
How much has americanization destroyed your country's culture and customs?

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If your country's culture and customs died that easily, they probably weren't worth keeping or viable in today's world.

it enhanced it

>If your country's culture and customs died that easily, they probably weren't worth keeping or viable in today's world.

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Al Qaeda probably said the same thing about the Twin Towers.

it just contaminated them
what matters is what it will stand the test of time

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That's why asian culture is such a boom in the west, right?

what will*

Where is the coca-cola on the right?


On her kidneys

That's a really funny pic, my friend. Can I save it?


Americanization would be an upgrade.

Funk is just Americanized Brazilian music doe

same for all the Latino music that is getting big nowadays

Americanization and Brazilification are basically the same thing now

La Creaturafication is the future for all of mankind.

Not at all

>No American Pizza
>No Hamburgers
>No French Fries
>No Mc Donalds
What kind of Americanization is this?

If your culture was so weak it got infected by ours, it didn’t deserve to live in the first place.

what americanization ? all i see is niggerization, faggotization, islamization, feministization, and so on
if everybody was like donald trump i wouldn't complain

It’s not just food m8, but good on you guys for resisting the food part.

>i wouldn’t complain

Yes you would, and you know it.

B-But that is the best part!

It gets old, if it becomes your only option. Where I am now, the only pizza I can get is franchise store garbage. Pizza is so much better when it is made by some fat guido who’s working in a little shop his grandfather opened.

You can make it at home and it's excellent if you do some research and invest a little time and energy.

I don't actually think they have destroyed that much. American products have become important in some feasts, but people are pretty interested in keeping their own traditions. Instead of destroying traditions, Americans have more or less just influenced the culture. For example, Donald Duck has become a pretty Finnish thing and it has fused itself with the local culture so much, that it's almost like Donald was always a Finnish icon. American Christmas carols have not replaced their Finnish counterparts, and they enjoy peaceful coexistence with one-another. Even if we celebrated Kekri more often, it wouldn't overlap with Halloween. Many people like using English words, but every lingua franca has had its effect on languages. So no, I don't think America has destroyed my culture.

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>>No French Fries
>What kind of Americanization is this?
those are freedom fries, m8

I can make a decent pie, but It’s never quite the same. I’ve made my own mozzarella before, but I can’t get quality pepperoni here and I sure as fuck am not building a brick wood fire stove in my house.

I would unironicaly prefer it to being Islamised



>Donald Duck has become a pretty Finnish thing and it has fused itself with the local culture so much, that it's almost like Donald was always a Finnish icon
lmao wtf, what a bizarre statement

it's an improvement over g*Rman culture

Black and brown French are obsessed with American trashy culture like the Kardashians

Blaming things on black and brown people. How Americanized.

Our white trash is a tiny percentage of our total white population, we have the right to blame shitskins

should have no neck and fatter.

Sorry, I'm a bit tired. What I tried to say is that Donald Duck, whom is essentially an American character, has become part of the modern Finnish culture. This has been done through localizing the comic book series to fit the Finnish audience and their culture.

But i´m sure as hell you will be crying when your country becomes an inmigrant ridden shithole