Wysker > Shopin

Where are you shitin pajeet?

Where now is thy courage?

Where is thy valour?

Where are thy cries of battle, joyous in war?

For today thou art silent.

For this day is thy last.

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Shitting in the street, but that's ok, it's a designated shitting street.

One shining light of green in a sea of red. Wysker has arrived to save my gains

Come to death, templar.

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That knob invades nearly every thread. I guess they're afraid.

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> be me searching for next big thing
> finding only the same crypto-mainstream shitcoins
> Activating own brain to DYOR
> Finding this little gem here
> Seeing: Only 100 m supply
> Seeing below 5 Mio MC
> Seeing Idex-listing
> Seeing awesomly meemable subject
> Seeing MVP
> Seeing detailed Whitepaper with unique tokenomics
> Seeing big dev-team consisting of german experts with years of experience at google, Youtube, microsoft, caltech, deutsche Bank, KPMG
> seeing roadmap with already reached milestones
> seeing new major milestone with 2.0 release to happen within weeks
> seeing awesome sneak peak of features
> seeing confirmation of apple endorsement
> seeing confirmation of global influencer-marketing campaign upon release of 2.0
> seeing confirmation of new bounty campaign towards crypto
> seeing 65k of Wys on my wallet
> feeling instantly comfy

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Next month I will be chilling all over the world with the million dollars Wysker has made me until then $$$

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Hahaha that comparison of the cool chad with the third world shopping guy is really nailing it down to the point. Gonna fill my bags with those WYS tokens till they explode. This is gonna moon so badly... nothing for pajeets...

When wysker party?
$10 wys?
Berlin meet up?
get shit faced with tobi?

Yeah wysker is pretty decent.

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Oh you just killed your one in a million opportunity to actually make it by being brainlet

This kills the wysker

As a Wys hodler I have to admit, this is legit funny.

memes getting better even the anti-ones.

Wyskjeets haven't given up. The app sucks dick and no normie is gonna use this weird and creepy garbage

The truth: both are shitcoins nobody with half a brain would touch with a 10 foot pole.

You get a spot in the 1 dollar collage.

Its no use, I have the higher ground!

You cannot know if the app sucks as the real blockbuster is set to be dropped in some weeks. Your ugly girlfriend will play with that kitty more often than with yours.

Lol this post is funny.
Wysker is shit

You don’t know if it’s shit when you didn’t try it. Maybe it’s chocolate. DYOR and you‘ll see it’s even gold.

Ahhh I see .. so you’re going to compare a project that needs an app to survive vs a project that has had proven case studies with companies and generated them 500k+

you simply can’t compare these projects. Shopin has a much better team with a working product and they’re only just about to release their tokens.

>Shopin has a much browner team
fix it for you senpai

>with a working product
I can't seem to find any working products

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Kek, i've got 500k wys and i made that meme.

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you keep forgetting that bleach face paki is more accomplished than the entire fag squad (woman included lel) from wysker. no comparison, Shopin will moon beyond your wildest dreams while this kitty app burns out in a month.

I dont get why Shopin dudes are always in Wysker posts, we're not even competitors. You have a website people use to find products from signed up partners. Wysker is a discovery shopping app.

If I already know I want Nike shoes I'll go to the nike store, I dont need an external website to help me. If I want a new and revolutonary way of shopping, I'll use Wysker.

We're not even competing. Shopin needs to shill retailers to get them to onboard, Wysker needs to shill consumers to use the app.

REMINDER: there are 6 parts to a private key with 100k wys in it hidden within their promo vid. The 4th hint will be a huge one and will be dropped when the telegram group hits 1300 (currently about 1280).

1b market cap = $10/wys, = $1m worth of wys hidden in a video. Neets have already found the first 3 parts. Better get your act together.

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Kai jager (wysker CTO) experience is vastly superior to your pajeet and yeah there is no comparison, a quick trip to the websites shows Wysker's caliber compared to shopins shabby presentation, also could you point me to where I can download the shopin app?

They do this because they know that their‘s a shitcoin developed by some pajeet who just spills out that ICO-money for cars and alc without MVP, without proper Whitepaper, with bn-supply to be worthless like rupees. Whereas Wysker actually developes a revolutionary way of shopping so they come here to get a glimpse of some glamour hoping for some brainlet newfaqs to scam away.

Wysker 2.0 is an intuitive one finger shopping app. Also it's about to be gamificated like farmville or some of this shit fuck. Apple is gonna shill it as a featured app in appstore.

