/lang/ – Language Learning General

>What language are you learning?
>Share language learning experiences!
>Ask questions about your target language!
>Help people who want to learn a new language!
>Find people to practice your target language with!
>Participate in translation challenges or make your own!

Learning resources:
First and foremost check the Jow Forums Wiki. (feel free to contribute)
4chanint.wikia.com/wiki/The_Official_Jow Forums_How_to_Learn_A_Foreign_Language_Guide_Wiki

Check this pastebin for plenty of language resources as well as some nice image guides.
pastebin.com/ACEmVqua (embed) (embed) (embed) (embed) (embed) (embed) (embed) (embed) (embed) (embed) (embed)

/Lang/ is currently short on those image qts, so if you can pitch in to help create one for a given language, don't hesitate to do so!

Torrents with more resources than you'll ever need for 30 plus languages:
Mega link with books for all kinds of languages:

>How do I learn a language? What is the best way to learn one? How should I improve on certain aspects?
Ideally take a class, otherwise buy (torrent) a well-received textbook for your language, google any grammar you have trouble with and no matter what do lots of translation exercises. Duolingo is fine to use in addition to whatever else you are but a poor idea to use on its own.
>When can I move on to a different language?
You don't
>What language should I learn
Japanese, you'll totally stick to it just for anime/manga bro, it's not hard at all bro, you'll totally commit to it bro
>Should I learn X to get a qt wife/gf (male(female(male)))?

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Other urls found in this thread:


My German subtitles


r8 my accent
it's french

anyone have experience making anki decks with spreadsheets? Shit seems confusing as hell

I want to learn Italian, what's the best way to do that?

you could try starting


good god how do you watch that trash, just play videogames in german or something, that right there's awful


It sounds good but I don't speak French.

>pastebin.com/ACEmVqua (embed) (embed) (embed) (embed) (embed) (embed) (embed) (embed) (embed) (embed) (embed)

>Dat meisje is mijn zus.
>Kan hij dansen?
>De stol staat bij de groene tapijt.
Stoel* Het tapijt --> Het groene/groen tapijt (Not sure myself, kek)
>Sorry, vind ik alleen maar 2D meisjes leuk!
Sorry. Ik vind alleen [maar] 2D...
Maar can be omitted, it stresses alleen.
>De tafel waarover ik scrijf is heel robuust.
Waarop* = on which, Waarover = over which (waarover ik keek), Schrijf*
Robuust is not wrong, but you could use the more common stevig
>De Amerikaanse jonge boven mij is heel bang voor slangen.
Amerikaanse jongen = American boy,
Amerikaanse man, De Amerikaan are more true to the original sentence.
>Ik hoop dat je weet wat noodzakelijk te doen is.
Ik hoop dat je weet wat gedaan moet worden.
>In het leven is er geen plezier als een kopje koffie in de ochtend.
Is er geen groter plezier* is closer to the original sentence.
>Soms, wens ik dat ik een tijdmachine had om te weten wat ik doen zou om zij niet weg te gaan (of ''om zij te blijven'')
Om te weten wat ik had moeten doen zodat ze niet zou zijn weggegaan.
Zodat ze zou zijn gebleven. (If I used blijven)
>Ik zou leuk vinden mijzelf een steuk veld kopen maar, (jammer?), de grooit van de vraag naar tarwe hat de prijs ongelooflijk hoog geworden.
Ik zou het leuk vinden om een stuk land te kopen voor mijzelf. Helaas, door de toename/ groei van de vraag naar granen is de prijs ongelofelijk hoog [geworden]
Toen ik een jonge was (of ''Toen jonge''?), ik vond kijken naar de hemels heel mooi, maar tegenwoordig, heb ik alleen maar een paar minuten om net mijzelf op de spiegel te aankijken.

>Okay so my biggest question has to do with this last sentence, how the hell do I use an infinitive sentence as object?
>I like looking at the skies.
>Ik houd van (kijken aan de hemels)?
Ik houd van naar de naar de hemel kijken.

