I suffer in paradise

>I suffer in paradise

Attached: 220px-Visegrad_group (1).png (220x258, 23K)

I suffer because Transylvania is not independent

Why do you think these countries are paradise?

Homogeneity (read: white)

That's not a plus

>still overwhelmingly white
>no muslims
>economic prosperity rising

That is the only plus tbqh

Why ?

Kys székely

>still so poor they fall over themselves to come here and scrub toilets

>>economic prosperity rising
bollocks colony economy with no independent industry

if foreign companies suddenly all pulled out we'd be literally early 19th century tier lol

i like Czech

>if foreign companies suddenly all pulled out we'd be literally early 19th century tier
Is true with virually every nation.

Because it doesn't indicate prosperity
stfu radu

Not the USA or Germany.

I suffer because ,my penis is 15cm and thin

With PiS at the helm industry will be nationalized and western economic colonists will get their due.

>Because it doesn't indicate prosperity
Yes, and ?
I don't understand why people don't work in Vienna and live in Bratislava. Seems like a win/win combo

But most companies in Poland are either part of the supply chain of German companies (VW parts or assembly) or are outsourced services like accounting firms and tech support.

If you nationalise those they will have nothing to do. They don't create a full product from scratch.

A lot of people from our neighbor countries work here and have houses back in their countries

Well seems they are fucked then.

>being stuck with Poland and Hungary in any circumstances
This is some really hellish paradise.

not the ones that kept their industry, which granted, isn't a lot, but they also happen to be the most prosperous ones

I wonder (((who))) the fuck came up with the idea that you can have an economy without industry

Yeah it was hilarious watching The Netherlands, Britain and France crash and burn during the financial crisis while Germany with their industry still intact hardly tanked.

Or neighbouring in this case.

This is an American website.

Doesn't make it acceptable

>Yeah it was hilarious watching The Netherlands, Britain and France crash and burn
Uhm but it was rather PIIGS countries that really crashed, who also happen to not have industry

Netherlands, France and Britun all have some industry compared to us and PIIGS


Oh wait PIIGS also includes Italy, they do have industry but I guess they just manage badly

But other than that, countries with industry suffer less and can quickly recover

The problem with the likes of Germany is small internal consumer market and bad demographics, so they're very dependent on exports

Italy completely relied devaluing their currency to undercut others. Without the Lira most of their uncompetetive industry was doomed.
That's true but in comparison Britain and the Netherlands got rid quickly of a lot of industry in favor of services and other bullshit while we always looked at Germany like an outdated economy. Yet in the end they were proven right.

So it's like your country 30years ago?

My 18cm and bold. Anyway i don't use it for its purpose.
