Greatest nation to ever exist , the bastion of liberty

Greatest nation to ever exist , the bastion of liberty.
Never change you're perfect just the way you are

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it would be perfect nation but they have an ugly tendency to support colonialistic apartheid states.

>highest imprisoned population in the history of humanity
>the bastion of liberty


i got deported from there

I love you Israel-dono

Good , strict immigration laws are a sign of a strong country.

T.American in Israel

>the bastion of liberty
>Mexicans aren't allowed to stay and get kicked out


lol they have more prisoners than stalinist USSR, LAND OF THE FREE

Only means their law enforcement is working properly

>it only means that it's the country with the lowest rate of free people

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Palestinians dindu nuffins.

You don't even know what I did though

stalin just decided to kill them instead. friggn based if you ask me

I came there since I was 3 years old. I've been on something called "supervision".
Basically I have to report to the DHS/ICE field office closest to me, sign a document and then go home.

One day I went there and they just locked me in and put me in a county jail with a final order of deportation. I couldn't even see the judge.

So what's some of the reasons people get imprisoned? officers get bored or out of spite?

Think i heard of that ' that happens if your parents were deported back to their original country while you were a kid or something similar right?
yeah that's pretty fucked up i agree

>Never change

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>so what's some of the reason's people aren't free? other people decide they shouldn't be free?

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Dumb red monkey

I want to move to the US but their immigration laws are shit.
Wtf I thought German immigrants are part of your culture.

You must be brown to enter. Sorry.

Do you have a degree?

Know a shitload of Germans that are either au pairs or work in pharma
Work for a big multinational