Worships some jewish man who lived in palestine 2000 years ago

>worships some jewish man who lived in palestine 2000 years ago
>literally let the jewish folk belief conquer their entire continent and oppress their own traditional religion as pagan heathen
>now their names are like 80% from ancient jewish men (abraham, matthew, michael, luke, john, and other fucktons of biblical names)

and now they are somehow upset when another middle eastern religion tries to conquer them

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t. China Jr.

at least we don't eat dogs

Well this other newer middle eastern religion is a whole other sack of goods.

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Fuck off buddhist mutt

Christ this is the kind of meme I'd expect my 60yo aunt to post on Facebook

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Both the prophet Jesus (pbuh) and Muhammad (saws) preached the same religion: Islam. Never in the Bible did Jesus (pbuh) claim to be God, nor did he ask to ever be worshipped, nor did he say sin is all forgiven if you just believe he dies for your sins et cetera.
Inshallah when esa ibn maryam returns he will break the cross and kill the swine.

The old testament, Jewish priests establishing a beginning, declaring laws and organizing themselvea against enemy religions and peoples, genociding their enemies, establishing laws to serve the jewish community economically and politically, claiming these laws came from their God, new testament, Jews are occupied by romans, jesus says that modern jews are not following true judaism and how he is the jewish messiah, he gets some jewish followers, he gets executed by rome, jewish followers get executed and banned for 400 years, constantine converts to christianity, bans paganism, enforces christianity on the pagan population.

>if christianity was an alien religion that made us weak, we would have rejected it and would have kept being pagan
if Social Justice was an alien culture that made us weak, we would have rejected it and would have kept being christian.
You don't. Think.


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Jesus was Aryan Ubermensch. The miracles he performed was literally just science