Scares jews

>scares jews
>called anti-Semitic 24/7
>loves violence
>wants to go after the bankers

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Other urls found in this thread:

>loves violence
>wants to destroy UK's nuclear capabilities

yeah hehe totally epik xd sounds like my kind of guy

Attached: autistic fiend.jpg (367x500, 35K)

it is so countries are more comfortable in engaging in warfare with the UK again so he can beat them up

left and right wing are completely meaningless terms at this point

>loves violence
>labor party has no battle organisation like irishmen, bolsheviks and SRs had
Come on, he says sweet speeches, but he is not willing to go extreme to make his ideas come true.

Not really. If you know the political theories and ideologies well, you can see who is who and see who is right and who is left.
Corbyn is more left than most of british politicians, but not left enough.

Is he actually anti-semitic or does he just refuse to #StandWithIsrael?

what did he mean by this

talk about politics when your country is no longer a shithole

Attached: Съеби диоген.jpg (493x404, 52K)

speak russian when anyone else in the world cares to understand it

Attached: Че еще спизданешь.jpg (367x474, 28K)

corbyn more like corr bin

Israel? More like ISN’T-real!

Core burn.

Is he going to save the UK?

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no, but he will start the new age of the Socialist Republic of England

It will be glorious.

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Hate labour love Corbyn simple as

Of course our resident Arab would love him

Attached: Screenshot-2017-12-9 (5) int - mfw arabshits get everything they deserve This i - International - 4c (1222x231, 25K)

>tfw got my residency in the UK to escape cucked Italian taxation
>tfw I'll get cucked by Corbyn

Attached: 9ee.png (688x578, 32K)

Just pay your taxes, Gino.

>called anti-Semitic
That's because the *nglo media is autistic though

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anti-Zionism IS anti-antisemitism

Taxation is theft

using roads is trespassing

>we need 50% of your earnings to maintain a road

roads are shit in the UK and in Italy, pretty much everywhere in Europe desu...apart from maybe Switzerland

Attached: Schermata 2018-10-03 alle 13.50.35.png (794x738, 900K)

Ours are top notch

>not letting tyrone fuck your wife is slavery

they're pretty good actually

you can revolt if you think its unfair

>Hurr anyone can make a road!
You literally miss the point of the "Libertarians hate roads" meme: roads are easy to build, but ultimately don't directly produce profit on their own, and manteinance is a nightmare both in terms of costs and frequency. In the end, the only way you could charge for traveling on your road in a way that's anywhere near profitable or even breaking even. Now, everyone sane enough to run a business decently knows that transportation f your goods isn't an optional, but they also don't want to be the ones do it for everyone else, and the logical solution "every company pays a share of the costs for roads to a company that mantains roads" may be too statist for some.As such, you get a situation where a vital piece of infrasturcture is just eft to rot.

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>justifying the cucked Italian taxation system
Our roads and healthcare is shit (lombardy and veneto excluded) and we pay a huge amount of taxes, we does our money even go?

Is he like the leftwingers here? Like not based at all? Like in sweden

top notch is very terrible then...

i wish i were in Japan

Maybe you should pay more taxes to improve it.

left wing populism
>hate international upper class
>want to use a strong state to go against the market to create a working/middle class paradise
>anti israel
>base of disenfranchised young people
right wing populism
same shit

mainstream centre left
>what high immigration for economic reasons
>corporate handouts
>bail out banks
>pro Israel
mainstream right
>same shit(even immigration, they speak out against it but basically have the same polices)

im for a mixed economy except it doesn't work with latins

we don't have right wing populism in the UK then

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Corbyn is like an intelligent low key trump. So maybe he's the anti-trump.

I've been called anti-semitic for being anti-zionist so many times, I said fuck it I might as well just hate Jews since they so badly want me to hate them.

Jeremy Kikesbane

thats what brexit was. Except instead of young people just general fucked over working class people and they didn't give a shit about israel

based norin ayyrlan


brexit lul
brexit is the fucking tories going "we are listening to the people, no more preferential treatment for eu immigrants" and importing twice as many pakis to drive down wages for their family corporations.

fuck I hate living in this country, where you're stuck between 'refugees welcome' cucks and 'brexit means brexit' retards

Jeremiah Korban

Attached: corbyn.png (510x341, 276K)

oh yeah nothing will change, like how trump did fuck all and how bernie or corbyn wont but the general sentiment in people.
and i know what you mean we're still importing workers when i applied for a nandos job along with 140 fucking other people

capitalism has won, they've convinced everyone noone can ever do anything that goes against "the economy" which means immigration is inevitable

Is he just Bernie Sanders but with more balls?

He's nowhere as intelligent as Sanders
Literally a bargain bin meme politician who will unfortunately probably be our next PM

>t. goldman ben shlomo, real estate agent

Don't alt kikes hate commies but since he hate jews he found some sort of a loop hole?

Alt righters don't know or care anything about economics
They only care about meme identity issues. So if he hates Jews he's le epic and based


>we does our money even go
In England, apparently. Fucking hypocrite.

You forgot
>sucks russian dick

>Is he actually anti-semitic
He heads a party that's had a bunch of anti-Semitic scandals but I dont think anyone thinks he is.

>roads are easy to build, but ultimately don't directly produce profit on their own, and manteinance is a nightmare both in terms of costs and frequency.

>he defends billionaires

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