Finland in numbers

Worlds #1 on coffee consumption
#2 in cheese consumption

(France is top-1 in cheese eating)

What makes Finnish cheese different to others?
The answer is less salt.

Half of cheese eaten in Finland also originates in Finland. The other half is mainly French but Danish cheese also have many fans in Finland while Swedish cheese is non existent.

Finnish people eat 26kg of cheese per person, per year.

Edam cheese is falling out of favor and Gouda is taking over. The Finnish made Gouda is less salty than it normally would be.

Attached: cheese.jpg (899x599, 156K)

why do you use that thing to cut cheeese? it soesnt even look an hard type of cheese

*Lunges to your border*
Give me CHEESE

Its the optimal tool for slicing cheese. What else would you use?

a knife

wtf is wrong with you 3rd worlders?

a knife, a fork, and your hands are all you need. anything else is just for sissies

>i do things the hard and less optimal way because otherwise people would call me sissy
yeah no, toxic masculinity no thanks

>toxic masculinity
my sides god dam finfag how tight is your little boy pussy

you wanna find out the boring way or the hard way :^)

Tilsiter cheese is pretty fucking good as well.


It makes uniform cheese slices and using it is faster than knife, so its optimal for slicing cheese imo.

fuck off savage colonial

It makes perfect slices to put on your bread

Attached: 2342345.jpg (455x312, 15K)

>Finnish people eat 26kg of cheese per person, per year.
Good stuff.

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The fuck is this

A wire cheese slicer AKA the most efficient and normal one.

Eating rye bread with oltermanni(alkuperäinen) which has plenty of salt while watching this thread

I fucking love oltermanni

What a bunch of medieval peasants

Attached: maszynka-do-krojenia-chleba-czestochowa-czestochowa-136629722[1].jpg (960x720, 46K)

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Attached: FINLAND TOP NUMBER ONE BEST BASED.jpg (2348x6728, 3.95M)

i'm sold. how do I into finland?

t.caveman who slices cheese with a sharp rock