Effeminate gay character

>effeminate gay character
>italian name

why japan?
why don't you call him sven or gustav

Attached: Mare.png (403x918, 287K)

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>draw a girl and simply say it's a boy
What did Japan mean by this? Can't they portrait traps a bit more accurately?

I met an Italian who looked like that but with black hair

Italian language is effeminate, names even more so. Scandinavian names are masculine and unfit for these characters.

You mean what, ugly smelly motherfuckers? That defeats the whole purpose.

italian is a bit childish
but finnish too for example

Nah, just more boyish proportions. Wider waist, shorter legs, larger chest, wider shoulders. Instead of drawing a girl in girl clothing and calling it a boy, draw a boy in girl clothing. I mean, they're already drawing boys in animu, just put girl clothes on them.

So they can brainwash a bunch of porn addicted retards to think it's possible for them to look like a girl too.

Perhaps this description is more accurate. Cute language either way. Haven't ever heard spoken Finnish, but their names are somewhat similar in this regard, too.

For what purpose?

Attached: wtf.jpg (960x791, 182K)

I fucking hate elves

Attached: around elves.jpg (365x301, 95K)

God fucking damn it Japan is it the soy sauce? Snap out of it

tranny benjamin franklin is fantastic

looks like AIDS skrillex when tranny

What a cute boi

Attached: c19.png (640x360, 337K)

This character is cute, I would fuck her (him) everyday

I wonder if the second one in the right is passable.

If they were they probably wouldn't be literally hiding their face with a curtain of hair.

The forehead of the one on the left changes size every time I see this posted

Pretty sure there’s a difference between Tranny and Trap

tbqh he is a pimp lord
the way he puts that hoe at the end of s2 in line with his pimp cane is truly beautiful

>Matter of France mythological figure, one of Charlemagne's knights
why japan???

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Or, maybe, they could call him Niko or Jonne....

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because they're all Ouiaboos but they're also pervs

Attached: no lewding Jannu.png (723x624, 338K)

>He doesn't want a hot and sexy historical figure

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they did ugly traps in one piece.....

I heard that it came from the story from girls in disguise to spy on foes, also fiction can make sissy boi character as you want to

You're thinking of this one. He is based on the real Chevalier d'Éon who dressed as a woman to spy on the English.

Attached: 9056caa793c6699e1ac1d30b1c29e49c.jpg (800x800, 192K)

So France is to blame for this gay trap shit, not Japan.

Hello is this the effeminate gay Italian anime thread

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In that particular case, yes.

Why do Italians do this?

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I love japan !

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How else are you supposed to know when someone is lying?

ok I got wrong one, but the reference of sex doesn't matter in fiction called "Fate". even Nero Claudius turns girl there. so stop wondering why it should look like.

I know, I'm just shitposting.

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>but the reference of sex doesn't matter in fiction called "Fate"
I think it kind of does, because it only ever goes in one direction. As far as I know there's no historical female figure who is made into a male character in Fate.

Good point.

sorry I forgot to mention that sex based on real greats. of course being female is important to pander nerds taste.

that guy was a briton though
I guess none of frances heroes are ethnic french

>that guy was a briton though
He has a different background in every story he appears in, like the Arthurian heroes.

no, he was a briton that lived in what's now france and Italian theatre populised him. there is no dispute over his nationality but the subhuman frogs lacking any sense of ethnicity will claim him to bolster their "achievements"

He was a minor mythological figure that first appeared in Chansons de gestes(French high medieval epics), whose backstory changed depending on the author, and who was popularized by Italian theater(this is the only accurate thing you've said in your post).

Wait, you actually believed he was a real person, didn't you? That's why you were making those outrageous posts.

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As far as latin languages go in regards to softness its:

Italian > French > Spanish > Portuguese

>shy personality
>Italian name
>cold-blooded bastard
> Neutral/evil

Mare is a fucking psychopath


based and good taste