Germans drink beer almost daily

>Germans drink beer almost daily
>not fat like Muricans
What's Kraut sorcery is this?

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>not fat
No such thing user

is it possible to die if beer is drinked every day?
does it destroy your liver?

Because they don't eat 2kg of butter everyday.

You must see other Germans than I do. Literally everyone here has a beergut and acts like a pussy due to the estrogen that you produce when you drink too much beer.

true all germs ive met both here and in ur cunt were absolute pussie faggots.
glad krauts are on the way out.

Yeah I'm glad too.

I don’t eat any “kg” of of butter everyday. I eat 4.8051 lbs of butter.

The answer's always the same
>smaller portions
>more active lifestyle, walking rather than driving
>less sugar in diet, you'd need a bag of Haribo a day to approach our sugar consumption

were do you get all your sugar in your diet?

2 liter drums of coke, three meals a day

I wish we were like Mexicans

>three meals a day
yeah but what kind of stuff do you eat that has so much sugar in it?
also, just drink diet coke ffs

We have a 2L with each meal is what I meant.


one beer a day, maybe even two, probably not, unless you already have liver problems to begin with
6 pack each day, well, that's a different story

They're part Asian

>We have a 2L with each meal

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Although food companies are starting to add less sugar to everything since some folks are more conscious about it now, people still grab snacks and sweets at the store, and indeed stock their fridges with soda. I think a lot of people come (drive) home from work and pig out on a big bag of empty carbs while watching Netflix.

Because murricans eat alot, If you will drink beer often, but not overeat more than your body needs, you will not be fat.

Germans used to be known as a jovial, fat, beer drinking people. Culture has changed. A lot of fat middle americans are of German descent after all.

Tbh it's all about sugar and especially fructose. It's much harder to become fat on prots and fats (and slow carbs).


Per family?

We are actually pretty obese. We just don't have the same supersize portions like America. If we had, we would be even more obese.

Also this
A lot of fat middle americans are of German descent after all.

In some cases, per person.

Probably lower sugar intake.

Corn syrup is the right answer

Unironically this. Fructose is the answer


Bavarians drink beer everyday. They are fat too, but different fat than Americans. Usually they just have a big stomache because of the beer.

Germans aren't pussies. Just because we follow all rules, are respectful and kind.. it doesn't mean we are weak. We have been like this since ever. Try to make one angry and you will see.

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Following the rules, yes. Being respectful and polite, yes. Bust kindness isn’t something I generally associate with Germans.

Every germ I met was a weak cunt, even the germs who have lived here since before 1800.