

Attached: vienna.png (522x396, 233K)

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what is so fantastic about freud?
his "theories" seem more like philosophy than science

It's theories doesn't look like philosophy at all! Let philosophy alone! Freud is just bs.

*does a line of coke*
*masturbates to picture of mom*
Yo, everyone wants to fuck their mother
*Has sex with 15 year old niece*
Yo, people like sucking things like icecreams because they actually want to suck cock
*snorts another line*

based and redpilled

jung is dope af tho

vienna in 1913 was a place where the gates of hell briefly opened

He was the first to discover how much our minds are influenced by the relation to our parents

freud has introduced the idea of unconscious mind into the main practice, that also makes him a notable philosopher toi

Attached: 0480a37d31899aa01bd37f606572fa96f4b79486.png (600x906, 371K)

He was the first to point it out. Like the guy that first wrote down that the sky is blue.

based on what?
did he actually do any experiments or studies or was it pure random blabber he wrote down?

doesn't look like you read his works

Was Lenin a Jew? I know Marx and Trotsky were.

at least read that immortal classic of his about vivimacher (analysis of a phobia in a five year old boy)

of course i didn't
why would i want to read stuff that has no known useful application that is mostly praised by pseudo intellectuals (which are all intellectuals)?

He came up with a theoretical model for mind (Id, Ego, Super-Ego)

He must have been.


It's Laurel Canyon in the 60's tier coincidence. Coincidence indeed.

Trotsky, Freud and Lenin were Jews. They don't teach you that in school.

>He came up with a theoretical model for mind
so it was bull shit all along?


do you consider theoretical physics bullshit, too?

In that case, schools in Denmark must be shit. Everybody knows that the leading figures of the communist revolution came from Jewish backgrounds. It's hardly a secret.

Freud was mostly full of shit but he's notable for getting the ball rolling.

>no dude, psychology is a hard science, my theories are true
of course i don't moron

Attached: laughing anakin.jpg (268x284, 10K)

I really really doubt they teach that in the Cucknited Kingdom.

you have to go back

you are pretty silly
not going to argue how effective psychoanalysis is, you see, it doesn't even matter, say, if we are really that affected by our parents as freud thought, his notability is in that he introduced the idea that our mind has a hidden part that affects our behaviour. obviously you know that idea since your childhood and cannot feel how innovative freud was with it

you think the human mind cannot be described through science?

well was his theories true?
anyone can step in a shit and call it innovative
but was it?

They actually did. Literally the first thing we learned about Marx is that he came from a wealthy, Jewish family in Prussia. Like, literally the first thing.

How would the world look like today if they all five died in 1913?

of course i do
but comparing theories in math and science is a fucking quantum leap to compare them to theories in psychology and sociology

not that theories in these fields cannot be made and tested, but there is to a much higher degree an important need for empirical evidence

lmao i could probably make up some bull shit in psychologytoday and mail it to you and you would be all amazed and believe it without any second thought dumb germ

Stalin was in Vienna for like a month

He was wrong about literally everything which is why not even psychiatrists take him seriousky anymore

He was a quarter Jewish I think, but might not have even known it.

And Trotsky was ethnically Jewish but being a communist was autistic about the whole "workers have no country, thing"

When asked his ethnicity he would famously reply "socialist"

Each field of science has to start out small
Do you look down on Galileo Galilei because his theory wasn't 100% correct?

I didn't know that the Castros and Guevara were communists.


>Do you look down on Galileo Galilei because his theory wasn't 100% correct?

that is why now when the fields of psychiatry and psychology has had a century to progress i ask: are his theories true?

Why would they teach you that in school, retard?

"Yes, Trotsky was the founder of the Red Army and People's Commissar for War during the Russian Civil War. His introduction of iron discipline and reversal of the early democratized command structure of the Red Guards helped win the war for the Bolsheviks. Oh and he was a Jew."

What does that add to anything?
And stop acting like it's some secret forbidden knowledge. Literally any book on the time period will mention that Trotsky and Freud were Jews.





Freud isn't that well accepted with modern psychologists.

>caring about useful application of theories
Frankly disgusting.