/v4/ + friends

Icelandic nature edition

Why is Iceland best country in Europe? I just wish that their cuisine was not so shit

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Other urls found in this thread:


new subnautica hype


they found remains of one of our most famous partisans, theyre gonna give him proper burial now live

HITMAN - Complete First Season plus some other 2 shit games in Humble Bundle for 12$
get it negroes

sup kotti

>tfw missing about 2 euro on my paypal so I cant buy gog 10 anniversary bundle

give me your email

>still no Czech voices for Kingdom Come and probably never
>still not all DLCs released

i want to replay the game but i want complete experience
i especially want the tournament dlc

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Would you do that for me? I will pay you back on monday. Also it might be 3euro,cant check because im not at home atm.

who this is

120kg whale


>OP picture is a girl
nice job faggot, now the whole thread will be full of foreigners asking for sauce

Sure, if the money would get there on time anyway
You don't need to pay me back anything

Pathfinder: Kingmaker is a pretty fun game if you for some unknown reason like D20 systems

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damn i sure would let her clog my toilet

i am sick of the muh classic isometric rpg reneissance
they all suck dick compared to Divinity Original Sin 1 and 2

85kg model from Iceland and mascot of /v4/

Do you want to do some mythic+? Do you even play? Switched to paladin desu

Also vampire and zombie pirates hype
That was my goal at least thread will be more alive

I will pay you back I hate owning people. I dont want to post my mail here,do you use anything else?

Even Iceland has braphogs? Interesting

>Do you want to do some mythic+?
>Do you even play?
just for 8 more days, then my sub expires, only doing emissaries

some fat bitch that is being orbitted by some lonely fat faggot here

do you have discord? if not might just create a throwaway email

what should i eat today?


>all trannies are ug-

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Wow rude ;_;


I will msg you on discord

>low iq no effort posts due to fat choking your brain
>constantly posting about eating kebab
>worships a literal whale
we all know you are a fat fuck

Blessing this thread

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>Silesian women ar ug-

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I bought a sýrburger to make litwin jelly as reward for offering me paypal money :^)

My posts are pretty high iq
Thats a lie
She cute

Theory debunked

>gets accused of something
>no u
very high iq

my username is Litvin#1473 if youre not in the group

k y s desu

Just bought the 10th anniversary gog package + divine divinity + legend of grimrock 1 & 2 for less than 50€, thank you Polen

>losing weight makes you attractive
oh wow

where do you see "no u"? More lies

in literally every single argument you ever had here you retard

that 10th anniversary pack is pretty good. Well im not sure about Battlechasers but Shogun and Kingdom are easily worth 25$

>lying again

Do you know that lying does not really make your argument stronger? How old are you again?

you know damn well what i'm talking about, or has all the fat in your brain made you forget everything? Wouldn't surprise me

Kingdom Come alone is probably worth it, its 50€ on steam

you cant be older than 16

How come that among East Slavic states Belarus is the only decent one? Is it because they weren't raped by tatars and kicked them out?

>Ottoni as a thumbnail

Ottonifags deserve no mercy and should be gassed.

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>divine divinity
Patrician's taste, user. Just remember to not play mage and invest in alchemy


Pillars of Eternity 1&2 and Tyranny are miles better than muh Original Sin 1. Fight me nigger

>pillars of eternity 2
oh lol

>tfw not cuddling with the gf

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I will never understand this picture.

blessfags should hang

Pillars of Eternity is such a boring piece of shit
Tyranny was actually pretty good idea, short but really nice plot and setting, but it is still a filthy isometric game

Divinity Original Sin games are one of the best games of our times

Original Sin 1 was overrated garbage desu. The second game was decent but still nowhere near as good as old isometric games.

what is the appeal of ARPGs? I played Torchlight, Diablo, Grim Dawn and Titan Quest and they are always mind numbingly boring clickfests, what is the appeal of those games?

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Don't really enjoy ARPGs much anymore myself either, but I used to play a shit ton of them in the early-mid 2000s. Diablo/Diablo 2 had the same semi rewarding feeling when improving gear that drives MMORPGs, while also having the best online rpg PvP up until then imo. And lastly you can sit down and play it for 15-30 minutes, while with something like Baldurs Gate or Morrowind you never wanted to play them for that short a time.

>Hey friends, wanna do something together?
>No, sorry
>A week later
>user you never do stuff with us! Why didn't you come to the party last week?

Rate shoe

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looks good

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they are fun

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Staying late at night is bad for your eyed

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*teleports to eastern Slovakia*
*pulls the bolt on his Špagin*
heh, nothing personnel, skopčák...

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>Just remember to not play mage

>Slav is happy about him being a thief

you are going to keep getting raped early in the game until you lvl up and get more powerful stuff. Warrior is just better desu

I want her to tell me she loves me in any language

i thought you were unhappy with your gf

still would be nice before dumping her

that's pretty cruel desu

the famed icelandic landwhale

Was Holocaust a bad thing, friends?

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there were some ups and downs to it

post moar

ofc, you fuckign nazi

the only downs to it I see is that innocent Poles died and that ever incompetent Hitler didn't manage to finish it


Imagine if Eastern Europe had 10% Jews running all over the place, and no Christianity/xenophobia to keep them out of power and influence.

>no Christianity/xenophobia to keep them out of power and influence.
it doesn't work
t. tried it

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look at USSR how it worked for them


successful invasion.

the perfect woman

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Should have better tiddies desu

>this is the average slavic woman

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loot hoarding

tongue out or inside the pants?

Its short. You can see it right below the jeans

too fat. I prefer pic related

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Girl in OP

Thanks, have a square

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yeah but if its long? what about others what do you think

More delays

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Leveling Death Knight desu