This is white in Brazil

This is white in Brazil...

Attached: criador_criadoresid_peter_jordan_youtuber-400x400.jpg (400x400, 32K)

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Unironically whiter than most "white" americans.

Hehe post his backside

Yes, it's the average white Brazilian, so what?

Attached: more brown yet white.png (528x261, 18K)

He is brown

not really, you only say that because he's brazilian

no kidding. i don't know why but i think both female/male brazilian whites are the hottest ones among world white race people. plus the white koreaboos of brazil are also freaking attractive and gorgeous.

He's cute :)

Brazilian people are the most attractive in the world, no one can compete.


i'm a holder of the korean language teaching government certificate. i had the opportunity to teach korean in sao paulo and rio de janeiro but canceled it. because my parents had been very worried that the security of brazil was unstable. i was then a pretty indecisive personality. i regret it.

I'm joking of course

He looks french, kek.


Post yourself then

Only if you're a girl and white.

I am neither

Then why you wanna my picture?

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He's whiter than most italian lul

Italians are Nordic. Go back to North-Africa, scum.

>Italians are Nordic. Go back to North-Africa, scum.

Attached: matteo-salvini-trapani-castelvetrano-410.jpg (820x410, 182K)

He is whiter than me, I don't think I'm even considered wh!te. People always think always some sort of wog, Black Irish though. Don't really give a fuck.
Got a hot as fuck Latina gf, I already look like a spic might as well make my kids official spics.

Attached: MV5BMTg4NzM5NDk0MV5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTcwNzAzMTUxNw@@._V1_.jpg (1429x2048, 664K)