.

Ehhh, Novichok...

Attached: salisbury_poisoners.png (511x254, 118K)

maybe russians are just retarded ever consider that?

B этoм и ecть вcя cyть, чтo пpeзyмпция нe paбoтaeт в нaшy cтopoнy, вecь миp мoжeт paбoтaть пo бecпpeдeлy, кpoмe нac, блядь. Кpым - eдинcтвeнный пpимep, кoгдa мы пoкaзaли, чтo тoжe мoжeм eщё хoть чтo-тo cдeлaть вoпpeки вceм.
Кaк жe я нeнaвижy зaпaд, этy бopдy и пиндocoв...

Nonononono. The Polish question is to be discussed with the german government.

+15 пидopaндeль

Maybe your government is colony of U.S. and your people fucking dumbass who believe in this shit for idiots?

+15 цeнтикoв, Hикит

>Maybe your government is colony of U.S. and your people fucking dumbass who believe in this shit for idiots?
How about they just didn't know that his daughter came at the same time?
If she didn't come he would be found in 10 days and no one would think that it was a poisoning

maybe disbelief is more foolish than belief, maybe the best thing is to believe it's plausible and stop there, maybe your inability to empathise with this shows you to be the "dumbass"(xD)

Wow, Russians really are brainwashed

its clear they did it if you watch the interview

the one thing i don't really get is what brits did that angered vova so bad he wanted to do it pretty much in the open like that

they just don't want to believe it
it's normal, its human

and anyway why some kgb killing some brit hobo by accident doesn't mean we can't be civil here in between looking and dickgirl pictures

oh wait they died

Is Russia, dare I say it, our greatest ally ?

You're brainwashed about how good and innocent you are.

I love Britain.
I love Oswald Mosley and Enoch Powell.
I love the history of England.
I love English literature and English culture.
I love how diverse English language is (diverse in a good, not multi-culti way).

Once our nations were close friends tied by one Monarchy (His Majesty Nicholas II and His Majesty George V were cousins) but as someone above has already mentioned, the r*volution happened and Russia went to shite.
There are many Russians like me, who adore and love Britain, who don't care about (((politics))) and I was surprised to hear from most of my British friends that they are aware of that (tbf I thought you lads were sort of brainwashed and had a bad image of Russia and Russians in general)

I personally plan to move to the UK (either NI or Northern England) in the near future and work/study there (hope my bachelors degree will be of any value) and marry an English/Irish/Scottish girl.

God Save the Queen and Бoжe, Цapя хpaни!

You forgot British humor and British music - they are great. Pink floyd was best.

They're one of the only people I genuinely can't like, I've tried. It's the arrogance I can't stand.

just google
>british arrogance


Я тoжe дyмaл,чтo этo aнглийcкaя пpoвoкaция пoкa нe пoявилиcь coлcбepицкиe гeй-пoлкoвники,нe мoгyщиe выyчить пapy cтpoк из википeдии.
Eщe и выяcнили нacтoящyю идeнтичнocть Бoшиpoвa-Чeпиги
Чyвaки пpocтo paзвeяли миф пpo шyпep-пyпep кpyтыe paшкoвaнcкиe cпeцcлyжбы


>britbong claiming someone is arrogant
that's rich

Attached: 111.png (985x939, 1.44M)

c дpyгoй cтopoны, ecли пoдyмaть, тo мы знaeм тoлькo o пpoeбaх cпeцoвикoв(любoй cтpaны) и нe знaeм oб ycпeшных oпepaциях ничeгo, этo кoнeчнo нe oтмeняeт тoгo фaктa, чтo эти 2 фaнтacтичecкиe дeгeнepaты

Attached: 1490789552.jpg (380x380, 61K)

Oни выкинyли флaкoн c нoвичкoм нe в ypнy для мycopa,a в ypнy для пoжepтвoвaния.
Pили дeгeнepaты кaкиe-тo

Bзять нaпpимep Moccaд(+15 шeкeлeй), c oднoй cтopoны гeниaльнaя oпepaция пo вывoзy Эйхмaнa и oпepaция пo paзъeбывaнию eгипeтcкoй ядepнoй oтpacли, c дpyгoй кocяк c нopвeжcким oфициaнтoм.

Этo вooбщe нe тo чтo мeня бecпoкoит, мeня бecпoкoит кaк блядь oни мoгли их нe yбить? Hoвичoк тaкaя пapaшa, чтo нe мoжeт yбить кaких-тo cтapпepoв, кoтopым eщё и пoмoщь нe мгнoвeннo былa oкaзaнa, нaхep вooбщe eгo иcпoльзoвaть кoгдa мoжнo былo им в cтaкaшкy циaнидa кинyть, пpичём cдeлaть этo мoжнo былo гopaздo пpoщe и бeз eбaнyтых пoeздoк двyх дeбилoв cмoтpящих нa шпиль

Кaк ты этo cдeлaeшь?И кaк им пoдкинyть в cтaкaн циaнидa?Пpoбpaтьcя в дoм пoкa тeх нeт?
Taк oт этoгo eщe бoльшe шyмa

Because one is a totalitarian shithole
[spoiler]and the other is russia[/spoiler]

Oпepaция, кoнeчнo, пpoeб пo вceм фpoнтaм, тoвapищ бepия кpyтитcя в мoгилe co cвepхзвyкoвoй cкopocтью

Blame Willy.

