exceed the 50 km/h speed in Poland, and police catches you - pay 50 dollar of fine

> exceed the 50 km/h speed in Poland, and police catches you - pay 50 dollar of fine

- exceed the 50 km/h speed in the UK, and police catches you - pay 3500 dollar of fine

- exceed the 50 km/h speed in France, and police catches you - pay 2000 dollar of fine

What the fuck is wrong with the Westerneuropean countries?! I exceed the 50km/h speed in the city all the time everyday, but police here notices it only if you exceed it by at least 30 km, fortunately. They caught me two times in last 5 years for driving over 100 km/h on the city streets, and i paid 300 zl (80 dollar) of fine, and i still consider it as scandalously high price.

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>shithole doesn't enforce its laws properly
Wow I'm shocked

Totalitarian countries enforce their laws in a total way, so you cant escape it. Would you call Soviet Union or Third Reich a shithole? I would.

By the way, i wonder why would anybody need a car if he can drive in the city only 50 km/h in it. Sure, there is a law that you can't drive faster than this in cities, but literally nobody cares about it, even police cars, kek. If you drive 50 km/h, people use horn at you constantly, so you must driver faster to fit in. Normal minimum speed everyone drives with is smth around 70 km/h.

Holy fuck. Total third world.

Call it how you want, but it works in real life. I prefer to live in such "third world" than to pay 2000 euro of fine because i drove faster than 50 km/h kek

Because you're living in a third world country, you, paying 50€, is more or less the same punition than us, paying 2000€.

This butthurt ITT! Of course, it is not the same. Salaries in France are 3x higher than here, while prices 2x higher, so 50 euro for us is like 100 euro for you more or less.

50km/h over the limit will have you end up in court for dangerous driving and also your license instantly suspended.
I don't see the point of this thread anyway. What's your plan? Driving 90 through a residential area or something? Or do you think your 1990s VW Polo can even go 50km/h over the legal limit on the highway?

>drive over Polish child
>pay 700 euros to the family
>they thank you for it

>50km/h over the limit will have you end up in court for dangerous driving and also your license instantly suspended.

750/1000 Poles own cars. If this law was fully enforced in Poland, 75% of Polands population would have to go to jail, literally. Not even kidding. I am driving car everyday and i never see a person who would drive 50 km/h or less, maybe except of some tractor or bicycle or smth. Everybody drives faster

>be westerner
>be driving through pooland in your 320 hp mercedes doing 100 km/h
>poorlocks cant even catch up to you in their kisas and renault poorfag mobiles.
>continue driving through pooland 80 km/h cuz u feel sorry for them

the point is that poland is on par with somalia?

i never got a ticket because im a good boi

>i can't escape driving like a nigger

We know. We're hearing you Poland.

Here it's tied to your income. A millionare was caught speeding and got a 54,000€ ticket.

If you kill a person, you have serious trouble, and insurance is counted in hundreds of thousands of euro, of course. But if you only drive 70 km/h in the city, police usually doesn't even notice it. I tell from my long-term experience as a driver.

Well I think dying due to traffic accidents is the most useless way to go. I feel no sympathy towards people getting caught speeding or let alone drunk driving.

Come here and try doing 70 in the medieval streets we got.
Either you shit yourself or you crash in after 50 meters.

Well, a millionaire can afford it. But a 2000 euro fine would ruin me.

Then stick to legal limits. Most people actually cannot afford to just pay €100 fines so they don't speed.

He said over the 50 km/h limit, not 50 km/h over the limit.

50km/h limits over here are imposed within urban zones. It's roads where you have chances to meet cyclists and pedestrians.
Together with 30km/h roads (actual neighborhood roads) you should really watch out here.

he lives in a country that was destroyed countless times he doesn't have medieval streets

Fucking this.

Only niggers and apparently Poles too dont understand this.

Can you provide proof that niggers constantly violate speed limits? Or are you a racist?

fake and gay

Poland is the most civilized and Western-like country of Eastern Europe. You should see such less cultured and inferior countries like Russia or Ukraine. Everybody drives drunk there, and they bribe policemen with 5 dollar bills.

Hahaha. Niggers and Arabs constantly commit crimes and are generally shitty to be around. Just how fucking stupid are you?

We have this thing called the Transit accident commission which is paid for by registration fees and the TAC will cover all of your medical costs and even give you a payout = to what you would have earned in your job until retirement age if you can never work again as a result of the crash and you were not in the wrong.

So they are inclined to make laws like losing your license for doing 25km/h over the speed limit and the result is a country of 25 million people only had 1100 deaths on the road in 2017.
Poland for an example had 3000 deaths on the road in the same time with a population of 38 million.
I am sorry but nearly 3 times as many dead would mean you would need 75 million people for us to even be close.

