He is right

He is right
Does the e""""u"""" serve a purpose anyway?

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pay up dimi

>Does the e""""u"""" serve a purpose anyway?
no, because eu is impotent to even collect simple debts from lazy entitled greek

Why don't we dismantle it then? What's the point in keeping inefficient and highly corrupt dictatorships afloat?

It is great as a free trade and standards organisation. It is terrible as a political union. Unfortunately, the EU is pushing to become a political super-state like the USA.

Because it gives Germany/France power over smaller countries. The main reason they're making it awkward for Britain to leave the EU with a good deal is because they're trying to scare other nations that are thinking of leaving too.

Not going to happen. The northerners might try it amongst themselves but their revalued euro will make them lose competitiveness and that project will collapse too.
Bare in mind that their corrupt banks were among those who caused the global 2008 crisis.


>The main reason they're making it awkward for Britain to leave the EU with a good deal is because they're trying to scare other nations that are thinking of leaving too.

nah, the main reason brexit is such a clusterfuck is that why would you give britain access to european markets without any responsibilities? brits want all the benefits of eu without downsides, better deal than membership. that's total fantasy and unrealistic.

The EU should be abolished

Attached: vote leave.jpg (320x240, 21K)

>The main reason they're making it awkward for Britain to leave the EU with a good deal is because they're trying to scare other nations that are thinking of leaving too.
Nope it's because you don't have any kind of leverage you dumb Br*toid

I believe it will happen. It will take time, but they will gradually get it piece by piece, like the Lisbon Treaty, now the EU army, and they are already calling for Brussels to have a direct tax like federal tax in the US.

That was always the plan, it's not some kind of evil secret project. Read the Ventotene Manifesto, it's all there

When will the pro EU wage war against the ones that's anti EU that will lead to the end of Europeans?

never, eu is a peaceful organization and no matter what british media likes scream about, you can always leave eu. you lose the benefits of membership ofc but that doesn't mean eu is the new ussr, it just means that eu is not a gullible organization that allows leeches to take advantage of it.

The power structure will be like this: Germany and her satellites and France as a complimentary force, Scandia, all the rest.
Even if it happens it won't last long. An paneuorpean army will be of low morale and disorganized. People hate paying taxes to their own states. Imagine how the feel will be when you're paying taxes to some faceless bureaucracy base somewhere in Brussels.

I agree leeches must be kicked out.
Guess the country.

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No, the e""""u"""" will collapse under it's own weight, corruption and contradictions


>w-w-will collapse, any moment now!
As they have been saying since before it was even founded

EU is peaceful but Europeans are not, not to mention the fails of league of nations that's supposedly peaceful too

When will this happen? Will the world see how Europeans die off?

Attached: _2.png (1271x845, 261K)

They already lost the UK and Catalonia.
There can be no exact timeline. Europeans are those who inhabit the European territories. They won't die off, they'll just be more dark skinned.



>They already lost the UK and Catalonia.
The UK lost itself, thank god they're leaving
Catalonia not only is still in Spain, but would want to remain in the EU even if it left. It's why Spain opposes the independence of Scotland

Why doesn't Germany dismantle Greece and sell its islands to Turkey?

UK isn't and Ireland is?
Catalonia is one of Spain's financial centers.
If Catalonia secedes the won't accept as it will set a precedent.

>If Catalonia secedes the won't accept as it will set a precedent.
Code word here being if


Because then the e""""u"""" loses a colony and further weakens. From then on Europe loses the Balkans and then you're up just like the old days. Europe has already lost Kosovo anyway.

Why are dumb gr**koids against the EU? Who would they do business with other than Europe? China? Russia? Fuck off. I hate the german EU politics but at least fucking blame the conservatives. Vote left then.

you are wrong
we Europeans are peaceful people, our intentions are kind

Spain won't be able to suppress them for long. The so called human rights respecting e""""u"""" has kept it's filthy mouth shut when it came to the repression is Catalonians.

I really feel terrible for the Greeks.

Why do you hate EU so much?
Do you think that if EU gets dismantled, you wont have to pay back debts?

They are not seceding because they fear they're going to be left out of the EU. I don't really see your point

Note this is the same guy who few days ago congratulated us on a "successful" referendum and to keep pushing for EU integration (which would mean parliament ignore the referendum results and push everything on its own regardless) while comparing it with the Soviet Union just like a day or two before that.

>Vote left then.
You're the one to talk.
Haven't you elected a quasi fascist who has frequent contact with Putin?
Do you know who is in power rn in Greece? Wanna guess why the e""""u"""" crushed them?