>Cette fille est ma sœur
>Cette chaise est près du tapis vert
>La table sur laquelle j'écris est très robuste
>L'américain au-dessus de moi a très peur des serpents
>J’espère que tu sais ce qu'il faut faire
>Il n'y a pas de plus grand plaisir dans la vie qu'une tasse de café le matin/dans la matinée
>Des fois j'aurai aimé avoir une machine à remonter dans le temps pour savoir ce que j'aurai dû faire pour qu'elle ne parte pas
>J'adorerais m'acheter une parcelle de terre agricole, mais, hélas, l'augmentation de la demande pour le blé a rendu le prix déraisonnablement élevé
>Lorsque j'étais enfant, j'adorai observer le ciel, ces jours-ci, j'ai à peine le temps de me regarder dans le miroir

Attached: 1537801433411.jpg (923x713, 70K)

>Ik houd van naar de naar de hemel kijken.
Ik houd van naar de hemel kijken.*

Guise which is difficult: German or French?

>tfw you must learn japanese for emigration
Well, I have 2 years for it, what i could do?

both, just choose the one with the

Isn't there 3000000beginner guides out there ?
Also which level do you have to achieve ? Fluency ? Forget about it unless you put 3 EFFECTIVE hours per day in it. good luck

For MEXT exam, asian bro, so it's N2 probably

what about this?


German is more difficult

I've started learning Korean few days ago. Just because I feel like it, but I kinda sobered up now.
It all feels the same to me and I don't remember any words.
Does it get easier and does it pay off? What's some interesting material in Korean I would be able to experience once I'm proficient?

Learning a gender with a word is very tiring.

I guess, since no one posted a new challenge, that one is still in force.

>Easy mode:
Tamta dziewczyna jest moją siostrą.
On umie tańczyć?
Krzesło jest blisko zielonego dywanu.
Lubię tylko dwuwymiarowe dziewczyny, sorry!

>Moderate mode:
Stół, na którym piszę, jest naprawdę krzepki.
Ten amerykanin nade mną naprawdę się boi węży.
Mam nadzieję, że wiesz co trzeba zrobić.
Nie ma większej przyjemności, niż filiżanka kawy rano.

>Hurt me plenty - mode:
Czasami życzę, żebym miał machinę czasu, by wiedzieć co musiałbym zrobić, żeby ona nie odeszła.
Z przyjemnością kupiłbym sobie działkę rolniczą ale, niestety, wzrost popytu na pszenicę sprawił, że ceny stały się bezzasadnie wysokie.
("zrobił cenę bezzasadnie wysoką" doesn't make any sense, right?)
Kiedy byłem dzieckiem, lubiłem gapić się w niebo; obecnie ledwie mam dość czasu, żeby patrzeć na siebie w lustro.

Jeśli ktoś potrafi mi pokazać, że to, co myślę albo robię, nie jest poprawne, z radością się zmienię, bo szukam prawdy, która nigdy nikomu naprawdę nie szkodziła. To człowiek, który kontynuuje w oszukiwaniu samego siebie i ignorancji, jest uszkodzony.

>talk to yourself in your target lang a bit every day, even if you just explain what you are doing at the moment
Based. I thought I'm autistic.


>Does it get easier
No, it will take years to get used to the variety of sentence structures and the rich vocabulary.

>What's some interesting material in Korean I would be able to experience once I'm proficient?

Mostly being able to talk to Koreans and to make meaningful friendships/relationships with them.
There many good Korean movies, but there isn't an infinite number of them, so you might run out of material quite fast.
There are a few entertaining webtoons. There are also some novels I guess, Koreans read a lot but I can't really tell you about that because I never read one, translation of Korean books are rare.
Then there are all the broadcasts, esport, afreeca tv, etc but I doubt you will find lots of interesting material since most of it is "me reacting to X".
They have a very developed Naver blogging community although I have no idea if it's good.
Reading their new can be interesting.
Also if you want to read traditional scholar work you will need to know hanja and hanmoon although there are probably Korean translations

See what are the ties of your government with Korea and the situation of your expat community. Korea still has a dynamic economy and is lacking foreigners who speak Koreans because for a long time SK's economic boom was ignored; eclipsed between Japan and China's growth. So there are still many opportunities for qualified foreigners who speak Korean although it won't be true very long because of the Korean wave that brought tons of Koreaboos into Korean majors recently. Korea has the advantage of being mostly clean with a well educated population, modern structures and institutions. Not crazy polluted like China, not as self centred as Japan, next to all the major cities in eastern Asia. But after a very aggressive colonisation, a war, the division of the country and a crazy economical growth, it's true that they didn't really have the time to do much, although I think they are doing fine.

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>not learning finnish

Hallo answer my two questions from last thread blease :DDD

>its another one of those koreaboos learning Korean because they like Red Velvet/Loona

Why are you learning Korean btw ?

