This is the embodiement of everything that makes you NEETs pathetic

This is the embodiement of everything that makes you NEETs pathetic

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Other urls found in this thread:

>unshaven at a court appearance

fucking disgusting

>that literal neckbeard

i'm cringing so fucking hard

I could smell him from here. Kek.

probably plays WOW all day after failing out of college and acquiring debt.

whats going on here?

Give context you homo

NEET gets btfo thats what

It's trending on social media and I even saw it on my local news. Soon the age of the NEET will be over once parents start realizing that they have the power to remove the parasites from their homes.

He'll probably earn himself a payday from this. Wagecucks will be btfo.

This is a travesty of justice

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who the fuck?

It's the NEET being sued by his parents.


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> 2) Sell the other things you have that have any significant value, ([for example] stereo, some tools etc.). This is especially true for any weapons you may have. You need the money and will have no place for the stuff.

Ahahaha wtf


i wonder if the comfy NEET frogposter will keep making threads after this?

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We're watching this story unfold right before us

>He said while he lived under the same roof as his parents, he did not speak to them.

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I bet he commits suicide and the parents are all devastated and they get tremendous back loge.

Luckily, my parents have not evicted me at 30.

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if you live like that its better to just be homeless lol.

Man that's fucking depressing. Wagecucking at McDonalds would be a better environment than that.

Holy fuck. What keeps you from killing yourself? I had my own 2 bedroom apartment at 19. What have you been doing all your life?

This is comfy as fuck, brainlets

Why is there always some kind of anime figure in these creepy housing environments? I mean there have to be non-creepy anime fans, and there have to be some degenerates who don't have physical anime merchandise right?

>roof over head, shielded from weather and random street violence
>better to just be homeless
Uhhhh no

Oh don't worry user, I have a feeling this will be just the encouragement he needs to double the comfy posting

There's one thing that pisses me off about this (other than the parents obviously being total dropkicks who didn't instill proper sense of self-worth and self-discipline into their son; and the son not realizing that his parents owe him NOTHING) is they say "there are plenty of jobs for people with poor work history" and leave it like that.
Man, like where? How? What happens if he get's rejected from the first one - obviously a NEET like him is gonna think he'll get rejected the next 20 times too and insta-give up. Unless it's like
>we've organized for you to talk to the manager at such and such...
Like how can they say that?

Kek not your pic. So many normies who don't know how to reverse image search are falling for the bait.

you made my day, OP, KEK!

>Man, like where? How? What happens if he get's rejected from the first one - obviously a NEET like him is gonna think he'll get rejected the next 20 times too and insta-give up
The economy is kinda booming right now, at least in America and jobswise
I think there is literally a job for every unemployed person out there right now
I was just in the thrift shop today and every ten minutes or so they played an ad over the loudspeaker for to come work there
Also I've seen $20 an hour jobs for being a pizza delivery boi


>Like how can they say that?
dunno, ask them, you'll be surprised

Fair enough. I'm not from America so I dunno if it'd be a similar situation in my city. I don't have a car though.

No, they’re all creepy.

>Mr Rotondo moved back home eight years ago after losing his job.
this is why he's like he is
glorious NEETs who have embraced this lifestyle by choice are to failed wagecucks who retreat to mommy what the successful 6 figures lawyer or surgeon is to the mcdonals burger flipper

But what is the real difference between them?
A burger flipper cannot perform surgery but a surgeon can, and one can prove this

and now you're poor and retarded just like everyone else on Jow Forums

My parents kicked me out at 14 years old and told me to get a job.

Seeing this shit makes me want to slap the guy, but also glad in a way that I didn't end up like that. But then it also reminded me of my tragic childhood, lol..

They kicked him out 12 years too late in my opinion.

>kick the kid out at 18
american parenting. seriously if you want an "empty nest" just don't have children. fucking normies are adamant on increasing the amount of suffering in the world

This, boomers are pathetic. Literally create a life then call it a pathetic leech they want to destroy. Boomers project their own insecurities and self destruction onto their own kids, it’s evil.

Okay, well what do you think is a suitable age for a kid to leave the nest then?

I'm not American. 18 is the perfect age to move out. I wouldn't kick my child out at 18 because like I said I was kicked out at 14 and know all too well what it can end up becoming if you're unlucky or weak willed.

By 18, they should be at the stage where they move out because they wanted to move out and make something of themselves in the world off their own back.
If you still live at home at 25+ then you are likely stunted in a lot of ways and probably lacking so much life experience from your 'travels' that it would be worse than being kicked out forcefully at 18.

Leaving parents behind and stepping out in to the world for yourself without mommy and daddy is a necessary part of becoming an adult. If you want to grow then you do this and find your way. If you want to stagnate then by all means.. the basement until death it is.

Even leaving on bad terms at a young age is probably better for you long term if you're not retarded. It gives you drive and a certain perspective that elevates you above your peers. The drawbacks being it can go wrong obviously, and even though you might be driven and passionate or angry now, you would still need to find a way to pool resources to start a business or something like that which is harder this way, obviously.

He got a point, if my kid is a HS dropout doing nothing and freeloading at 18, I wouldn't let him indulge neither.

If he stays at home but still studies or try to make it, I don't see why I would kick him out.

You have your incel thinking all wrong. A family helps each other and try’s to guide each other. If my parents go sick with cancer I would take care of them. If they lost their job I would support and help them. I wouldn’t call them pieces of shit and destroy them psychologically. Boomers are literally creating fucking monsters via projecting self hate onto young not fully developed minds.

If your child doesnt move out somewhere between 18-20s then you have failed as a parent. Its no ones fault but your own parents. Look in the mirror. You made your child that way. Good work.

In which state do you live in, user?

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Nig, just answer my question and stop projecting wildly in all different directions

Ah yeah, I agree with this
I feel like folks get hung up on the "kicking out" part
Kicking out seems to imply that it is not amicable, when in many cases it can very well be
I myself wanted to move out since I was 18 but ended up moving out when I was 21, almost 22


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this guy could look alpha as fuck if he just cleaned himself up and changed his posture, even with the glasses.

You laugh at me for being a neet at 30 years old, I laugh because you are all wagie scum.

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Millennials don't exist, Boomers give birth to more Boomers

when the kid can take care of himself, there is no definiteve age for that.

and why leave home? my parents forced me out, now they are alone in a big house and im alone in my microapartment and we all have less money because i do not pay them anymore and i myself have to pay 500usd monthly for my fucking rathole.
such a great life!

Guy doesn't look like complete neckbeard. He probably just fucking hates his parents and is doing it in spite.

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my mom kicked me out of the house when I was 17

Boomers are fucking evil, they forcefully bring life into this world then they use us as their personal slaves and hoard everything for themselves

I guess that's a price they're willing to pay for not dealing with your shit.

>calling anyone else parasites
You are confused

look at that handsome Chad, proud to be NEET

Atleast he is good looking

>sleeping in bathtub

>actually sending legal letters and sue their own son
>this is considered normal in The Land of The Free

That must be the fabled True American Freedumbms™ i've heard so much about.

Made me love Amurrica even more.
let us sing together


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they sure love their lawyers and lawsuits