Effeminate gay character

>effeminate gay character
>italian name

why japan?
why don't you call him sven or gustav

Attached: Mare.png (403x918, 287K)

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>draw a girl and simply say it's a boy
What did Japan mean by this? Can't they portrait traps a bit more accurately?

I met an Italian who looked like that but with black hair

Italian language is effeminate, names even more so. Scandinavian names are masculine and unfit for these characters.

You mean what, ugly smelly motherfuckers? That defeats the whole purpose.

italian is a bit childish
but finnish too for example

Nah, just more boyish proportions. Wider waist, shorter legs, larger chest, wider shoulders. Instead of drawing a girl in girl clothing and calling it a boy, draw a boy in girl clothing. I mean, they're already drawing boys in animu, just put girl clothes on them.

So they can brainwash a bunch of porn addicted retards to think it's possible for them to look like a girl too.

Perhaps this description is more accurate. Cute language either way. Haven't ever heard spoken Finnish, but their names are somewhat similar in this regard, too.

For what purpose?

Attached: wtf.jpg (960x791, 182K)