Truck Driving

>was told 10 years ago not to go into trucking because automated trucks were 5 years away
>Did it anyways
>Pay was kind of shit the first year
>Only 32k but almost no expenses.
>After 1st year and safe record I could get practically any trucking job I wanted
>Make 80k a year driving a double tanker Truck
>Invested half of my money each year
>Can now pretty much retire whenever I want at age 32.
>Don't even half a highschool diploma

Please tell me you guys seriously aren't investing in college and internet Chucky cheese tokens.

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Please tell me you didn’t sleep live and waste your prime of your life on some shitty truck trading time for money.

Then come here to brag?


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what kind of lot lizard action we got goin on?

how do you deal with the bordom and insanity of the job?

Don't interact with lot lizards. A tenth of them are cops, 40% will slit your throat if you are carrying a lot of cash and the other 50% are animals, which runs the additional risk of getting a bestiality charge when your turn on your sleeper lights and realize that Rhonda is actually a 250 razorback hog.

>half a highschool diploma

I would rather continue making more money than you not sitting in a truck all day long. Thanks tho

Its looking lucrative in Germany atm

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Trucks of peace for everyone!

I was originally gonna say that truck driving is one of the only acceptable forms of wagecucking, because of the "benefits". What's the point of being on the road all the time if you're not fucking somebody different every day?

>Only 32k but almost no expenses
Are you an owner-operator?

>Make 80k a year driving a double tanker Truck
>Can now pretty much retire whenever I want at age 32.

lolol which confirms...
>Don't even half a highschool diploma

Truck driving is a good gig except for the boredom, loneliness, and lack of exercise. Although I have a hard time believing that in 2008, you were told that self driving trucks were 5 years away. We're still 10 years away starting today.

>refugees from countries known for suicide bombing via trucks
>better give these guys a job driving trucks
what can go wrong

>Although I have a hard time believing that in 2008, you were told that self driving trucks were 5 years away.
Some faggot has been saying that since I was a teen, and that was 20 years ago.

We were also supposed to have flying cars. Which technically we do. Except they're called planes, and you need a sport-class license.

That sounds like your future user, just instead of a truck it will be a computer screen and there will be no money involved.

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Hey user did the same thing from 2013-2016 with a girl I was dating.

We made bank and saw the country. Wouldn’t ever do it again but it got me out of a bad spot financially. If I would’ve known about crypto then I would be so fuckin set right now...

You can get training paid for by the workforce investment act. Also don’t eat shit and excercise and you’ll be fine physically. It’s a shitty job sometimes but other times it’s pretty chill.

You drove a truck with a woman?

Dad used to be friends with a husband-and-wife team that owned a sleeper bigger than my first apartment. Mostly pick-and-pull. They managed to get some incredible bids on cross-country jobs because they were able to run basically non-stop without violating any laws and could get loads where it needed to be quickernshit.

Ten years on the road they sold the rig with almost all of the money they had earned still in the bank and retired with well over a million.

It used to be possible. No idea if it still is...

>Germans have no sense of hum-

you're well off because you invested in ???, not because you drive trucks.

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Yeah we met at another driving job (camping trips for 18-25 year olds—pure hell but another story)

Her dad was a trucker and told us about team driving so we said fuck if we had about $2k combined and needed cash. Lived in a motel 6 in Albuquerque and drove a semi around a parking lot for 3 weeks and then signed on with a big ass carrier. Got .48 a mile split so .24 a mile with an average of 6k Miles a week. She had a good work ethic and was a pretty good human. We were romantically involved when we started but after 10
Months have it up. Something about each person having their own piss jug killed the sexy vibe. That and showering every 3 days.

I should write an ebook about the experience it was quite funny. I’m about to sleep but I’ll answer any questions you’ve got. With hazmat and tanker you can make big bucks after two years experience. That’s when the insurance rates for companies go down so they can pay you more.

id rather be a janitor. im sorry for your life user.

23 year old with class a here trucked a bit last year and it was comfy and all but I went the heavy equipment operator route averaging about 60k a year in a low cost of living area

>camping trips for 18-25 year olds—pure hell but another story
mind elaborating?

>Months have it up. Something about each person having their own piss jug killed the sexy vibe. That and showering every 3 days.

