Brazil will elect a conservative man that prefer a dead son than a gay son...

Brazil will elect a conservative man that prefer a dead son than a gay son. He will kill all gays or half of Brazilian population kek

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Don't worry. The LEB BVLL will save us.

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Based Bolsonaro.

Dictatorship when?

The beach/sea looks pretty clean for having a shitton of people there

There is a strong possibility or his election is a meme?

>inb4 he will be the first italo-brazilian as a president

Why are the gays always so ripped?

There is a strong possibility but the at same time his rejection rate is too high, so in the 2nd round of voting he might probably lose since everyone who hates him will just vote on the other candidate just to guarantee he gets defeated.

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it's all the male gaze's fault
straight men and lesbians just don't care about their bodies as much

Which are his electoral promises?

I can't understand all the hate for him except for the ''muh military junta was right''

If straightoids adapted our superficial culture then maybe you wouldn't be having to deal with fat disgusting women everywhere

good, faggotry must be punished by execution.

It is time to make like Saudi arabia.

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if straight people started taking care of their bodies would homos do the opposite out of rebellion?

No but on second thoughts I'd rather you didn't. It's easier to spot fellow homos this way

It's not the most important. The most important is that he's the first president for a long time who doesn't want to steal money from the rich and give it to the poor for free. This is enough to take Brazil out of the crisis.

>an Jow Forumsthedonald-tier meme
You have to go back.

Because gay people are the peak of humanity

>He doesn't have an internal gay compass

Gay people don't breed, so they are inherently based and redpilled on the anto-natalist question

>Gay people don't breed
That is a misconception

Complete meme
Homosexuals are incredilby unhealthy

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They do but in a parasitic way
Children with homosexual parents are more likely to be molested and children who are molested are more likely to become homosexual