Why are americans from flyover states so down to earth while the people on the coasts are so psychotic?
Why are americans from flyover states so down to earth while the people on the coasts are so psychotic?
Not exactly sure what you're getting at bud
Why are all swedes soulless and cosmopolitan?
flyover states tend to be from smaller towns, more homogeneous
You can’t act like an obnoxious autist when you live in a small community where everyone knows you.
Our region isn’t great, but we make do with what we got.
>Our region
The Midwest is White, coasties aren't.
Quit trying to stir up trouble
well our coast are dominated by two states in particular (California and New York ) both of which have a high concentration (camp) of jews
Coasties are exposed to a culture where everybody is competing for attention whereas flyovers don't really care. The city is oversaturated with people and only the outliers stand out and get talked to, so people act weird/different to get the attention that they want.
>Why are americans from flyover states so down to earth
They're not.
>while the people on the coasts are so psychotic?
They're not.
Stop talking about things you don't know Sven.
>They're not.
They really aren't
sorry but the punctions already displayed your boiling anger and now everything you say is damage control
I'm from South Dakota you droop-lipped ape, I'm about as flyover as it gets barring my neighbors up north and westwards
Yes there are plenty of honest people but there's no shortage of jerks and scoundrels I can tell you that
You talk like a freak
I dont believe you, you are not speaking in relatives
You can't just go mouthing off to someone about how they sound when you haven't heard a peep from them bud
you're mentally ill dude
Whatever freak just stay out of Kansas
And you stay out of South Dakota John Brown
this is just getting sad now
Yeah whatever man
This retard is quite anguished
well he is from south dakota, the people there are a bit off
Cute pupper.