>be American
>have gotten 3 speeding tickets in my life
>each time I wrote a letter to the judge saying I can't afford the insurance hike after speeding, please have mercy
>all 3 have been reduced to non-moving violations, each under $50
Literally only brainlets pay speeding tickets. I guess if I got two tickets in the same city then this wouldn't work though.

2000 deaths is a price we are ready to pay for driving faster and hence enjoying our cars.

Op is a faggot, if you drive more than 100 km/h in a city you lose driver license for 3 months.

>exceed the 50 km/h speed in the UK, and police catches you - pay 3500 dollar of fine

What? It's like £100 usually

How can someone enjoy a Lada?

If I had a Polish child I'd pay money to whoever drove over it

>the result is a country of 25 million people only had 1100 deaths on the road in 2017.
we don't have your stupid laws yet we have a lesser ratio

>enjoying cars
>literally buying what here the throw for demolition

>only 750 to 1000 people in Poland own cars
lol that's worse than Africa

Nobody drives Lada in Poland. Majority of population drives used cars that we import from Germany. You can have BMW series 5 from 2005 for as little as 3000 dollars here.

Holy shit I just realized Poland has more people than fucking Australia.

How can a country so populous be so irrelevant?

read the rest of his message I believe he meant to say 75/100%

You have lower wages so you pay less.

nice digits

Latvia has so little cars because it is a Russian puppet state and people are poor:


Your cars are also on average older than ours:


he sure typed it in the most retarded way possible

Could've said 75% or 3/4 not 1200/3600

Nice quints Austria

Brainfart I mean 1200/1600

How is 5.1/100,000 better than 4.9/100,000?
And we have worse roads than you, explain this fuckery.

Attached: a road.webm (640x360, 2.99M)

It is not tho, also look at yourself.

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>How can a country so populous be so irrelevant?

This bothers me as well personally.

Poland is the least relevant country out of all 35 million+ ones.

Even fucking Argentina is way more relevant than us.

I guess it's about lack of nice climate and beautiful cities (little tourism), lack of recognizable culture and lack of innovations and big companies.

If Latvia was as big as us, it was irrelevant as well though, just like any other eastern European country.

I agree these prices can be outrageous!

arguing with Poles is fun because of their low IQ paired with their extremely high ego

>mfw 10 euro

>arguing with Poles is fun because of their low IQ paired with their extremely high ego

You can't argue with official statistics.

it's because we don't have as many old towns and narrow streets as Europe so driving faster isn't as dangerous

I'm sure in the US you also don't get fined so hard for exceeding the speed limit a bit

>If Latvia was as big as us
it would be something else entirely

population size shapes history, politics and culture. We've always been a small people, while there has always been a large number of Poles.

>I'm sure in the US you also don't get fined so hard for exceeding the speed limit a bit

I always associated the USA with full freedom and no speed limits. Route 66, Harley-Davidson, and shit like that.

To be fair 50 is probably a months wages in Poland

You still haven't caught on to what my reply was about

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>imagine living in such a pussy country you lose your license for going 25km over the limit
i do that on a daily basis here. its called freedom.

the anglo subhuman needs to be tamed with agressive laws whilst the frenchmen behaves like a gentlemen naturally

>To be fair 50 is probably a months wages in Poland

Monthly child benefit for every child here is 150 dollar, so no.

>To be fair 50 is probably a months wages in Poland

That's an average salary in Ukraine and i am not even kidding.

>population size shapes history, politics and culture

so what about Lithuania? they were a big country for most of their history but they ended up as a small and irrelevant entity

>We've always been a small people, while there has always been a large number of Poles.

not really, there were less Poles than Irish people at the beginning of the 19th century, the Commonwealth was very sparsely populated and it didn't have any big cities, even Warsaw at the beginning of the 19th century had only 63k people while Paris or London had about 1 million. Poland had a population boom between mid 1850s to 1914 and then between 1945-1980. In 1945 Poland's population was about 20 million only, we had doubled it by 1980.

>In 1945 Poland's population was about 20 million only, we had doubled it by 1980.

btw this is also a reason why commie Poland was relatively poorer comparing to other Eastern European countries - we were literally the Nigeria of Eastern Europe, our birth rate greatly exceeded our GDP growth rate, while in Czechoslovakia or Hungary they had very low birth rates comparing to us, so they felt "wealthier" as they divided their wealth between less people.

Trust a wilthy wog to be wrong.

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The poorer countries are, the more their population breed. That's because if you can't afford sophisticated entertainments or even chocolate, you search for pleasure in sex which results in births if you can't afford a condom. But even being so poor as Russia/Belarus/Ukraine doesn't always guarantee high birth rates, as their birth rates are only slightly higher than ours and still far below replacement rate. That's maybe because most of their female populations are busy with working as camgirls and porn stars, so they have no time to get preganant.

that's actually a really good idea

It is good only from populist perspective, but it is useless from perspective of budget because number of millionaires is extremely low in every society in comparison with "average citizens", and the budget income is based almost exclusively on robbing average citizens. So yeah, it might be nice for you to hear that some rich man had to pay 50k euro fine, but from perspective of budget's income, it is a drop in the sea of money stolen from guys like you anyway

>100 km/h on the city streets
This is the type of people that lives here.

