As someone actively writing new code for cryptocurrency.
>99.9% of all ICOS, smart contracts, ethereum tokens, and coins are copy pasted code with no real developers behind them, just selling "ideas" >99.99% Of all coins/tokens and the goals they seek to accomplish could be completely replaced by tether which immediately calls into question why the coin/token exists if not as a scam by the developers itself.
This means that less than 0.01% of these cryptocurrencies have any actual value that's not speculation based.
When i tried to come up with as many as i could, i came to >Bitcoin -Store of Value, first mover = it'll always be worth something >Ethereum World's first decentralized computer >Monero Fungible, Anonymous, will always have value even if just for criminals >Tether Even if it's a giant scam to print free US dollars, it's functionally a 100% digital version of USD not controlled by banks and could replace nearly every other coin/token. I genuinely ask you, knowing these criteria, is there actually any other tokens worth a fucking shit, or are they all speculation and idea guys with millions of dollars being thrown at them.
>99.99% Of all coins/tokens and the goals they seek to accomplish could be completely replaced by tether So you don’t know a damn thing do you
Henry Russell
Do you realise what an anonymous global payments network will do to intellectual property contol? Id invest in kneepads if I was you
Josiah Price
i completely agree, except you missed out a couple other projects with inherent worth:
EOS (it's the ETH upgrade, if it works) LINK (again, if it works, it will become the backbone of blockchain-based dAPPS)
Daniel Reed
You are correct. I’ve made threads about this before. Most everyone in here is going to say > muh you don’t understand > muh gtfo boomer > muh the future > muh brainlet
It’s all a Ponzi you stupid faggots
Isaiah Roberts
Arguably the only coins/tokens that are worth anything are the Exchange tokens, because they have a working business and are bringing in revenue.
>Eos is a sidegrade, not an upgrade no it's not, it's an upgrade. stop trying to be clever.
Samuel Cooper
>as someone actively writing new code for cryptocurrency "i'm a 19 years old doing a python coursera tutorial when i'm not wanking around in discord" hint: when you shill for tether rather than dai, you out yourself as uneducated and underage (and yes, anyone under 30 is underage for the purposes of business)
Ethan White
And link? I think it would be a big step towards crypto being taken seriously if they can pull off decentralized oracles.
Christopher Murphy
now this is actually believable, larp or no. programmers are too autistic to understand social value and network effects, then they get bitter about the opportunities their autism makes them miss. at this point, anyone who's in IT and not working in cryptocurrency already has irrationally strong opinions against it
Blake Edwards
> at this point, anyone who's in IT and not working in cryptocurrency already has irrationally strong opinions against it
maybe because they know it's useless? maybe because they're not just dumb moon kids speculating on getting rich?
Jackson Foster
30 yo boomer spotted
Josiah Martin
>trustless peer-to-peer currency >useless pick one
Ian Roberts
"trustless p2p CASH" the cash part is fucking important because this isn't some debt backed bullshit. this is an actual permanent work-backed piece of a network. that's worth a lot.
Dylan Davis
It's not an upgrade. They are dpos for increased tps. Eth considered going to dpos but ultimately decided against it since it compromised security. There's a tradeoff
Ryder Stewart
>Link HAHAHAHAHA it was just a meme dude, there is no need for it as long as oraclize exists. Ethereum is also very likely going to implement their own thing.
Hunter Hall
Link is a good idea but to me it feels like they are fixing an issue that is not an issue yet. Kind of like inventing the space ship before the plane
Christian Wood
You have some solid points. However there's some other coins and tokens which have some sort of use or potential to be useful.
For instance all those which enhance other blockchain based entities, like BNB being used in the binance platfrom (and all other exchange tokens) HBT and RDN as offchain scaling solution which will improve ethereum
also STEEM to provide compensation to bloggers for their posts and raise the quality of content ENJ for the videogaming community
But I agree that heaps of contracts are just copypasted (and there's nothing preventing that AFAIK?) and 95%+ of the coins being only empty promises which will never come true.
LINK EOSNANO ICONThose are all rubbish promises air tokens which give a bad reputation to ethereum and smart contracts in general. Yeah yeah I know eos will launch its mainnet in june.
Adrian Cox
Pic related It won't be out for a few years anyway, I think it'll be ready just in time for people to realize they need a solution.
>a weightless, invisible, uncounterfeitable, digitally transferred monetary system is useless
9 years in and retards like you are still hanging around like a bad smell.
Ayden Hall
You think ENJ is a good idea, I'm taking everything you say with a grain of salt. Also, nobody asked you.
Jaxon Morgan
I was almost about to say the same based friend
Brody Barnes
I agree with your general sentiment (there were more than 2000 ICO's on ETH and a few dozen will have brought good innovation), but the fact that you fall back to memes doesn't speak for you as a smart contract or crpyto platform coder.
