Why so many homeless in Western country?? ewwwww Yuck

Why so many homeless in Western country?? ewwwww Yuck

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You are jealous of that body

>the biggest country with tons of hicks with low wages mocks homeless in western

at least they don't live on street like dogs

At least they don't eat dogs

Because we don't have strong and competent leaders like Xi Jinping who care for their people

they look as a bunch of hippies

dogs are not even human. also euro food taste like dog food

Because you stole affordable housing from them.

Attached: nail this bitch.jpg (5628x3348, 1.49M)

why so many slaves in china??
literally 1.3 billion are slave of CCP
100 million Uighur people are in concentration camps.

LMAO of course some chink knows how dog food tastes

but your whole country are slave of america forever tho......

i ate by accident, it was very mushy and bland, like euro food, but I don't blame you euro since you have no culture anyway

wtf? we europeans have a lot of culture
In fact, we have the highest density of culture in the world

Based chink proxyfag



There's literally no homeless people in Western countries outside of USA because it's impossible to be homeless due to welfare. Meanwhile, half your country (and most of the world) is comprised of squalid slums.

if you don't have enough money to pay for basic living needs like a house then you don't get them.

We dont hide them nor do we kill our homeless for their organs

t.serpentza watcher

have you ever tried homeless people organs?

What makes you think that giving money to people who are obviously bad with money is the right solution?