
This is it. The overnight 5X opportunity you'll wish you would have FOMO'ed in. Let me tell you why Skycoin will be different from all the other Binance listings.

1. It is the biggest project in crypto, by far far far. Seriously. You don't have to believe me on this, but do yourself a favor and DYOR.

2. It's having insane volume on Cryptopia. The kind of volume that Cryptopia has NEVER experienced before. That tells you something.

3. SKY holders are the worst holders. They're paranoid about losing their coinhours that they never send any SKY from their wallet anywhere. They're like the weird super long hair girls that never cut their hair, literally. Supply, therefore, will be low.

4. It's not the type of coin that can free fall just because the hype is over. Many SKY holders are old crypto people. Their pocket is deep enough to buy all the dips. So worst case scenario, if you FOMO at the top, there's plenty of time for you to get out with

Attached: 2018-05-23 21.32.01.jpg (960x719, 114K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Is it similar to Holo?

Holo is similar to Skywire, which is only one of 10 things Skycoin is about.

But honestly, Skywire is what Holo dreams to achieve in 3 years.

Holo is just another ERC20 token

Fucking asshole trying to get me to buy your bags.
Buying $500 USD now.

Thank you smart fucker. I won't dump my bag on you, hope you'll make nice gain.

What is this weird proof of coin thing. Never heard of it. I get the decentralized internet shit, but is synth the only dev.

unironically agree with OP on all the point.

agreed. it's a fucking monster, will be massive.
but really I think getting anons to fomo in today would be a mistake.
let the news/hype cool off and let early buyers take profits.

no they have a sizable team of devs. Team is mainly the software architect / lead developer. Kind of like what Satoshi was to Bitcoin.

It's not "proof of coin" user, but that sounds funny lol.

Coinhours, or Skyhours, are what you get simply by holding SKY in your wallet. You receive 1 Coinhour per 1 SKY per hour.

Right now, everytime you send SKY somewhere, you lose 75% of your total coinhours, even if you have accumulated it for 3 years (you will be able to control this later).
This is to avoid spamming the network while having zero transaction fee.

Coinhours will later be tradable on exchanges, and be used for all services provided by Skycoin.

whats going on in that pic op

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*Synth is mainly the software architect/lead dev.

YESSS. fuck yeah in a sea of red its up 35%. So my question is the Binance listing a rumor or is it confirmed

just me and my friends chillin


Its confirmed

It's confirmed my dude. Check Binance's Twitter and their Telegram announcement channel

Glad this scam is finally ending. Enjoy the dump.

>the news won't dump this time
>it did

To be fair, right now Coinhours are worth nothing YET. But yes, you could have made more money by withdrawing SKY off exchanges.

That's why SKY was dipping in Feb/March. Because Cryptopia suspended Sky withdrawals. People wanted to withdraw so much, when it's not possible, they sold on Cryptopia to buy somewhere else. Transfering coins between exchanges takes some time, so every time someone did that, price dipped a little bit.

Does this look like dumping to you?

May 22 was also their "news date"

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retard the sell the news happens when it is sold on Binance

go look at any chart for any Binance listing ever

maybe your larp fools new people but surely no one is that new

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those poor fools that sold the dip yesterday...

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Sky is way ahed of competition due to more years in development
Testnet just got released

>Being this delusional.

Man I remember when I bought Sky at $9 and you faggots said it was a scam.

I remember watching it hit $12 and you faggots said it was a cult.

I remember seeing it hit $18 and you faggots said it was a pump and dump.

I remember reading it hit $24 and you faggots said backdoor was imminent.

I'll see you faggots at $1,000 next year.

What chicks do you get from buying Skycoin under 5$?

Attached: SKY19.png (564x701, 828K)

my nigguh. OP knows whats up. i withdrew my sky to C2CX when I heard from Synth that craptopia might be pulling an exit scam. didnt know they dont allow withdrawals anymore.

It's still a scam. Remember Bitconnect. This is that but for retarded alt-right kids.

Why would this be more a scam than any other crypto project?

whats the backstory on that pic?

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You just said you withrew and then stated the dont allow withdrawels anymore. Which is it?

Source for iamge?

I've been shilling this coin all year. I just don't understand why people like staying poor so much. I just.... don't get it

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I only just bought it because although I was interested and watching for some time, I'm not getting stuck with a coin that never gets a major volume exchange ever again after btcp.

This shit is the real deal, been in since $15. I only wish I could afford more, only have 5 of it. And last week I was thinking of maybe selling but this pump made me a hodler.

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totally a scam bro, BRO ITS A SCAM

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jesus I would love to be inside that BRAPPER

alright what's the original pic

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Me second from left.

I was somewhat annoyed by the first wave of Skycoin FUD, but man do I laugh now every time I see those weak-sauce frustrated ramblings.
Props to my Skyfleet brethren, this year holds great things in store for us!

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hillary lost. 'alt-right' has no meaning except to retards like you who cant accept the results of the election.

>1 project is going to replace not only all other cryptos, but IFPS, torrenting, ftp, the internet, tor, facebook, Jow Forums, twitter, and ipv4...
seems legit

i mean, in reality it has meaning to every person except for your fringe online identity cohort. but whatever

It’s not whatever, it just is. Deal with it

It should have no meaning, but there are still people claiming alt-right on the internet, our home.

withdrew before the supposed no more withdraw thing

Literally on the front page of Binance


The real life Skynet

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i bet his parents are just loaded, so he invited over some girls to his mansion.

can't lose.

The point here, anons, is how big this project is. Whether or not it will succeed is a big question. We don't know. Same with the questions laid on Bitcoin since 2012 that are still not answered today.

Even if Skycoin ends up failing, it won't fail before getting into top 5.

Buy the dip.

Some would say this was the mad man's plan all along..

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I got some real good friendships with em. Life's good buddy

Why is it only in shit exchanges? Don't want to make a user to any more exchanges.

its on binance tonight at 2am pst

have fun paying the lazy asshole markup ;)

i am so comfy today skybrothers. fudders BTFO.

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Which is the only reason the volume is up today.

>muh altright
Synth is a fucking paranoid autist but I have no idea why you would call him alt-right, he's not a white nationalist.

this is a top 5 coin, aiming to dethrone btc. I doubt it will dump as hard as zencash

kinda relevant

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