Oh I gave up many years ago.
It's useless, everything get's translated these days; live or at worst the next day. (vlive)
When I got into kpop about 12 years ago you had to wait weeks if something got translated at all. (variety, movies, drama)

I thought you were the other Dutch guy who is learning Korean, how many of you are here

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How is everything translated so fast? Do they have an army of bilingual Korean-English speakers?

Some German compound words really are stuped. Explain the thought process behind these to me:
The last one is the most illogical; if it said something like ‘Ehrgier’ it would’ve made all the sense, but what even is the logic with this?

>learning Japanese only for anime
>learning Korean only for k-pop
You deserve to get shot if you do this.

please help me to correct this texte

>Lea nous raconte que dans les années quatre-vingt, un sentiment trés fort d’avoir une cuisine agencée l’a pris. Tout le monde le faisait et elle a fait venir de différents installeurs chez elle. Les uns lui proposaient des cuisines trop sombres, et les autres, trop claires. D’autres voulaient démolir sa maison.
>Quand elle allait faire ses comissions, elle a remarquée qu’une maison de cuisines avait ouvré près de chez elle. Au bout de peu de temps, elle a trouvé tout ce qu’elle voulait, une cuisine à couleur jaune que ce n’était pas trop clair et n’assombrissait pas.
>Dans ce nouveau établissement, elle a fait connaisance d’un hommbre vraiement amical, elle s’est renseignée, et l’homme lui a fait un prix raisonable et abordable (trois mille cinq cent euros).
>Elle seulement voulait agencer un côté de sa cuisine. Le mec lui a dit qu’il lui mettrait ce qu’ils avaient de mieux. Il est allé chez elle pour tout mesurer et lui expliquer ce qu’il allait faire. Il lui a dit qu’il tournarait l’évier, il mettrait le réfrigérateur et une machine à laver la vaiselle.

What does /lang/ think of duolingo?
Do you keep the owl happy?

Sometimes, the Owl doesn't help me a lot though.

I keep getting stupid mistakes that could be avoided by checking again the words

The order stills a nightmareeeeeee

Dank u wel

Easy mode:
>Das Mädchen ist meine Schwester.
>Kann er tanzen?
>Der Stuhl is in der Nähe des grünen Teppichs.
>Ich mag nur 2D-Mädchen. Entschuldigung!

>Moderate mode:

>Der Tisch, auf dem ich schreibe, ist sehr hard.
>Der Amerikaner über mir hat große Angst vor Schlagen.
>Ich hoffe, dass du weißt, was zu tun ist.
>Es gibt kein größeres Vergnügen in dem Leben, als eine Tasse Kaffee am Morgen.

Hurt me plenty - mode:
>Manchmal wünschte ich, dass ich eine Zeitmaschine hätte, um zu wissen, was ich tun müsste, damit sie mich mich nicht verlässt. (Someone please help with this one.)
>Ich würde mir gerne ein Stück Ackerlandes kaufen, aber leider hat die steigende Nachfrage nach Weizen den Preis unverhältnismäßig hoch gemacht.
>Also Kind liebte ich es, in den Himmel zu schauen; heutzutage habe ich kaum genug Zeit, mich im Spiegel zu sehen.

>LMAOing @ you mode:

>Am Morgen, wenn du widerwillig aufstehst, erinnere du dich an diesen Gedanken – ich stehe zur Arbeit eines Menschen auf. Warum bin ich dann unzufrieden, wenn ich die Dinge machen werde, für die ich existiere, und für die ich in die Welt gebracht wurde?

ist in der Nähe...*
als Kind...*
Phoneposting is hell

how to learn anything

If you learn by yourself, how do you make sure you're not teaching yourself some "inbred" way of speaking?

french is harder orally, while german becomes more gramatically advanced
source: My sisters and I had to learn french in school while my brother and dad had to learn german

I usually listen to how people speak in recordings, streams, and videos.

Post a vocaroo and let natives laugh at you.

Which language btw?

German is such a bitch, what do I do

Germans only want to speak English when they hear how awful I sound

Improve your German on your own up to a level where you feel confident enough to talk to them and then retry.

I thought I was pretty far along in my understanding of Spanish, but a hentai manga translated to the language just kicked my ass. I may as well have been reading Don Quixote with anime tiddies.

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My idea was that the only way I would really improve is by speaking to people. I don't really know what I can do by myself because that hasn't really gotten me too far.

