WOAH. Jap women look like THAT?

WOAH. Jap women look like THAT?

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Do you love Japan?

Disgusting. Black and East Asian produces the most hideous offspring. This abomination shouldn't exist.

actually her face looks 100% jap

sad fact that athlete needs black blood for winning game so that it pumps up power and creates physical advantage to compete with non-asians.

What about Nishikori? He's currently the 4th best player in the world and he's 100% Japanese.

Matt hughes said it polititly in an interview about fighting jap heavyweights. That a 240lb jap wrestler isnt really strong so he took the fight n won....but an american no way.

She's every television program I watch. Disgusting

Is it true she can't even speak Japanese?

but it's not 1st, he still can't beat 3 players and that's it.

Same with Beyonce, her face has entirely white features but she is help up as a standard of black beauty.

She can barely says arigatougozaimasu awakwadly

Does the media in Japan promote multiculturalism?

She can easily pass as SEA but even then she looks like a Jap.

She spoke it in some Japanese tournament but it was blatantly obvious she had practiced it, her pronunciation was awful

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She looks like a crispy tanned asian

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Yes. They do

>Sierra Leone

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she literally looks like the average japanese tбh

hafu brack sexy rady!
I wirr make many chirdrens!



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I don't see the problem
She is a glorious yamato-nadesiko girl now