Normies will kill their mothers to get their credit cards to customize their wyker kitten and to shop shit from categories like "I'm bored" or "stuff to kill my mother"

I feel sorry for all of you who think that this isn't real. Stay poor while you see wyker going to 1$ in summer and 10$ end of years.

i made 60k$ swing trading holochain & pundi x over the last week, incresing my holo stack for another 20%. how are you doing, my fellow wysker frien..
>9 eth trade volume
oh, i'm sorry... well, atleast the weather in new dehli is good right now, right? good luck on your wysker moon mission, i'm sure you're all going to be rich someday

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Also, Wysker is German. German products are finest most detailed engineered products.
You can't compare pajeet shit to German gold liga.

That booting-sequence alone is worth a million

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how much is Wysker worth now frens?

can't wait for it to moon

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Should be around 6 to 8 cent atm

Just wait for 2.0 to be dropped in a few weeks then anons can be blessed by magical wys

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Kys holo fag

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all this anger won't change anything about your pitiful situation. while poorfags put the tiny amounts of money they have into a

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Wysker is going to the moon. Gonna buy a load of more with my next salary!!

Why would smart money buy a high marketcap vaporware when they could buy a low marketcap innovation winning privacy based genius tier marketable golden ticket to Neptune?

damn you got me there. this vaporware boomer memecoin is nothing compared to your genius innovative application
>smart money
i was talking about myself, not some godly entity called "smart money". already got more than 300 eth worth of holo, buying every dip.
>when they could buy
i couldn't. i literally couldn't. with a buy order of 50 eth alone i would put the price to a fucking tenfold of what it is now. the order books are so empty, no one with a reasonable amount of eth can buy into your poor man's coin

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Place a buy order. The problem is nobody wants to dump his stack on a sell order

Kek, skycoin will rape holo. Your shill army won't save your shitcoin.

>i couldn't. i literally couldn't. with a buy order of 50 eth alone i would put the price to a fucking tenfold of what it is now. the order books are so empty, no one with a reasonable amount of eth can buy into your poor man's coin

>>Poor man's coin.

You're literally complaining that it's so cheap now that you would have to buy at a higher price when you've bought the cheap orders?

Tenfold of what it is right now is 60 cent. You would still be buying a 60m marketcap coin at that point.

no thanks, this is the last coin on the entire fucking market i'd place a buy order on. i'd rather buy some fucking PFR tokens or bitconnect. why else would i come to this thread just to shittalk you poor souls

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>the last coin on the market you'd buy
>subtle misdirection to shitcoins
>why else would i come to this thread just to shittalk you poor souls?
Because you're fudding to accumulate.

i'd spend 35k$ to increase the market cap by 55 million$. this should tell you something.
calm down, i wasn't trying to shill holo i just used it as an example for what smart money's buying. i hold skycoin too, it's just not what i'm buying right now cause it's already mooning. i don't even think there's such thing as a holo "shill army", just people celebrating their soon-to-come wealth. if you pay attention there's nobody saying "buy holo plss" but rather "i just got some more holo today" there's no reason at all to shill holo on Jow Forums, i want you to hate this coin. i love pink wojaks

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So tell us why do you think this is a shitcoin. Your only argument is that there is a low cap market. As literally nobody knows this coin so far and most holders are holding instead of selling there is no wonder. Doesn’t mean you haven’t got a hidden gem in front of your ugly fuckface.

Stop shilling till 2.0 and shit will explode anyway

>i'd spend 35k$ to increase the market cap by 55 million$. this should tell you something.

It tells me that the early bird gets the worm. Here's what it should tell you: No one wants to sell any significant amounts at this price because we know it's going up.

Only bad thing is. It nobody sells, there is no market

There will be because people will want to buy the higher buy orders. There is a supply, Mr 50 eth smart money just isnt willing to look forward.

Every person in the world wants to be unique, wants to stand out from the rest and wants to be admired by the rest. That’s why there is a trillion dollar-market for fashion, for gadgets and for all the things that let those superficial cocks and pussies feel like they are the most fancy person on the planet. These primal desires are the reason why there is no other way than Wysker to be a success. Because that’s exactly what Wysker aims to address. There are those fancy items to be found you never knew you wanted them, there is that customizable avatar cat, you can level up just by buying more awesome stuff. And you can show all these other hippsters and fashion-victims that you‘re the greatest fucking hippster-styler asshole on earth. And guess what? The ones who profit from that are us investors.

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can i still get some ?

Just take a look on Idex

That’s no bad thing. People know the price. Some will sell at .50 or 1$. Some will start at 10$ when retailers are desperate to get those tokens next year for the ad-platform.

That would mean who ever buys the order book now will set the price to 1$ then people sell for 90cent and alot can buy in waiting for 2$ and so on?

I have an intuitive one finger approach to this token and OPs engineered in Germany humor. Middle finger