Guess the ethnic

guess the ethnic

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my explanation

1 manly chin
2 frog eyes
4 smoll nose
5 mudslim eyebrows

#5 is the giveaway, i dated sum mudlslimas in italy and they all go for that squared look which is a boner killer







balkan, lipstick gives it away


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Man, I remember the times when as kids we put firecrackers in dog shit and ran away as fast as we could...


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>I unironically used to do this
>one day this tard guy, pale, fat, slowpoke in general due to too much super nintendo wants in
>tell my friends to get "da bomb"
>next day, we have this firecrack called "THE TURK" or "THE TURKISH" I don't recall exactly
>legends have it was stronger than a Magnum (spoiler: it was not)
>plant the bomb in this big turd we found, light it and run
>lardass dude stares at it
>"STRONZO, GET OUT NOW!!" we run like if we fucking activated a nuclear bomb
>lard boy is smeared in shit. he cries and runs home
>never seen anymore



We too used to put Magnums (stubby somewhat small but thicc firecracker with a lot of pushing power) into dead cats assholes then put it in the commie block pass, the tunnel of a sorts that echoes and sends shock waves into apartments
in the tunnel are mostly wc windos, all smeared with cat particles
we didnt stop there, we had to break one Magnum down and see how its made, so that we could make our own
one friend collected the powder from bullets laying around since it was 3 years after the war ended, added tar and match heads in the mix, i was in charge of the construction, used the plastic jar, glue and a lot of cardboard and ducktape
other friend knew where to get the furze and how to install it
it was half a liter in volume, a monster
we were scared of it
we threw it in a burnt down muslim house, where junkies were known to shoot up
the fuse looked weird to me, considering it was 3 meters long and burned in a very weird way
it was just hemp rope smeared in gunpowder and evaporated gasoline
we put it inside a cardboard box and lit it, then ran for at least 10 minutes until we couldnt run anymore
so we came back to see it, nothing exploded, the fuse is burnt, we said fuck it and never wanted to approach it
we went to play sega 5 houses away
after about half an hour, there was the most horrible sound of explosion i have ever heard
the friends dad jumped and ran to protect the home
the neighbors got out, thinking NATO is bombing us
the special forces arrive in 5 minutes and enter the house, drag out the junkie that is bleeding really bad because he had a needle when he was startled
a friend of ours, the powder one, he wanted to cry and rat us all out, admit it all
we slapped him a little and told him to go home, to go to sleep
we admited it 15 years later



i think not, I recognize the phenotype and if OP fucking replied I'll guess it in 3 more tries.

knew it, looked very much like a European+ameridian mix


Someone explain to me how in that hellhole that is Brasil possibly pure white people still exist. Is there like a gringo reservation in the south or do you just import them from Europe?


She's cute

Yeah, we did too.
>maybe 6-7 years old
>one of the neighbour boys had firecrackers from somewhere (probably really old ones...)
>run around, blow stuff up, also some dogshit now and then
>slowly run out of firecrackers, kept the biggest for last
>find really big dog shit
>mate puts it in, lights it, we run like crazy
>wait for the boom but there is no boom, as I said they were probably old and a few didn't went of/just burned out
>after a few seconds slowly go back to the shit to check what happend
>when one mate was really close the firecracker finally blew up
>said mate sprinkeld in dog shit, looking really disgusted, everyone else is unharmed

Man, I probably have not laughed that hard ever after...

>into dead cats assholes

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Not that other user, but damn.

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Oh fuck, that was Italy. Should have figured when I read Stonzo.


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