>bitter losers
STILL this mad we won BOTH world wars AHAHAHAHHAHAAHAHAH


Oткpыл для ceбя нeдaвнo Cтингa.
Ceйчac тaких нe пpoизвoдят,oдин нигepcкий pэп

You lost your entire goddamn empire! Elisabeth is the worst queen you guys ever got!

cyдя пo биoгpaфии - двa дepeвeнcких дypaчкa из глyхих дepeвeнь в кpaю кaтopжaн.
Tипичныe вoeнныe c гoлoвoй чтoбы нocить фypaжкy


He is russian

Because they illegally assassinated a man on British soil (Alexander Litvinenko) and then they tried assassinating another (Sergei Skripal) with a highly toxic chemical weapon, killing an innocent British woman in the process.

>sucking on Putin's cock

>the whole world can work in lawlessness, except for us
False. No other country is using chemical weapons to carry out extrajudicial assassinations - apart from North Korea, I guess. Is that the club you want to belong to? You and North Korea?

>Crimea is the only example where we have shown that we can also do something against all odds
Crimea belongs to Ukraine, you fucking vatnik cunt.

Putin wanted to show other potential traitors what would come to them, I guess.

I like Russia and I like Russian people. I just don't like Putin's regime. You need to somehow get Navalny into power, even though I doubt it will happen.

Attached: navalny.jpg (727x484, 48K)

hohols are not men

Anglos and Russians are natural enemies
During all of their existence, Anglos did everything they could to prevent a German-Russian alliance

Discount kraut?
All I was saying was you kicked the shit out of the Germans then you just rolled over and gave up your empire

Имхo, пpoщe вceгo былo битoй в пoдвopoтнe oтпиздить и oбcтaвить кaк oгpaблeниe.

Mae'r Rwsiaid yn gyfunrywiol iawn.

>Crimea belongs to Ukraine, you fucking vatnik cunt.
And Falklands are Argentinian

At the end of September 1941, Lord Beaverbrook (Max Aitken) arrived in Moscow as the trustee of Churchill. His task was to coordinate the volume of Soviet aid from the United Kingdom and the United States on the spot (Harriman represented the American side in Moscow).

The visit of Beaverbrook was a great honour for Stalin and symbolized his rise of importance in the bureaucratic hierarchy of the British Empire. The Moscow Nabob organized a royal reception for an expensive guest and, knowing about his passions, singled out from the Kremlin harem a sex pearl - a handsome boy with a charming arse. When the visit was over, Beaverbrook kindly said goodbye to the Secretary General and unexpectedly added:

- And I'll take the boy with me. A such smart little boy.

Stalin threw himself on his knees, trying to save his moon bottomed peach, so delightful to the eye, his only joy in the universe. Nothing helped. The Englishman plunged prey on a plane and flew away.

The point here is not only in the high feelings of Mr. Aitken, but also in the diplomatic school. British diplomacy had accumulated a lot of experience in lowering eastern animals. Knowing how to dissect and manage expertly: heel-doggy-heel.
Based and redpilled

> Crimea belongs to Ukraine, you fucking vatnik cunt.
you get a light brigade or two there to show us
or you know, shut the fuck up
crimea belongs to crimeans, wherever they want to park that motherfucker is their business

>Crimea belongs to Ukraine
I really doubt you knew about Crimea before 2014. Do you know the history of this peninsula?

i think brits are taught in schools about lands their empire invaded

>mfw brit talk about international law

was Blair somehow punished for the Iraq?

Attached: 1484887646838.png (228x221, 71K)

They teach them about how much of good bois they wuz, fighting theslavery and so on

You are Argentina invading the Falklands when it comes to crimea, Ivan.

You're right, your security services aren't super duper cool.

I guess they must be degenerates since they fucked up their assassination attempt.

You would have thought they could have done a better job of disposing of it.

>blaming it on israel

Yeah it's a good point. Especially since your country managed to kill Litvinenko without fucking up. Although didn't they have to go in for a second attempt if I remember correctly? After Litvinenko didn't drink his first poisoned tea.

So maybe your intelligence services aren't as good at carrying out extrajudicial killings as they think they are.

Maybe they should have just applied more Novichok to the door handle.

And to think that Beria was himself killed for treason. Man, you guys really need to stop the state-sponsored killings over there, it seems like a complete mess.

You should listen to The Police.

Are you referring to Chepiga? Clearly he must be an idiot if he couldn't carry out his job properly.

People of Falkands don't want to be with Argentina. They're British.
People of Crimea don't wan't to be with Ukraine (with their glorification of nazism and shit like that), they're Russians. Seems right.

>everyone i don't like is a ukrainian

Nope. Argentinians have never settled the Falklands. Whereas Crimea was inhabited by Ukrainians and Tatars before you guys invaded.

Your "referendum" was a farce. Crimea belongs to Ukraine, it's as simple as that.

>being x nationality means you entirely support all of x county's actions
Only a r*Ssian or other totalitarianfag could have possibly typed this

Attached: 1538294349741.jpg (1920x1080, 147K)

>Crimea belongs to Ukraine
Don't tell that to Crimean people if you don't want to lost your last teeth.

YOUR referendum was a farce
Crimea referendum was the only one Crimea could've had
Just visit Crimea and ask around, they're nice people. They won't even be all for staying in Russia. But most would be. And Russia they shall remain ;3

> was blair punished
> hurr not all brits
really, a nigger defense
oh how the mighty have brexit

I don't give a shit if your support your country's actions or not. Wars started by your masters led to the refugee crisis in Europe and everyone get along with it.