/dixie/ - Southern US & Friends

Georgia edition

Attached: boat.png (1288x633, 3.12M)

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First for sleep

second for jawja

where does arizona fall under this?

baffling post



might be a virgin but at least im not a bluegin

Who /mississippi/ here?

>another joju édition
didnt expect that one wow

woops you got a little smudge on that e

How would that work
Is that an actual thing or its a complete meme?

Sorry I'm phoneposting

it wouldn't (and here's why that's a good thing)

tfw no river castle

Attached: Château de Chenonceau.jpg (1700x850, 348K)

>be 1980s Virginia cop
>drive a Volvo

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>How would that work
every man a king

You could just stick a pole out a window and fish. Bet it's a salmon run too

bet you could fish through the toilets as well
dinner goes out, dinner comes in

why did you retards fight in the previous thread

who knows, somebody usually chimps out after midnight because they're drunk

It's pretty comfy but very narrow too
There's also a cool labyrinth on the other side of the river iirc

it's fun

Why are ameridumbs such quarrelsomes creatures

>It's pretty comfy but very narrow too
I meant inside

why do frogs cower at the first sign of a fight

The ancaps seize power, immediately abandon anarchism (as would be predicted) and turn it into either a feudal state or a far right state with a monarch

>a far right state with a monarch
the idea of monarchy is to avoid pea-brained peasants installing a new populist fad into power every week

because we're fat and wear shoes in the shower



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America more like O'merica


Listen to some actual music you backward colonial hicks

Sikem sokam gürcü bırakmayam

uyanın aq

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Turkish sounds like a car starting
>brüm brüm brüm

all european languages either sound gay or autistic and aggresive

what about french

Turkish is a European (Byzantine) language

effeminate but not threatening in the slightest

our languages is probably one of the most m u t t kind there is in the world.
Part persian, part french, part arab, part central asian turkic, all used interchangebly
some words have have turkish, arab and persian names that we all use interchangebly
It makes it incredibly hard to learn, especially because of how we add suffixes to the word to completely change its meaning so knowing the core doesnt help at all

Sup cousinfuckers

Turkbud more like turbid

Turkbud what do you think of the Ottoman occupation of the Balkans

t. Portugal

i forgot to say that even though its hard to learn, its a completly phonetic language.
Meaning if you can write the word down, you can also say it correctly, we dont have any gay rules about how which e or a you can and cannot pronounce in a written form

>Turkbud what do you think of the Ottoman occupation of the Balkans

best day of my lyfe
their collective butthurt that keeps raging to this day is what sustains me

They kind of exagerate or lie about the hundreds of years we had them in occupation. The balkans especially, is where are had our bureaucratic and mercantile base. Especially for the saray the balkanoids ruled it. They were the ones who were literate, they had the money and power while turks were seen as nothing but cannonfodder and farming peasents. Even most generals were from the balkans.
The young turks movement was basically a proto-fascist pro turk government coup because they were the first one to drop the idea of ''pax ottomana'' and instead bring turan into palace politics, and they got rid of most of the balkan and armenian bureucrats and seized their money to redistribute to the turks who were seen as second class citizens in their own empire.
The christians were basically the jooz in the ottoman empire, its why we didnt massacred them for hundreds of years and why half of the balkans isnt turkish

t. Alberto Barbosa

Buff tintin

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wew I had no idea. It's more complicated than I thought
How did Albania and Bosnia became muslim? Did Turks migrate there in big numbers?

I don't remember Tintin going through walls

Albanians are ILLYRIAN

do people in the south drive lots of big trucks like people in alberta?

Your moms illyrian

I will kill you for this

They all drive in modest twingos

i get really happy when i get a non-agressive post from greek flags its like being a father whose son hates him but sometimes tolerates him.

bosnians were basically serbs that didnt wanted to pay the jizya so they converted to islam.
The albanians im not sure but i would guess we just treated them really well and they figured that they might as well convert, the albanians were probably our most loyal colonies, the only reason they left the empire was because we simply didnt had any power to protect them at the other side of the balkans and they were scared the italians were gonna annex them during ww1

Not alot of turks migrated to bosnia as it was kinda far away from anatolia but there were still some migrants.
Albania definitely had some turk colonizers, but most turks were sent to romania, bulgaria, greece and FYROM

albania was basically the wales of the ottoman empire, if they were closer to anatolia we would probably have them as an integrated part of the republic

the Armenians deserved it

deserved what?


>>i get really happy when i get a non-agressive post from greek flags its like being a father whose son hates him but sometimes tolerates him.
>identifying as his country

i really want a /komşugf/ and komşu friends
we have so much in common but they hate me so much

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Still don't understand why a Christian "turkish" republican obsess so much over the muslim Ottoman empire

Sultan Abdülhamit should have crowned a greek king to serve as a dual monarchy empire like austria hungary.
The greeks would rule the christians while the sultan would rule the muslims from konstantiniyye

i have been playing vicky 2 recently
Besides the ottomans, aside from a handful of sultans and the young turks era, were extremely pluralist in their ideologies.
Simply calling the empire a muslim kingdom is an overstatement and a brainlet approach

fuck i meant to say abdülmecit wtf do all these sultans have similar names

alot of ottoman sultans were much more pro-western then our current rulers

Attached: Osmanlı-Padişahı-Sultan-Abdülmecid-Kimdir.-Ottoman-Empire-Ottomano-Sultano-Padishah-Abdulmecid-� (702x370, 55K)

Just ordered KFC y'all

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write "Kentucky fried chicken" in Turkish with "Kentucky" spelled as it would be if it was a Turkish name

Kan Tatlı Effendi'nin kızarmış tavuk evi

translates directly to ''Blood tasty effendi's fried chicken house''
i tried

Probably kentiki but with the i without point in the middle

otherwise it would be ''Kentaki usülü kızarmış tavuk''

absolutely based

it still isnt here wtf colonel sanders


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dumb larping anatolshit in denial lmao

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atleast im not a flaglett lmao

how can the an*me poster even recover????
Pro tip
He cannot

Albania told dunno fund fume

um, you can't get flags on clover sweetie


>Mobile user
>Shit at bait

arkansas is ____

>mobile user
no u

is this logan

no its jason

hot as fuck

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Southerners are a hot blooded people.

I don't mobilepost


microwave broke and now I can't heat my shoes

only plebs heat their shoes in the microwave, oven crisped shoes are superior in every way

no, i meant calling me a flaglett

i grill my shoes (charcoal grill)







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He does it for free