I posted this chart on tradingview at May 13th with my analysis about 7170 being the bottom. I thought i charted it wrong or something, because it seemed far too extreme to be true. (We were around 8600 and things were looking good) But i posted it anyway. It didnt get much comments or likes, i guess nobody took it seriously. Well, i guess i was right all along. What bothers me, is what symmetrical triangles can go both ways. That means real flash crash could be coming. But i dont think so. If it goes below 6400 and stays there/continues to fall though, sell it all, because that would mean it goes below 1 fib, and bounce aint gonna happen. Its either dark times or a golden bull run now boys, next few days are unironically critical for bitcoin. Be ready to untether in time to scoop up the bottom if you tethered, or buy cheap ass coins with cash if you have some on hand, in case we actually bounce.
I didnt tether btw, gonna wait it all out and hope for the best. I woke up to a huge red dildo and its kinda late to do it now. As i said, i didnt believe my own analysis.
The thing is, because of the panic selling it sometimes pierces through the bottom (7170 here). It could go to 6.7k and then draw a green dildo. It happened with btc when it broke the wedge and reached 6k, everyone saw bottom is broken and started panic selling. Then people bought everything up quickly. Look at the pic. Better stay safe and wait it out.
i have $7000 euros in gdax waiting for the bottom but i don't know what the fuck im doing. i keep thinking it's bouncing and almost fomoing in but managed not to. is 7200 a safe buy you think? i really dun wanna miss somewhere near the bottom
Jack Smith
This is because we are in a rapidly deflating bubble. If you want sideways/"healthy" movement, wait until $2k or so, as after that it's mostly sideways for a year or two.
Brody James
Textbook manipulation to trigger stop loss orders and general panic sell. I think it'll flash crash below 7k.
Hunter Perez
$2k probably, but just start DCAing around $3500 to make sure you don't miss the bottom by being too greedy. It'll take some time to get there, of course (we'll probably have another dead cat or two along the way), so you don't need to sit in front of your computer all day or anything. Just layer your buys and walk away.
Angel Richardson
Deluded permabear.
Chase Campbell
credits gave me a 3x, holochain gave me a 10x
Noah Gray
Where do you think the next dead cat bounce will land? 10k still possible?
David Taylor
Congrats on that.
Joseph Cook
Depends where it starts, but it very likely won't go as high as the one that just failed. My guess is we begin around $6700 or so again and this time get to about $8250.
Kayden Russell
>I-It's just a correction! I swear!
Lucas Edwards
>7000 dollar euros
Julian Wright
i meant $7000 worth of euros in exchange
no i want to get in this dip, not the dip which might never happen
Yeah I remember you OP. But honestly I didnt pay attention because i already tethered up almost 3 weeks before your post and I've been patiently waiting for $7k since. I pass the time by coming here. The sound of screeching soothes me.
Dylan Green
Post your trading view. I want access to this crystal ball.
Isaiah Robinson
The elusive crystal ball of common sense. TA is always inferior to the predictability of human behavior