The Bitcoin store of value meme only came up when the BTC shills realized that bitcoin doesn't do what it should, namely, as Nakamotos paper says, be a >A-peer-to-peer electronic cash system and the title wasn't >A-5-companies-do-the-mining-store-of-value (that fluctuates more than any other widget in the market)
The name for Ethereum, >first decentralized computer is of course also a marketing gag. Thousands of computers running the same routine and then syncing for consensus is just that - consensus. Proof of work for consensus was main Satoshis contribution and Bitcoin coders before 13 actively discussed to strip away the capabilities that make for Ethereum. A >first decentralized computer would hopefully parallelize routines over different distributed computers and compute something together. Not just do the job of agreeing results and have each operation computed redundantly (from a computational perspective) thousands of times.
And proof of work turned out to be not at all scalable, so the merit of bitcoin was just to curb the research on classical distirbuted systems that use consensus algorithms such as EOS or NEO does. Something that you could have build in the 70's already, in principle, but which wasn't so much of interest then. Mind you, proof of work is from 90's, just like the broad smart contract idea Blockchain as data structure (or even Merkle trees), are an idea from the 70's!
I also do smart contracts - in particular I'm interested in voting - but all my code ends up being tools that my grandmother could never use. The ease of things will only creep in over the years, when good apps to invoke contracts emerge.
You listed 4 coins. Say they are 0.01% of the crypto space.
That means there are 40k cryptocurrencies and tokens.
GG no re, brainlet "developer"
Noah Murphy
I wouldn’t be surprised if that were true kek
Ryder Davis
The only coins that have value are ones backed by computing or bandwidth.
Luis Martin
ZenCash > Monero
Monero has no funding. Its dead. Move on.
Leo Mitchell
>As someone actively writing new code for cryptocurrency. >99.9% of all ICOS, smart contracts, ethereum tokens, and coins are copy pasted code. > OP copies code. Or are you the 0,01% special snowflake?
Bitcoin should be replaced with bitcoin cash on that list. Unless you want to stay with a coin that will never even hit 10k again.
Christian Wright
Prove me wrong.
Brayden Ward
this guy gets it. I say this all the time. People no understanding of "tokenomics", proprietary use coins make very little sense generally speaking, they are being pushed to market simply because it allows devs to raise a ton of money while giving their "investors" no shareholder rights. Basically, you are getting scammed and the SEC's fatherly advice about ICOs is generally right.
Aaron Martin
nope, reread my post, i explained why. they're autists suffering from an unwarranted sense of superiority borne out of competency in a narrow domain, so accepting they made the wrong call on something they perceive as "theirs" in nature would be devastasting to their egos by 2020, ETH will be worth $3000 while increasingly angry programmers still post endless rants about glorified databases and unsecure smart contracts
>is there actually any other tokens worth a fucking shit 1. Tokens that help people borrow or give loans, like Ripio. The microcredit industry is huge and crypto has a lot of potential there. 2. Tokens that help people earn money performing micro-tasks, like STORM. 3. Tokens for gamers (several). 4. Tokens for buying shit used in chat programs and tipping users (KIN, Telegram, Status) 5. Tokens for social network markets (Steem, SCL) 6. Decentralized cloud storage (Storj) 7. Inflationary tokens used for tipping (Doge, unironically)
I'm not pumping my bags. I don't even hold most of the tokens I cited. I agree with OP that most tokens are worthless, still I see potential in the aforementioned.
Lincoln Jenkins
Coins like XCM, have value because they are the only way to pay fees on their platforms. There are probably more. BNB kind of counts I guess.
Isaiah Moore
OP's right, all these ico tokens that promise to build an ecosystem around it could make that ecosystem accept tether instead of their own shitcoin, and that's what will happen eventually, maybe not tether will be main coin but there will be one
Lincoln Nelson
>Bitcoin >Store of Value Thanks for the kek
Joseph Foster
sir how can you forget link, $1k eoy sir
Dominic Barnes
Lol. Just lol St pushing zcash over monero. Zcash has backdoors and was made in Israel.
Kayden Rivera
Replace tether with nubits
Jeremiah Gonzalez
Josiah Morgan
>crypto coder >writes on Jow Forums like a newfag Thanks bought 100k of every ICO
Chase Roberts
EOS is a temp upgrade. ADA is the permanent upgrade.
Joshua Baker
currency, not cash you dummy
Joshua Kelly
Exhange Coins most useless built on nothing of nothing coin that exist
Check their GitHub FIRST then bother reading Whitepaper and looking at team.
Hudson Hernandez
Bitcoin (BCH) will indeed always be worth something, not so sure about the rest.
Since Bitcoin is no longer limited by Blockstream there's no reason for it not to expand functionality and make both Ethereum and Monero irrelevant.
Tether is a ticking time bomb and will collapse to 0 as soon as it becomes known that they do NOT actually have 1 USD for every 1 Tether. Just the fact that Americans aren't allowed to own Tether by their own terms of service should make it very obvious.
It's important to know that Tether has never actually proven that they have 2,517,971,662 USD.