Oh yeah!

Iran and Russia could start using cryptocurrencies to avoid Western sanctions, Russian news portal RBC reported yesterday, May 17.

Attached: 1526493461167.jpg (1200x1800, 299K)

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that would also mean it would become so illegal to use crypto in the west you would be crucified if caught

my god, she's perfection

sauce OP ffs

Fuck west lol

Who is this SEMEN DEMON?

Why do you idiots like to act like Russia and Iran don't already completely know this? Like their really so dumb they haven't been doing this shit since 2013. I swear to god you fucking laggards.

Because its news today and not 2013. Fuck is wrong with u.

>so illegal to use crypto in the west you would be crucified if caught

Thanks god west is dying fast

same girl, not same set

My man!!!!

Man I would tear that up! Best two minutes of her life. Maybe 3.

Man of the year, thanks brother

same set

>my god, she's perfection
from the waist up at least
waist down isnt nearly thicc enough

so keep accumulating Universa

good goyim

You deserve a Nobel prize and get this post sticked

yeah come here to eastern europe buddy... choose from plenty of jobs earning you 500 dollas a month

>“yea come to eastern europe, live in a castle like a king with your millions and fuck 10/10s daily“

sounds like a good plan

tbf, that $500 gets you alot more than it would in the west.

Iran will be invaded this time in 5 years

screen cap this post

Attached: 1521138326497.png (2618x3453, 3.99M)

Imagine unironically thinking Korean Plastic is attractive