Whoever told you selfdriving cars would be here in 2013 was an idiot
But c'mon man, you simply can't recommend someone to go into truck driving now
They literally already have better-than-the-average-bear selfdriving cars on the road right now, and you might be able to get 10-15 years more out of driving before it's completely automated
And if you want to actually have a career not just 15 years and living off whatever you've got after that time then you're gonna need to get a real job
Plus like the other anons said, driving trucks seems lonely

Mfw I’m a ups driver

Mfw I cleaned $1490usd this week

There is still a good 10-15 years of truck drivers necessary. Ups ordered tons of Tesla trucks which will still need a human in the drivers seat for many years.

10-15 years before the singularity. We are on an exponential growth scale for compute, user.

Definitely naht

>drive a bus
>work 14-15 hours a day
>barely make more than the average wage


Wish I lived in the land of the free.

Don't prepare at your own peril.


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interesting thread

Truck driver here. I listen to podcasts and Audiobooks. Also making over 100k take home after driving a truck for about 4 years. High school education. I get all my meals and lodging paid for.

prob lots of music podcasts n lsd.

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truck driver here

28 years old

started when i was 22

now i have my own company my own trucks and i have 2 employees.

all i learned is with more money comes more expenses,

just paid a 10,000 dollar repair on one of my babys

>That and showering every 3 days.

You're weak. Nothing like smashing and eating your girl out after shes a bit musty

Trucks of peace delivering my sides to orbit.

You fell for the owner operator meme

FedEx freight drivers make a cool 60-70k. Weekends off... every night at home

Ups drivers make 70-105k. Sleeper/Millage guys make 120k

Central, old dominion ect, Wilson basically every local delivery freight driver can make from 55-90k. Benefits. Mon-fri weekends off... 401k match or pension ect

Local deliveries will not get taken over by automated trucks at time soon

I suppose full automation is a possibility in 15 yeats. But I would bet money against it.

The airline industry could have been automated completely decades ago, but every plane even cargo, still has two pilots. This is a form of transportation with greater tolerances and room for error than trucking. You drift 2' to the left in an airplane and nothing happens. You drift 2' to the left in a truck and kill an entire family. The number of variables involved in flight is also much less. In trucking good knows what will come at you.

To top this off the infrastructure planning federally, on a state basis, and locally still isn't conductive to automation in trucking.

Regulatory issues are also a whole nother can of worms.

DESU silicon value is just tossing money into the modern flying car.

My niggaz. U get it

>tfw I work for one of the largest designers for commercial trucks
>tfw I know how bad people like OP are going to get JUSTED within the next decade.

What if someone who is basically a total recluse, prefers almost 0 human contact, would they make a good trucker? And they like driving already anyway.

t. Asking for a friend

Just make sure you are clean for at least 3 months before starting. Even if weed is legal in your state you will still get fucked over if you test positive. If you get into an accident that kills some one, even if you weren't high at the time your ass I'd bubba's unless you piss clean.

No criminal record, or previous accidents also helps. But isn't necessary.

First few months are usually very frustrating for most people. But just stick with it. After a year or so in a shitty mega company you can pretty much work wherever you want.

> anti-social
> no soul sucking cubicle farm full of SJW'S
> want to see the country

Truck driving sounds comfy desu


What company?

20 years olds believe radical innovations are about to change a workforce he isn't even part of
30 years olds have the life experience to know innovations never change society as fast as starry-eyed apologists believe
40 years olds make a living convincing 20 years olds the world is about to change
those things were true in the 19th century, they were true in the 20th century and they will be true thorough the 21th century


Well when it comes to manufacturing companies and automatization of certain processes that a machine can do way better than the human, it isn't really a dream. It's more about engineer coming up with an idea how to build a machine to automatically perform that specific task a lot better and morr productive than a human.

Idk about other industries, but I was wagecucking in manufacturing company and saw those replacements and fear of the workers, since their work was at stake.

Fellow UPS driver here. Paycheck seems about right, sounds like you got your 60 hours. People are completely dumbfounded when I tell them how much I make driving trucks. It’s gotten to the point that when they ask, I just say ‘enough’ because they start acting differently.

Are you a local driver or long haul?

Why do so many truckers say how much they get paid. Then when you ask details it turns out the number they said is their gross income, they have 100k in expenses and only make 70k?

>50% are animals, which runs the additional risk of getting a bestiality charge when your turn on your sleeper lights and realize that Rhonda is actually a 250 razorback hog.
lmfao you guys do have a hilarious sense of humor