Your penal colony applies the whole 'who needs common sense when you have the law' mentality and that's even worse.

Yet another reason why NZ is better than Australia


thats some tip top delusion there m80

the UK is just as bad and even more heavily monitored and enforced.
t. bong

> exceed the 50 km/h speed in Poland, and police catches you - pay 50 dollar of fine

So to the Polish law maker the life of the citizens that get endangered by speeders is only worth 50 bucks?

>niggers of europe

they're being generous really

>the UK is just as bad and even more heavily monitored and enforced
Fuck off it is
t. australian citizen

While I was still living in America, I got a ticket for 69 in a 55. It cost $150 for the ticket, but since it was a first offense, I was offered the opportunity to take online remedial drivers education. This cost another $50, but meant that the 3 points that I would have gotten on my license never got reported to my insurance company. Pretty worth it to keep my premiums down in the long run.


So the USA has civilized fines. Their police is also much better than Westerneuropean one. They are not afraid to shoot a criminal to death, while European "police" prefers to escape in fear or to avoid places ridden with crime.

can't turn a corner in any british city without walking into a camera

>Their police is also much better than Westerneuropean one
I've never had any run-ins with bolaner bolice but ive interacted three times with latvian police (twice where I fucked up) and on every occasion they were bribe hungry and/or untrained bydlos.

>I get all of my information from Jow Forums
Those cameras are mostly privately owned, are you not allowed cameras in Australia?

>I get all of my information from being born and raised there

And ? I dont understand why people are bothered by this unless theyre tin foil hat nutters or up to something dodgy.

Also at least the police in UK/NZ can apply common sense to a situation, something which is sadly lost in your low IQ excuse for a country.

Everything placed east of Poland is so called "sovok" (that's how they call themselves). It is a different world. The bigger Russian population is inside a country, the more it is "sovok". So it has more crime, corruption, poverty, prostitution, alcoholism and HIV infections than average European country. One of major reason for which Ukrainian gastarbeiters end up in Polish arrest is because they try to bribe Polish policemen, because that's what they do on daily basis in Ukraine kek

Then you'd know it isn't true, most CCTV is privately owned and exists purely for insurance purposes. Jow Forums rots your brain.

police here are generally fine, though I admit they are a bit more paramilitary in shit areas

>exceed the 50 km/h speed

Not sure what you mean. 50km/h over the speed limit?
Being a little to fast is not really expensive here.
For example going 70km/h in a 50 area costs you laughable 30€.

If you meant 50km/h over the limit (100km/h in a 50 zone) it is still not that expensive (160€), the problem is that you will have to walk for a month.

Umm no, LT and EE aren't like that jacek

I've been caught doing 80mph in a 50mph zone and I got a fine of like £80 and a "victims surcharge" of something like £120 and 6 points
I've never heard of someone having a fine of even £500 for speeding. The bigger fines usually involve drugs, drink, you hit someone etc

It is practically impossible to bribe Polish police because they have obligatory cameras with microphones installed on them that must be turned on when they are on duty. But even without this stuff, you had 90% chance ending up in jail for trying to bribe a policeman here. We had this corruption problem in 90s/00s, but today we are in corruption on pair with most of Western countries.

Some off duty cunt was tailgating me in his bogandore and then ran into the back of me when I stopped short not to block an intersection. And if that wasn't enough, he had the audacity to suggest I stopped for no reason.

Also watch Highway Patrol, even when theyre on camera they still act like aggressive egotistical wankers.

Not totally. In some places (Virginia, namely) you can be given a weekend in jail for 15 over. Also, I have been on the expressway when the police used a plane or helicopter to pick out speeders who were then hunted down by cops on motorcycles. Kind of surreal to see in person.

I never suggested Poland was but EE and LT are east of Poland and you'll be arrested for trying to pull that shit there as well.

Also I just remembered that I got a €240 + admin fee for doing 96 in a 50 zone in latvia, and that's hardly what I'd call cheap m8. Also I don't intentionally drive like a fuckwit, this was coming off a 90k road into a 50k village and I didn't notice. There was no speed sign either but they didn't give a fuck.

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What happens if you get fined in Latvia as a UK citizen but don't pay it? They strip your license in the UK?

TV picks the entertainers and drama, what do you expect? I've had cops here calm and professional talking to me after a call about a knife threat

It's up to the police of the licence holder to do something about it and rarely does anything ever get done

Dunno but I paid it because it would be anti-european not to