Hi Jow Forums, look at me. I'm practicing handgrip exercises. You should do that too. Over 30 years of research on that matter show that handgrip exercises help to reduce blood pressure:
Also, everything becomes easier when you have a strong handgrip (practicing sports, driving, opening doors, carrying things, etc). Be men/women with strong hands. Strengthen your handgrip.
Those plastic pieces of shit wont do you any good, and anyone actually fit will scoff at your 90 pound toys. Get the metal ones like and stop being a beta cuck trader.
t. someone who can close a 200 pound gripper but is still pretty small (5'10 165 pounds)
Zachary Morales
You can do it, user. Kek.
Parker Flores
>200lbs reporting in It's not complete unless you close it
get the captain crush, depending on strength level you can start at 60lbs i believe and jump to 80, 100, ...120/140? i forget.
they are about 25 bucks a weight but they will last forever, aesthetic af, and will rough up your hands unlike basedboipucis. i started out at 60 i think, and i can meet the 200lb one and i've only been fucking around at work for like4ish months?
Anthony Clark
>basedboipucis didn't realize that filter is in biz as well
It's not exactly a workout. You're supposed to grip and hold for as long as possible. It's an isometric exercise. The point is to train your nervous system, instead of just strengthening your hand's muscles.
Seriously impressive. To put it in perspective #3 and #4 have official certifications. Only 5 people are on the #4 list. That's enough strength to crush an unopened can of soda. It's enough strength to rip your skin off your hand.
Isaac King
To clarify, #2 is 195 lbs, #3 is 280 and #4 is 365.