I'd learn French before German desu

Thanks, user


Accent sounds good but you're pronunciation of some words is kinda iffy, for example it sounds like you say "couisine" instead of "cuisine", which is more of the belgian way to say 'ui'

Don't know what to do that's productive. I could stick my head in a language book all day or watch something in the target language but I never feel like I'm accomplishing anything because when I listen to natives talk during normal conversation I can't understand anything.

Oh, spur of the moment autism 1,5 year back.
No reason besides keeping myself busy.
I still like learning about it so I do not see myself quitting anytime soon. The lack of media I want to consume is a shame though.

Cool, thanks man. Korea sounds really great. I'm not even planning on using it for business, so I'm not that worried, but I'm kinda worried of being bunched up with k pop fangirls, just like some people started learning Romanian to understand the gay pop singers, whatever their name was.

>people started learning Romanian to understand the gay pop singers
W-wait, what? What singers?

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Years ago. I mean the numa numa craze in the early 2000s.

yeah kinda, my major was 55girls for 3 guys, and one was a Chinese. If you study in Korea however you will be mostly with Chinese and there are a few more guys. But it helped me a lot actually, because kpop fangirls are so toxic every Korean learning French wants to talk to me. Even teachers liked me more and helped me a lot.

>He doesn't know the famous Romanian wave of the early 2000s

I remember the German wave that happened in France when Tokyo Hotel was popular.

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>in the early 2000s

mai era un neamt acu vreo doua threaduri care vorbeste fluent si a inceput sa invete romana de la dragostea din tei

Cred ca mi-l amintesc. Ciudata motivatie.

Watching a shitty subtitled Dutch sci-fi I found online to improve my listening comprehension. What are you lads doing?

watching a train wreck
ik hou van ramptoerisme
moet ff met naturalisatie opschieten voor dat we buiten de EU geschopt worden

Attached: file.png (754x818, 897K)

Replying for visibility
>0 people from German-speaking countries replied to this thread since my comment

kek, based Viorica. Speaking of watching trainwrecks, I was watching this movie and at one point the guy says something like "Ik weet niet hoe het met jou zit, maar voor mij het was pretty much the same". What the fuck? Is code switching this common in the Netherlands? I feel like 10% of the movie is in English.

>Is code switching this common in the Netherlands
yea pretty much
the Dutch (and most countries with a comparably small media industry) are more exposed to American/foreign media, at least I think that's how this happens
there's also quite a few German stuff thrown in every now and then, but usually with humorous intent like immer gerade aus and jawohl etc

Interesting. I had expected it to sound like garbled nonsense but with a bit of attention and the occasional English word thrown in I find it relatively easy to figure out what's going on even without subtitles. It's a bretty nice feeling.

>hentai manga translated to the language
Probably full of typos and retarded *insert any LatAm country* slang.

What are you watching?

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native here, can confirm
using english words or even expressions is common

>that one week I tried Romanian on duolingo and did quit years ago
If only

And what is up with those captchas, they're more cancerous than ever.

>The teacher is mad at me.
>I booked two tickets to Paris.
>He hugged her tightly.
>How much does this tie cost?
>I don't like to speak in public.
>She is satisfied with a simple life.
>We waited for him patiently.
>I just wanted to go out when he saw me.
>Officials in Angola have charged four men in connection with an alleged plot to siphon off a big chunk of its central-bank reserves. The country’s lawyers say they might have fallen victim to a decades-old type of get-rich-quick scheme, typically used to defraud individuals or companies, not sovereign states.
>Honda’s investment is part of an effort to jointly develop a fully autonomous car for mass production, as auto makers scramble to plant stakes in an industry swiftly being reshaped by technology.

>native here, can confirm
ja weet je ik woon hier al 6 e-en ben wel integreert en kan het ook bevestigen o-ok!

nu kan je weer Roemeens leren met al je Roemeense vrienden hier (ik) :3
maar waarom probeert je Roemeens te leren jaren geleden?
ik zweer het als het om een qt gaat ik schiet jullie allemaal dood

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Just finished it. Some random sci-fi called "Boy 7". I'm not a movie person at all so I can't comment on whether the movie was good or not but it was great for my Dutch learning needs.
>and did quit years ago
>mfw no one to teach anymore

Der Lehrer ist wütend auf mich.
Ich habe zwei Tickets nach Paris gekauft.
Er umarmt ihr fest.
Wie viel kostet das Krawatte

Publik sprechen gefällt mir nicht.
Sie ist zufrieden mit ein einfach leben.
Wir wartet für ihm geduldig
Ich möchte jetzt ausgehen wann er sieht mich.

Gonna do these when I get the chance.


