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USA can win, if they invite Latinos and Russians to make many low quality stuffs
Christopher Wood
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Anthony Garcia
China can go to hell
Ryan Gomez
My low speed internet doesn't allow me to watch videos...
Connor Smith
China may win economically, but it will never be culturally influential. For that reason the people of the US and the west will always see China as this foreign dehumanized foreign land
Julian Lee
>see China as this foreign dehumanized foreign land
But who has big bucks is a boss. And your (ours too) Trump is getting poor.
Nolan Morgan
you don't know what happen to US-china now lol
defeat of china almost has been determined.
when china of surplus toward US reduced,china can't get dollar. CNY is nothing in this world.
Jeremiah Jones
>getting poor
We aren't losing any money, they're just catching up. This doesn't change the fact that China is full of bugmen
Parker Powell
usa is going to implode
Luis Bailey
No, samurai. China can ruin U.S. Federal Reserve in one day.
Kevin Gomez
Well it doesn't have to, if the fed just doesn't print money in the next market crash the market will be fine.
The problem of the dollar tanking is only present if the fed decides to try to bail people out by printing more dollars that then causes a depression wich they obviously wont do.
Alternatively if the American government calls in all the money and demands all the precious metals or liquid assets of the people, wich they also wont do.
People who talk about ''muh collapse'' are just retards the US government knows too much is at stake and obviously wont just crash the plane with no survivors