Why is crystal meth so popular in America yet practically unheard of in Europe?

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Seems like you've heard about it

It's only popular in poor rural areas here. I'm from the Northeast and coke is way more prevalent as an upper. The only person I suspect of being a tweeker is from a poor area of the midwest. Having said that the scourge now is opiates.

euros prefer speed

Drugs are popular whereger sub 100 iq and subhumsnd are at

Breaking Bad

But Ice us speed, good speed

nah speed doesn't have that shitty hangover, way better

The comedown is harsher with meth, but the high is better than dex

We did it way before it was cool, WW2 pilots used it

I think our pilots were still given dexedrine up until very recently(not all of them just long range stuff)

Wrong. Meth is the number one hard drug in east germany

Isn't it really big in Czechia?

Meth is epidemic in every part of the US you retard.

It’s not that popular, it was mostly a media phenomenon. Not saying it isn’t around in rural areas, but opioids are way more popular.

These quads have sat here unchecked for 47 minutes. Jow Forums has really gone downhill. I got you nigga!

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>east germany
Literally Russia

the problem we have here is synthetic cannabis and other synthetic drugs that come from china and can get in through legal loopholes, i dont think thats possible in america so they just make meth and distribute it easily

I got offered some once late at night when I was walking on the edge of campus. Some dudes in a car. I promptly said no and got the fuck out of there.

I gave a couple Xanax to a guy I'd just met at a party once, and about ten minutes later he waved me into the bathroom where they were smoking meth to repay the favor. I only got one hit but it felt whack. I prefer coke.


at least in sweden, people just by "tjack" and it is amphetamines, but often it is also other stimulants in the powder and methamphetamine is not uncommon at all to be found in normal "tjack" that people consume thinking they only bought amphetamine

How did your holes hold up


>there are druggies in my Jow Forums
leave immediately
