
Irish people on suicide watch.

BTFO by Russians

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Why Russian men look like cavemen?

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russian guy is pretty cool


BTFO'd by proud Mountain People.

why is knacker fighting so popular?

>Conor McGregor

What do caucasus niggers have to be proud of? That they got conquered by Russians? That they live off of putins gibs?

jewish dna

theyve sucesffully resisted assimilation unlike Asian russians

Seems like I’m not russian.

Irish are the same people as English, so called English had the language enforced on them too and then it got frogged too

>Irish are the same people as English

Stay-puffed-ear BTFO of paddy big teim

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Macgregors aren't even Irish, they are a Scottish clan and came up with the bagpipe thing

you are right English are way more ugly

holy shit does every boxing event turn into Jow Forums-tier shitposting contest about peoples nations and their history ?


Irish are ruling their own country.

Dagestanis are being ruled by Russians.

Only the jewed ones.

>both descended from bell-beakers
>both got raped by norse
>speak even the same language
>not the same

it's mma dumbass

Russia is a federation yes hello.


In this case it's because the Irish and Russians are insecure about their nationality, culture, religion, origin and place in the world.

Evolution also.

>>both descended from bell-beakers
Wrong. one originated from Germany during the fall of Rome and the other inhabited the isle when the guals got kicked off the continent.
>>both got raped by norse
>set up 3 mud huts on ireland
Ireland was one of the countries that successfully stop a viking invasion
>>speak even the same language
There is a Irish language that was spoken in Ireland right up to the 18th century
It's not spoken by everyone now because irish people are lazy

>What do caucasus niggers have to be proud of?
luterally nothing, that's the reason why they are always angry and butthurted.

>russian guy
kek in Russia his ethnicity considered like something completely opposite to russian.

>Wrong. one originated from Germany during the fall of Rome and the other inhabited the isle when the guals got kicked off the continent.
wrong, these event had barely any impacts, they just got influenced linguistically and culturally, their origins are older. North-wesstern Germans are from Bell-beaker culture too.
>Ireland was one of the countries that successfully stop a viking invasion
Dublin was built by vikings
>There is a Irish language that was spoken in Ireland right up to the 18th century

xD Well, you're right, I admit it. But the most ironic thing here must be that deputees from Dagestan were behind new Russian law that prohibits us to teach our national languages in republican schools.

>new Russian law that prohibits us to teach our national languages in republican schools
Explain. Didn't you Ukraine Nazis because they did the same?

Yes we are.

why are so many russians muslims?

Can you say the Irish are ruling themselves if they aren't really Irish anymore? Culture defines nations. Kurdistan hasn't had a state for thousands of years but is more of a nation than Ireland every will be

>why are so many russians based?

>Dublin was built by vikings
>build 3 mud huts
>compared to getting taken over by norway and then getting taken over by french vikings
>wrong, these event had barely any impacts, they just got influenced linguistically and culturally, their origins are older. North-wesstern Germans are from Bell-beaker culture too.
Are saying irish people are Germanic culturally then?

>if they aren't really Irish anymore
Not every country is a melting pot.

Russia won a war against some muslim country (Iran or Turkey, can't remember) and they ceded a lot of territory to Russia in the caucasus, making millions of muslims subjects of the empire.

>imagine being this retarded

Yes they did. But the new law has one little thing which lets them pretend like they are not Nazis themselves. It says that republics can't make their languages MANDATORY anymore, and they will be studied on a free-will basis.

Meanwhile in Ukraine and Latvia they prohibited Russian language even at private schools - or at least our propaganda says so.

Germanic is a linguistic term

irish is not a Germanic language

Identity isn't about blood.

Most coastal Turks are Greeks genetically but they spek Turkish and have Turkish culture so they are Turkish.

The impact of language on culture is profound. Look at Latin America.

I assure you Mexico would be very different if they spoke Nahuatl.

>from Southern Germania
>not Germanic

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It's not retarded.


what would be the point otherwise?

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Culture does. But here you speak about language, not culture at all. National character, cousine, dances, music, own literature, ancient mythology, history and epos - Irish have all of these.

And those old French colonies in Africa, you'd argue that they aren't Africans any more? Language isn't the only aspect of culture, definitely not anywhere near a point where you'd say they aren't a people any more.

Many ethnic russians support Conor actually

Irish have their own country, Dagestan is still owned by slavs

Irish doesn't share any features of a Germanic a language and is considered to not be Germanic by almost everyone

Is this autism?

Language allows for easy follow of ideas and culture. In the same way the Anglos order was Britianized and now is getting heavily Americanized. Afro-French culture will be a thing. African culture will be heavily French and French culture inturn will be influenced by Africa heavily in this century

stfu potatonigger subhuman, ir*sh will always be the slave of the Anglo from now until forever.

I know, my point was that language doesn't matter

Identity is Bullshit. Identity can change in a decade. Australians are no longer Germans. Eastern Bularians are now Macedonians etc.

The reality is that Austria will continue to be German and Macedonia will continue to be Bulgarians as long as their language and culture lives on.

The Russian isnt insecure about anything though. He's calm and respectful

>Georgian education

Ha ha really got him there. Everyone in Ireland hates mcGregor. What a scumbag.

>Language allows for easy follow of ideas and culture.
Yes, but in 21st century, when the majority of Earth speaks English and borrows all the ideas and cultural things from America and other English-speaking countries, it's not so much actual anymore, IMO.

wrong, he just can't speak English properly

>Khabib proudly fighting for Russia

What a nation of rednecks. North-Caucasians are people of honor so i will always cheer for them but i will never cheer for a Russian fighter.

t. barbosa al-moortuguese, lion of brazil

What do you got to be proud of? That you got conquered by us?

Khakib fights for Islam

>Amerisharts supporting the guy that shit himself on a bus

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mountain people will always be superior to plain dwellers

>dubliner with a scottish name
>hurr durr why no speak Irish in America
maybe because he isn't fucking autistic? What kind of sperg would do such a thing

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Go to the Khabibs Instagram profile and look how it's only Muslims who love him.