
Post pics of your women holding markers in thir hands.
Don't ask why just do it.

pen(is)'s are allowed too.

Attached: 4cb6192767588e9c4edce79572ba8537.jpg (890x1305, 170K)

Germany ruling the world once again


Pelikan Textliner are better anyway


Germany still ruling

i will not allow you to fap to the image of my teacher holding a pen(is)


Attached: 844.jpg (550x476, 47K)

w-wait I never said I would m-masturbate. Do you honestly think I'm that perverted?

I just want to see small hands encompass a stabilo marker if possible.

No loli. All I want to see is female college students holding markers. Nothing wrong with that.

Pelikan manifactures everything in Malaysia but the blingy bling line with strange pens

Attached: 1446769726663.jpg (742x1000, 101K)

who gives a shit
is apple a taiwanese company now?

What about guys?

Attached: Marker.jpg (2160x2160, 1.2M)

What do I get in return? I have more :^)

Attached: csm_slider_homepage_STABILO_BOSS_Pastel_1920x750px_234b7b283c.jpg (1860x727, 155K)

No that's gay

Are those your hands? I need more femanon hands clenched around Stabilos

Attached: 62863322-pretty-little-blonde-girl-drawing-with-markers-at-the-table-girl-holding-in-hands-blue-mark (988x1300, 123K)

Attached: 65077502-pretty-little-blonde-girl-drawing-with-markers-at-the-table-girl-holding-in-hands-a-pink-ma (1190x1300, 124K)

This chick had quality photo sets, amiright?

Attached: images (49).jpg (348x470, 24K)

I don't mind amateur stuff either :^)

Attached: images (50).jpg (600x416, 32K)

Attached: Close to tears.gif (500x281, 291K)

What do i get in return

Even as a kid that's a pretty poor aim.
