70 People from 70 Countries Sing their National Anthems

...and it's beautiful


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French guy looks like a complete soyboy.

Why don't they have a portuguese person there?They have like 10 fucking irrelevant countries there


El peruano:
Durante su niñez es introducido al mundo de los negocios exitosos de sus padres, sin tener nunca la necesidad de esforzarse por vivir.
Es aseado y asiste a todas sus clases, es inteligente y creativo.

La expresión "peruano" proviene del latín "Civilizadus homo sapiens sapiens sapiens" que se traduce directamente a "Persona inteligente, humana y aseada".

Usted se preguntará: ¿Cómo identificar a esta maravillosa criatura?
En realidad es muy simple, aquí algunas de sus características:
1- Poseen piel clara y agradable
2- Son bien parecidos y atractivos.
3- Son la raza de mayor altura en la historia de la humanidad.
4- Gozan de estructuras óseas perfectamente simétricas, es impresionante.
5- Poseen glúteos altamente desarrollados.
6- Poseen cuellos sólidos, anchos, largos y fuertes.
7- Narices rectas y delicadas que pondrían celoso a cualquier escultor griego.
8- Sus oidos están diseñados para tener la mejor capacidad acústica.
9- Tienen ojos azules y bien formados.
10- Poseen una estética facial inmejorable, estos cara de dioses

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french people who are in contact with american media are all faggot


she PENG

Czech republic
Are best girls

No need for there to be eleven irrelevant ones.

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Would you rather we look like this, OP?

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The frenchie looks so jewish

*calls you a subhuman*

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The shape of her head reminds me of shrek desu

the spanish girl was so qt and thiccie


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>3- Son la raza de mayor altura en la historia de la humanidad.

Brazilian guy a retard, like it should be.

>mexican girl whiter than the american guy

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>unnecessary swaying by most except for few
I could tell these "people" aren't even
3:46 cringe hapa *ndian .
Femoids and soyboys are not supposed to sing national anthems.

>Bulgarian Muslim from Thrace is whiter than greek

>video description mentions Argentina twice
>no argentine one

>spanish girl just humming to the anthem and avoiding to sing the lyric during franco's regimen

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How long before Fatherland is deemed a sexist term?

How did they find so many fucking uggos

>Blue Eyes
Where did they cherry pick her from? Every Romanian I've met had brown hair and brown eyes.

Why does Jaan and a few other countries have people that can actually sing and the rest of our countries have tone deaf idiots? Your average Jow Forums poster is probably as good as most of these people.