Leek me gewoon interessant, niet vanwege meisjes ofzo.
(... haha wie weet wel)

Anyway, eerst verder met Turks daarna kijk ik wel verder.

Give it time?

Been doing that for 10 years. Next.

Did you ever actually talk to those natives during those ten years

>선생님은 나한테 화난다.
>피리스에 표를 예약했다.
>그는 그녀를 꽉 껴안았다.
>이 넥타이의 대가가 얼마입니까?
>연설을 하기 싫어.
>그녀는 간단 인생을 하는 걸 만족해요.
(Could I also write: 그녀는 간단 인생을 하기 만족해요. ?)
> 우리는 그를 끈기 있게 기다렸다.
>그는(or 가?) 나에 봤을 때 나는 나가고 싶었어요.

De docent is boos op me.
Ik heb tickets naar Parijs geboekt.
Hij heeft haar stevig geknuffeld.
Hoeveel kost deze stropdas?
Ik spreek niet graag in het openbaar.
Ze is tevreden met een eenvoudig leven.
We hebben geduldig op hem gewacht.
Ik wilde net uitgaan toen hij me kwam zien.

No, that's just been happening recently. But I've studied off and on for a long time and haven't really amounted to much.

>Hij heeft haar stevig geknuffeld.
Omhelzen is the word I would have used, it's more serious than knuffelen.
Your sentences are good as far as I can tell.


>Ik wilde net uitgaan toen hij me kwam zien.
Ik wou net uitgaan toen hij me zag*.

My bad, wilde is apparently more proper than wou, kek.

how do i get to that level? and surprisingly it seems more people are learning dutch than german here

Attached: monkas.png (1200x675, 211K)

nah it changes every week or so, depending who's a wagie, who's a student, who's slacking, who's learning a 6th language (hint: you literally never hear about those people ever again) etc
>how do i get to that level
you study and practice...? and what "level" is that, you only had 1 mistake anyway
now try the hard ones

>stevig geknuffeld
I'd be tempted to say 'hard', I rarely get when to use hard and vast and stevig etc

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Dedication, practice makes perfect.
Dutch is easier than German.

Stevig is the best choice in this context.

where are you from and how long have you been learning dutch? what resources did you use?

He's Romanian I think

I did jack shit for the first 2-3 years here, and then went to some courses for 3 months and then again did jack shit for another 3, besides sort of passive learning and getting a bit more exposure to Dutch media, but I still had to read a lot of it for work daily

the books we used in class were Nederlands in Gang and Nederlands in Actie (I think they're made for use in a class with a teacher but I still think they're very good books if you have the basics down which you seem to have)
not much besides that, I just read shitloads of dutch at work by default and watch some shows/movies every now and then

and desu Duolingo is fine for vocab, I tried it a couple of weeks ago and while it takes a while for it to be of any use (it's quite slow) I think it's still useful, but do take notes for vocab since it doesn't look like it has a function to remember words or anything; I understand why people here shit on Duolingo and imo it's a narrow-minded, negative, and counterproductive pleb attitude towards it; it's not the best, and shouldn't be your only resource by far, but it's by no means a bad thing

last but not least, not even meme-ing, this thread has helped a lot with motivation and feeling ok writing Dutch at least, that's been the bigger change for me recently so bij deze wil ik al die nederanons hier bedanken, ik vind jullie lief :3

I should write some of this up on the wiki~~

Attached: duoapu_lang.png (865x650, 124K)

>wil ik al die nederanons hier bedanken
Allemaal ikke.

Attached: 12309123219598428934702.png (905x717, 502K)

ik weet zeker dat er minstens twee van jullie waren maar natuurlijk ie die ene verpleegkunde m'n favoriete

I think there's an occasional third, who's learning turkish and there was another allochtoon I think
maar ja al jullie lijken op elkaar met je krullen en blauwe ogen en overrelaxed en tolerante houding

basado y rojoencapsulado

basato e rossopillato

>The teacher is mad at me.
A tanár dühös rám.
>I booked two tickets to Paris.
Foglaltam két jegy Párizsba.
>He hugged her tightly.
Szorosan megölelte őt.
>How much does this tie cost?
Mi ez a nyakkendő ára?

>I don't like to speak in public.
Nem szeretek beszélni nyilvánosan.
>She is satisfied with a simple life.
>We waited for him patiently.
Türelmesen vártunk rá.
>I just wanted to go out when he saw me.
Csak akartam kimegy amikor ő lát engem.

pls correct