Your country's population is about to increase by 10% overnight

Your country's population is about to increase by 10% overnight
You have to choose between
a) attractive Latinas who can speak your country's language
b) white people who can speak your country's language

Which do you choose?

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stupid fucking thread, latinas every time, end it here

White people of course, as long as they arent basedboys/sjw/degenerate

white people latinas speak so trashy every single one of them.


Me on the left

>Topo gigio
You know that girl is 15 right?

that depends, do i get latinas from shitholes like el salvador or do i get latinas like OP from argentina?

do americans know topogigio?

what kind of autist makes these threads?

Wypipo. From what I gathered, latinas would vote for stupid shit.

stop making these threads you fuckin cuck spic

and that matters why exactly?

why did you have to tell us man


why do YOU know about him?

latinas because I'm not a gay cuck

and what kind of autists replies to these threads?
the entire fucking board

>The puppet has made appearances and has a fan base in many other countries—including Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Dominican Republic, El Salvador, Ecuador, Guatemala, Japan, Mexico, Nicaragua, Honduras, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Portugal, Puerto Rico, Romania, Uruguay, Venezuela and the former Yugoslavia.


White people, we need more diversity

Unironically Lisbon has gone to shit because of it's fucking wh*teoid infestation. I wish they would leave.

White people
Latinas aint even people

European latinas or mexican latinas? Trump or topo gigio?
Who is the builder of the wall? topo gigio or trump? although both look alike
this trehad is deep

I dunno, its a difficult decision

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Chink subhuman

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>european latinas
what do you think latina means?

Latinas? And pop out a generation of little José Mexicunto reconquistadors? I don't think so, you disgusting ethnomasochist.

White people.

Rather be a subhuman than nonhuman

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shit skins native american "latinas"... or european latinas?

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"latino" in spanish =/= "latino" in english



Does the Latina’s have feet? If so Latinas


That girl has disgusting flat feet and bunions.


Would not bang.

white people i guess, but the latina option would probably result in a much higher chance of me getting laid
tough call