Do you ever get tired of the same trap/gay LARPing?

Do you ever get tired of the same trap/gay LARPing?

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No, I just don't browse his threads

his? it's 90% of people here doing it

This place is a shithole anyway. Don't come expecting anything else

this whole website is a shithole nowadays desu, I just don't know anything better and I don't want to do something productive


some boards were alright years ago, now /lgbt/ is the least gay board

>pretends to be homophobic
>visits /lgbt/
like pottery

Blame anime, traps and people who like traps trying to validate themselves by saying "draw a grill call it a boy XDXD" AKA closet homos.

Ivan....there's no such thing. It is simply a disease that should be treated asap.

Do you ever get tired of frogposting?

I visited once just to shitpost, got banned and left.
also I'm alright with homos, I think it's a bad thing, but if you don't make it central to your identity it's just like any other bad trait, in my opinion.
not going to lie, I wank to traps sometimes myself. it's not that gay, don't put me in the same box as An*mefags
I don't do it often, so no.

georgian men...

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bendover slut

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>wanks to actual traps
>not that gay, really
Yep pretty straight and redpilled.

only one time, givi? and you made the whole two posts answering that post of mine...

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>gay don't wank to traps
>wanks ALSO to women
>doesn't wank to non-trap males
>wanks to feminine visuals with only one exception
I'm a slight bisexual at best.

No that ones actually mine. Since there's no /Georgia/ thread to shitpost in it was getting pretty lonely.

this is now /Georgia/

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Stop harassing my gay brothers just because I won't shower with you.

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Hell yea lets do this. I doubt the maybe 4 Georgians on Jow Forums would find it though.

მემგონი სხვა 2 მარტო ღამე შემოდიან, მაგრამ ჰოლანდიელი დიასპორაფეგი შეიძლება იყოს.

>ჰოლანდიელი დიასპორაფეგი

აა ხო ეგეც არი. ის იკი თუ რა ქვია იმ ტიპს რო გვეტენება მაგასაც თუ ჩავთლით კი გამოვდივართ რა ხოშიანათ.

You cockteased me. Now finish your job

Take care of your small asian penis yourself.

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5.7inches isnt smol you meanie

>ის იკი თუ რა ქვია იმ ტიპს რო გვეტენება
არ ვიცი, მართალი გითხრა გენერალში ხშირად არ ვარ, ძილი გამოსწორებული მაქ. წინაზე ესპანური დროშით რო იყო ის ვინაა?

shorter than some high heels

clearly not, then

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Closer to me soft than me hard.

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wtf is this gay picture

>ესპანური დროშით რო იყო
ეგ ის ტურისტი არაა ძალიან რო მოეწონა აქაურობა? თუ ქართულად ბაზრობდა? სიმართლე ვთქვა არც მე არ ვარ /ინტ/-ზე ხშირად.

This board needs homo medicine tbqh

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ქართულად დაწერა წინადადება და რავიცი, შეილება უცხოლეი იყო.
შენ ის არახარ, რელიგიური, სულ თურქებთან და მუსლუმანებთან რომ დაობს?

nope!! >ω


ვინ? :D არა კაცო მე ხანდახან თუ გენერალს ვიპოვი მაშინ ვპოსტავ ხოლმე.
მაგრამ მგონი ვიცი ვიზეც ამბობ მაგან /ჰისტ/ ზე მემე გააკეთა /კებაბ რემოვერიო/ თუ რაღაცა ვიკიპედიის თარიღებია რა ომებიც მოვიგეთ

მაგას ვხედავ ხოლმე გენერალის გარეთ ყველაზე ხშირად და მაგიტოომ.

მგონი ეგ /ჰისტ/ ზეა ძირითადად ან პოლზე.
კიდე ანიმე პოსტერია ერთი, ეგრედწოდებული ავატარფეგი.

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twinks with big dicks are inferior to ones with smol cute feminine ones
how big was it anyway?

Nah, just as good.

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Meh, if I fuck someone I want their dick to be smaller than mine by a margin of about 2 inches so 6" and below
A very underrated aspect of bottom submissivenes and top dominance is dick size and it looks hot as fuck

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Fair enough but me having a big dick shouldn't be a problem since it's not like we're doing anything or going to and it probably would not be deal breaker if you liked someone probably so it doesn't matter that much

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Yeah it would be a dealbreaker by any means, just saying its a con for me
But no one is perfect
>shouldn't be a problem since it's not like we're doing anything or going to and it probably would not be deal breaker
I said nothing about lewding you, jumped really fast to that horny boi

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It wouldnt be a dealbreaker I meant

>It's not like we're going to do anything
>jumped really fast to lewding you
I said it's not like we're going to do anything of that sort so it shouldn't matter that much right now

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may you faggots will suffer in hell

I said nothing about lewding you so why talk about lewding even if to say its not happening at all
This is a purely scientifical twink dicksize discussion a-user

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O-Oh sorry.
I like cute boys.

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